"What's the matter? Is there anything wrong?" Yue Qinghuan noticed Xue An's strangeness and immediately asked.

She had never seen such a shocked look on Xue An's face, as if something happened that he couldn't even understand.

Xue An finally recovered after hearing this, then slowly exhaled and shook his head, "Nothing!"

Despite this, his voice still trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Yue Qinghuan wisely closed his mouth and stopped questioning.

Because she knew very well that something must have happened that she couldn't understand, otherwise Xue An would not have been so gloomy.

But the question is what happened?

Is it okay just now?

Could it be that this mountain gate archway is different?

Yue Qinghuan couldn't help looking around, wanting to see what could shock Xue An so much.

But she never dreamed that the reason why Xue An was so gaffey was only due to the three words on the memorial arch.

Not Zhoushan!

In ancient Chinese myths and legends, this mountain is the Optimus Prime, and at the same time, it is the only way to communicate between the human world and the heavens except for the East China Sea Fuso.

Later, due to the incompatibility between the ancient Water God Gonggong and Vulcan Zhu, a great battle was caused. During this great battle, Gonggong ran into the mountains in anger, which eventually led to the collapse of the Tianzhu and the severance of the ground.

There was such a record in the article "Huainanzi ● Astronomy Training".

The sky is broken, the earth is boundless, the sky is tilted to the northwest, so the sun, the moon and the stars move away, and the earth is dissatisfied with the southeast, so the water is in the dust.

This means that because of the break of the mountain, the sky dome that lost its support tilts to the northwest, and the sun, moon, and stars move along with it, and the land in the southeast collapses, causing floods to fill the sky.

So the ancient legends such as Nuwa patching the sky and so on came out later.

This is a familiar story for almost every Chinese since childhood, and Xue An is no exception.

But no matter who it is, they just treat it as a myth.

Unexpectedly, he saw the real Bu Zhoushan in this outer sky today.

Although only half of it, Xue An still felt a great horror.

Because this at least shows one thing, that is, the ancient myths and legends of the Chinese people are not false, at least this Zhoushan is real.

And if Zhoushan does not exist, then Gonggong, Zhu Rong, and even Nuwa will also exist.

As a result, the whole thing became more convoluted.

Why does Bu Zhou Mountain, the ancient Chinese legend, appear here?

Where is the remaining half?

Who put it here?

Since these ancient gods are real, where have they all gone now?

Why didn't they appear in that Chinese catastrophe?

These countless questions flooded Xue An's heart, making him a little dazed, who had always been determined by Dao.

But soon he suppressed all the doubts in his heart, and said solemnly: "Let's go! That Xianzong Dongfu should be on the top of the mountain."

After all, Xue An strode to the top of the mountain.

Yue Qinghuan and Zhu Zhesheng looked at each other, they all didn't understand what happened to Xue An.

However, the two of them quickly put the question behind them, and followed after them.

And just as Xue An's group strode to the top of the mountain, the Zhaijia and Wushenjiao group finally passed through layers of hardships and came out of the light curtain.

When he saw the orange light curtain, Zhai Dewen immediately became excited and shouted: "My Lord Saint, here it is, this should be where the Immortal Cave Mansion is!"

When he said this, Zhai Dewen had a sore nose and almost shed tears.

Because after this journey, there are not many people left, and only a few elders and his own daughter are left behind.

The elite of the clan with whom he set off without exception, all died on the road for various reasons.

All this caused Zhai Dewen to feel great pressure, so when he finally saw the Immortal Zong Dongfu, he almost shed tears of joy.


I finally got it out!

At the same time, the saint of the witch **** sect led her subordinates to step closer, and after taking a look at the light curtain in front of her, she turned around and glanced at the old woman.

The old woman nodded at her imperceptibly.

This saint smiled her face, "Sure enough, it is Xianzong Dongfu, you really are the Patriarch of the hard work!"

Zhai Dewen shook his head quickly, "My Lord Saint is too polite, it's just a matter of Zhai! The key now is that this light curtain is obviously not where we are waiting, how do we go through the past?"

"Haha!" The saint chuckled, "Patriarch of the Patriarch will not bother you, I have been prepared for this!"

After all, I saw the saint waved to the person behind her.

These people of the witch gods sect immediately stepped forward, and arranged the formations of the law enforcement devices in their hands.

Zhai Dewen blinked, and he didn't understand what the shamanism was going to do.

Do you want to dance before this light curtain?

But the next second, his eyes opened instantly.

Because at this moment, when I saw these people of the witch gods, they suddenly shouted together, and then they began to recite a very strange scripture.

Along with the chanting, they also waved the magic weapon in their hands.

In the blink of an eye, the yin wind raged in the void, and a burst of black air kept rushing towards this light curtain.

These black gases seem to have some kind of extremely corrosiveness, once it is contaminated on the light curtain, it will corrode immediately.

However, in a moment, the light curtain dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then with a light click, a large hole was broken.

"Patriarch Zhai, please!" The saint said lightly, and then stepped into it.

Zhai Dewen shuddered, because he had learned the weird and terrifying witch **** cult for the first time.

But seeing Xianzong Dongfu was already in front of him, under the influence of greed, Zhai Dewen finally gritted his teeth.


The group of people quickly passed through the light curtain, but when they saw the lotus flowers on the lake, the saint could not help but change her color. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"No! Someone got on first!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was a commotion.

This is too desperate.

After all the hardships, I finally came outside the Xianzong Dongfu, but I didn't expect that someone had already made the first step.

The saint's face was pale, and Zhai Dewen was sweating profusely.

"How can this happen, who will be the first to board at this time?"

Zhai Zhuqing on the side suddenly paled and said, "It's a holy blessing."

"How is it possible that he is not locked in the Zuisheng Building in Linglong City?" Zhai Dewen couldn't believe it.

Zhai Zhuqing said in a trembling tone, "But he is the only one who knows this Immortal Cave Mansion besides us!"

"Don't worry about so much, now it's the most important thing to enter that mountain first. Looking at it this way, it shouldn't have been too long for Saint Zhu Zhe. We still have a chance!"

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