"Uncle Kuang! Uncle Zhang! It is indeed me, I am back!" Zhu Zhesheng said respectfully.

"Didn't it mean that you have died in the dungeon of the Zuishenglou?" a foreman asked.

"I really almost died at the time. Fortunately, Mr. Xue and Ms. Yue managed to rescue him, and only then escaped from the dead!" Zhu Zhesheng said.

At this moment, Uncle Kuang, the oldest and most prestigious among these foremen, said suddenly.

"Don't say anything else, leave here quickly, quickly! Don't delay for a moment!"

This sentence reminded the other foremen, who said one after another: "Yes, get out of here quickly! It's too dangerous here!"

"Go? Why should I go?" Zhu Zhesheng smiled.

Kuang Bo stomped his foot and said eagerly: "Before leaving, the Zhai family left an elder to guard here. At this moment, he is in the small building on the dock. If he finds out, you just want to leave. Not anymore!"

Zhu Zhesheng was moved when he heard the words, but he still said casually: "Uncle Kuang, don't worry, I am here to deal with these things this time, and this vein will return to my Zhu family in the future!"


These foremen were all shocked as soon as these words came out.

This Zhu Zhesheng is not stimulated by the successive blows!

Now that the Zhai family is flourishing in spring and autumn, it has reached a cooperative relationship with the top sects of the outside world.

This Zhu Zhesheng kept saying that the mineral veins should be recovered, isn't this a joke!

And if this is heard by the Zhai family, there will be no good fruit for blessing Zhe Sheng.


As soon as Zhu Zhesheng's words fell, he heard a three-pointed drunken sneer from afar.

"Who should I dare to say such crazy words? It turned out to be the remnant of the Zhu family back then!"

Following the voice, a beam of brilliance rose to the sky in the small pier in the distance, and came to everyone in the blink of an eye.

After showing his figure, he was a majestic old man.

I saw him drunk and smiled at Zhu Zhesheng, "The surname Zhu, you are really fateful, and you can escape from the Zuisheng Building, but if I were you, I should find a place to hide. It's not like running here to utter rants!"

Following the voices, the huge power enveloped the entire pier, which also made the foremen tremble at it.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhesheng did not have the slightest fear, but smiled very happily.

Even the elder of this zhai elder is a bit inexplicable.

"The surname Zhu, why are you laughing?" he shouted in a deep voice.

"What are you laughing at? Naturally you are laughing at your ignorance and foolishness! Your Zhai Patriarch is dead, but you are still here to show off your power, you really don't know how to die!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience shook.

The elder was even more horrified, his original drunkenness instantly turned into cold sweat and seeped out.

"You are talking nonsense, the Patriarch leads many elites and many masters of the Witch God Sect, how could something go wrong! You must be lying."

Zhu Zhesheng sneered twice, and didn't bother to talk nonsense with this elder anymore, but directly handed over to Xue An.

"Mr. Xue, please punish this officer!"

Until then everyone noticed Xue An, who had been standing next to him without speaking.

There is no other reason, it is that Xue An is too low-key nowadays, so low-key that it looks like a simple and unpretentious piece of jade, with the light and dust, and unremarkable.

But when I heard Zhu Zhesheng’s words, I saw Xue Anjian raised his eyebrows, "Okay!"

A good word was exported, without seeing Xue An's actions, a ray of sword light appeared out of thin air, and in an instant, it crossed the distance between the two and appeared directly in front of the elder.

The elder was so scared by the sudden sword that he still wanted to dodge, but as soon as he got the idea, he felt a cold neck, and then his eyes rolled up and saw his headless corpse.

So this is the feeling of death!

After this thought, the elder fell into eternal darkness.

One sword!

Just an understatement!

The body of the elder, who had always flaunted his might and prestige in front of many miners and foremen, was broken.

The audience was extremely quiet.

Then Xue An said lightly; "Is that so!"

Zhu Zhesheng nodded excitedly, "Yes! Thank you Mr. Xue!"

Xue An waved his hand, "It's okay, now I have eliminated the biggest obstacle for you, and it's up to you next!"


Zhu Zhesheng’s face was awe-inspiring, and he turned around and came to these foremen, and said in a deep voice: “I believe you have seen it. This Mr. Xue is the one who saved me from the dungeon of the Zuisheng Building. He is also the great benefactor who helped me destroy the entire Zhai family!"

With that said, Saint Zhu Zhe probably recounted the situation inside.

When I heard that Zhai Dewen and all the elites of the Zhai family were indeed dead.

The audience was in an uproar.

Because this is really incredible.

The Zhai family, who was still arrogant and arrogant three days ago, is already yesterday's yellow flower. How can this not be shocking.

But soon, the noisy scene gradually stabilized.

Everyone looked at Zhu Zhesheng and wanted to see what he planned to do next.

Just listen to Zhu Zhesheng's solemn voice: "I have made a decision that the Zhai family used all kinds of despicable means to plunder the mineral veins that belonged to my Zhu family. Now is the time to let others return to their original owners!"

"From then on, this mineral vein will be owned by my family again! Do you have any comments?"

In the face of Zhu Zhesheng's question, the audience was quiet for a short while, and then there was a boil.

"I have nothing to say!"

"Congratulations on the return of the old club!"

"I saw the Zhai family not pleasing to your eyes. They are also to blame for their extermination!"

In these shouts, the chief foremen were also beaming, and they stepped forward to meet again.

Zhu Zhesheng came back this time and saw the sinister heart of the people, and the means of being in the world have been greatly experienced, so a few words calmed the floating hearts of the people. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

At this point, he almost effortlessly regained control of the mining area.

With excitement in his heart, Zhu Zhesheng turned around and wanted to bow to Xue An.

But when he turned around, he realized that Xue An and Yue Qinghuan had long since disappeared.

At the same time, there was a calm voice in his mind.

"You have a good life in this mining area. If you find it useful in the future, I will contact you!"

With tears in his eyes, Zhu Zhesheng bowed to the sky a few times before turning and leaving.

At the same time, in that distant space, Yue Qinghuan asked: "Xue An, where are we going next?"

"Where to go?" Xue An smiled slightly, staring at the prosperous galaxy in the far distance, and said lightly: "Naturally, I will go back to Yue's house with you!"

Yue Qinghuan was shocked, "Really?"

"of course it's true!"

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