Even so, she hurried to catch up.

Although they have seen the shadow of the star veins, Wangshan ran away, and the two of them walked for a long time before finally seeing the full picture of this galaxy.

Even Xue An was shocked by this vast and huge star pillar.

"How is it? Isn't it spectacular?" Yue Qinghuan was very satisfied with the shocked look on Xue An's face, and couldn't help laughing.

Xue An reduced the astonishment on his face and nodded, "It's really spectacular!"

When I was in the heavens before, even the most powerful sect occupies only one star.

But I didn't expect that the handwriting of the ancient schools of Tianwaitian would be so big, directly living in a galaxy.

"The spectacular one is yet to come! Let's go, go home first!"

Yue Qinghuan led the way, leading Xue An and rushed to the Yue family.

But just before the two arrived at Xingmai, before they waited to fly in, they saw several Guanghua suddenly flying laterally, just blocking the path of the two.

Suddenly, Yue Qinghuan was caught off guard, and could only abruptly stop.

Even so, the two sides almost collided together.

After seeing the other's appearance, Yue Qinghuan couldn't help but change his face, and then said angrily: "Liang Dikang, Zu Deming, what do you want to do?"

That's right!

It was Liang Dikang and Zu Deming who stopped them from going.

I saw them grinning and rushing to Yue Qinghuan to bow their hands.

"Miss Yue, this matter has nothing to do with you, we are here specially for the man behind you!"

How smart is Yue Qinghuan, he immediately figured out the stakes in it, and could not help but said coldly: "Did Long Zhan let you come?"

"Hehe, don't worry about whoever asked us to come. Anyway, we have been waiting here for many days for this man!"

After that, Liang Dikang smiled slightly at Xue An, who was standing behind Yue Qinghuan, "Boy, if you are a man, don't hide behind a woman!"

"Yes, since you have the ability to rob women, don't persuade you at this time!" Zu Deming also said gloomily.

And just when the two of them were talking, the people who came with them had quietly dispersed, blocking all of Xue An's retreat.

The situation immediately became tense.

And this scene was naturally seen by the tabby cat hiding in the void in the distance.

It couldn't help baring its teeth, "It's broken, these guys don't seem to plan to be moral, they are ready to fight together!"

"Then I still can't do it now?"

The tabby cat hesitated a little, and finally decided to wait and see.

But it doesn't know, and at the same time, it's not just it observing in the dark.

In the tears of the beauty who separated from the Long family, Long Zhan was sitting in the red sleeved box, looking down at a light curtain on the table.

This light curtain is different from the general water mirror method, not only the picture is much clearer, but even the sound can be transmitted through.

This is a magic weapon that Long Zhan got in accidental circumstances back then, and the image can be clearly transmitted no matter how far away.

This time, Liang Dikang and others did things for him and cleaned up Xue An.

In order to be able to witness this "grand event" with his own eyes, he let it pass by with this magic weapon.


When Long Zhan heard the aggressive clamor of Liang Dikang and Zu Deming to Xue An in the picture, his face couldn't help showing infinite pleasure.

Boy, what if you can get Yue Qinghuan's heart by means?

Today I want you to become a **** in front of Yue Qinghuan.

In this case, I see what else Yue Qinghuan can do!

At this moment, under the attention of all parties, Xue An, who had been standing silently behind Yue Qinghuan, suddenly laughed, and then stretched out his hand and patted Yue Qinghuan's shoulder gently, preventing her from raising her eyebrows. roar.

"Needless to say so much, you just step aside, these people are coming to me, then give them all to me!"

Yue Qinghuan was startled, and then said embarrassedly: "But..."

She was worried about Xue An.

Because she knew both Liang Dikang and Zu Deming, she knew that although these people were not so powerful, they had experienced countless winds and waves with the help of the Long Family, which was extremely difficult.

Although Xue An has now been promoted to the Immortal Venerable, but in this outer sky, he still doesn't look enough!

Seeing her worries, Xue An smiled slightly, "Don't worry! I don't care about these people!"

Hearing these words, Yue Qinghuan's expression suddenly loosened.

Because she knew that if Xue An dared to say that, it proved that he had full confidence.

So he retreated very well knowingly.

However, although she was full of confidence in Xue An, Liang Dikang and others were irritated by Xue An's words just now.

I saw Liang Dikang sneered and looked at Xue An a few times, and then said gloomily: "Boy, I didn't expect your strength to be very good, but your tone is not small!"

"Really? I don't think so!" Xue An smiled lightly.

"Stop talking nonsense, do you know why we are looking for you?" Zu Deming shouted murderously.

"You and I have no grudges in the near future, and have never even veiled our faces before. Now I suddenly came to the door. It should be the instruction of that young Master Long!"

"That's right! Boy, you're not confused when you look at this, then how dare you faint and grab a woman from Long Shao?"

This remark made Yue Qing Huan's eyebrows stunned, and when he wanted to speak, Xue An chuckled.

"First of all, I didn't **** women from him. All this was just his wishful thinking. Furthermore, even if I **** women from him, what can you do?"

There is naked contempt in this understatement.

People like Liang Dikang and Zu Deming couldn't help but furious.

"Boy, I just wanted to teach you today. Since you are so arrogant, then I will let you know the rules of Heaven!"

Liang Dikang roared ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then bullied himself up, palm like a blade, and fell from top to bottom.

The speed of this palm was like a bolt of lightning, and a sharp blade wind blew up wherever it passed.

Undoubtedly, as long as you are slightly touched by this sword wind, even if you are a body made of fine gold, you will have to be cut in half.

This is exactly what Liang Dikang relied on to become famous.

And not only that, when Liang Dikang started his hand, Zu Deming on the side also moved.

He raised his hand and stretched out his two fingers, leaning forward, and the fingers passed directly through the void, and they came behind Xue An, and they could pierce the back of his head.

For a moment, the palm of the front was windy, and the back of his fingers pierced.

Xue An was plunged into a great crisis.

But he laughed.

And it was in this gentle and gorgeous smile that Liang Dikang and Zu Deming, who were supposed to have killed the young man in white clothes, were all shocked and felt a biting chill.

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