In the blink of an eye, the flames dissipated, looking at the empty ground, Zhu Zhesheng's tears burst into his eyes, and he fell to his knees with a splash.

"Father, uncle, have you seen it? The murderer who killed you has been punishable!"

As he spoke, Zhu Zhesheng wept loudly.

At this time, Xue An turned his head and looked at Shu Ling'er, the saint of the witch **** cult.

But just after Xue An's gaze stayed on her, Shu Ling'er suddenly made a decision that was unexpected for everyone.

But seeing Shu Ling'er suddenly stretched out her hand, several phantom witch gods appeared on the left and right in front of her.

Immediately afterwards, the phantoms of the witch gods attacked the elites of the witch **** sect.

That's right!

Shu Ling'er actually touched her.

Unexpectedly, many people were directly crushed by the witch **** without a hum.

Some quick-witted people wanted to escape or even resist, but how could they be Shu Ling'er's opponent.

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, the elite of these witch gods were slaughtered, leaving only Shu Ling'er standing there in the blood on the ground.

Such a **** and terrifying scene caused Yue Qinghuan to raise his eyebrows slightly, and his eyes became cold.

But at this moment, she saw that Shu Ling'er smiled at Xue An, "My lord, I want to have a few words with you alone, okay?"

Xue An's eyes flickered slightly.

Yue Qinghuan felt a little uncomfortable inexplicably, and couldn't help but say coldly: "What to talk about alone? What's there to talk about! Shu Ling'er, do you still want to struggle when you die?"

Shu Ling'er glanced at Yue Qinghuan, but the smile on her face did not change.

"Yue Qinghuan, my actions just now have proved my sincerity. I just want to talk to Master Xue a few words. Isn't this all right?"

Yue Qinghuan just wanted to say no, Xue An nodded suddenly, then waved casually.

An invisible barrier instantly enveloped the two of them, isolating everything on the outside.

Seeing this scene, Yue Qinghuan was stunned for a moment, and then stomped bitterly.

"Men are indeed a virtue. When a beautiful girl invites him, he will leave everything else behind! Can't you see that Shu Ling'er is not at all well-intentioned?"

Yue Qinghuan gritted his teeth outside.

And in this divine mind barrier, Xue An said calmly: "Now say what you want to say!"

Shu Ling'er didn't speak in a hurry, but first looked at the divine consciousness barrier with interest. When she was sure that everything that was happening here could not be perceived by the outside world, she said with a smile.

"What are you doing in such a hurry, can't you just chat?"

Xue An frowned slightly, "Is this what you want to say?"

With that said, he made a move to remove this barrier of divine consciousness.

Shu Ling'er gritted her teeth secretly in her heart, but she didn't change her expression on the surface, "Oh, sir, don't you be so anxious, I just don't know how to speak for a while!"

"Seriously, I really didn't expect you to fuse this ancient sky fire before this!"

"In fact, I have been coveting this Vulcan Palace for a long time. I just don’t know the specific location. The people of this Zhai family are so obsessed with their hearts that they actually invited us to find the Immortal Cave Mansion together. That’s why I personally went out and wanted this opportunity. !"

Xue An remained unmoved and listened quietly.

At this time, Shu Linger's face showed a touch of bitterness.

"Although I am a saint, this witch **** is a very realistic place, and the reality is almost cruel. If I can't be brave and diligent, it may not be long before I will be replaced by someone else, and there is only one fate for me. , That is to become the plaything of many elders, and finally die in humiliation!"

"I don't want to be someone else's plaything, so I have no choice but to become stronger, but I never expected that after waiting here, you absorbed Skyfire and successfully advanced!"

Speaking of this, Shu Ling'er suddenly raised her head, her eyes full of deep worship.

"Although you were only promoted to the Immortal Venerable, the strength you showed was so powerful that even the old guy Xuan Tongshu was not your opponent, and was killed by you with a single move!"

"What kind of power is this!" Shu Linger whispered softly with a fascinated face.

"You asked me to talk to you alone, just to compliment me?" Xue An said suddenly.

"Haha, of course not!" Shu Ling'er chuckled, then her eyes flowed, there are thousands of styles between Gu and Pan.

"Do you know why I suddenly attacked my own people, even the witch I trusted the most?"

Xue An didn't say a word, because he knew that Shu Ling'er would definitely continue speaking.


I saw Shu Ling'er smile, her eyes full of brilliance, "Because they are all obstacles."


"Yes, it hinders the existence of our union!"

Shu Ling'er said lightly, but these words were astonishing, and Xue An couldn't help being startled.

At this time, Shu Ling'er was full of excitement, "You are so powerful that you can even kill the quasi-sage-level elders with the strength of the Immortal Venerable. At the same time, you have absorbed the sky fire, and the future is unlimited! "

"And I am a saint carefully selected by the witch gods, and my talent is unique among hundreds of millions of people. As long as the two of us are combined, we will definitely be able to give birth to a surprisingly talented and outstanding offspring!"

"At that time, we will become the fairy companions envied by countless people, what do you think?"

Shu Ling'er said very excitedly, but to her surprise, Xue An did not have the excitement she had imagined, and there was not even a trace of extra expression on her face. Instead, she looked at herself with a strange look.

This made Shu Linger's heart stunned.

In fact, this idea grew in her heart from the moment she witnessed Xue An killing Xuan Tongshu with her own eyes.

Once it appeared, this idea grew wildly and it made her feel more reasonable as she thought about it.

But she didn't expect that this thing, which seemed to her to be sure, was unexpectedly cold.


She seemed to have thought of something, smiled faintly, and then stretched out her hand to undo the buttons on her dress.

The robe slowly faded, revealing a superb figure that loses one point and gains weight by one point.

Shu Ling'er smiled proudly, "My lord, I know what you are worrying about, but you can rest assured that I have been purifying myself since being a saint, so I am still innocent, so as long as you are willing, I can dedicate everything to you!"

A stunning woman who took the initiative to dedicate herself to this temptation is simply not something ordinary people can resist.


Xue An is an exception.

In fact, from the moment she took off her robe, Xue An turned her head and didn't even look at her from beginning to end.

After listening to Shu Ling'er's words, he just said lightly: "Are you finished? Is this what you want to talk to me alone?"

Xue An’s tone made Shu Ling'er feel a little flustered inexplicably, but she still smiled and said: "Yes, you..."

But before she finished her words, a dazzling, straight sword light blocked all the words behind her.

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