What a teenager this is!

He saw that his eyes were lacquered, his eyebrows were cut like a knife, his thin lips were slightly pressed together, and there was a slight smile on his face.

Although just sitting there simply, the whole person's temperament is like a orchid laurel tree, Yu Ying Xiaming.

Even Xue An, who is also a man, couldn't help but pause for half a beat after seeing the boy.

There is no other reason, it is that this young man is so pretty, so pretty to the point of enchanting!

"Hello, I am Yue Qinghuan's brother and the current Patriarch of the Yue family, Yue Shifang!"

The juvenile's tone is clear and clear, with a unique sense of beauty.

Yue Shifang!

This name made Xue An's brows gradually unfolded, and then the whole person relaxed, leaning lightly on the chair, and looking at the young man with a smile.

"Does it feel like a violation?" Yue Shifang asked.

"It's a bit!"

"There is no way. Others are fighting in all directions, but I am different. I am naturally handsome at least two times more than others!" Yue Shifang explained with a smile.

Despite this, Xue An can still feel a surge of domineering from the lines of his words.

"Do you know why I want to see you alone?"

As Yue Shifang said, flipping his wrist, the chessboard in front of him disappeared, replaced by a table full of exquisite tea sets.

"I heard that your tea art is good, can you let me taste it?"

Xue An didn't respond either, but directly sat upright, fiddling with the tea set like flowing water.

Charcoal is good charcoal that is crystal clear like a pearl, and water is good water that is like ice and jade, with a strong aura.

Even the teapot is a masterpiece of skillful craftsmen.

As for tea...

The illusion created by the transpiration over the tea leaves is enough to explain everything.

So in a short while, a strong tea fragrance swelled, and even overwhelmed the fragrance of flowers and plants in the courtyard, which made people fascinated by the smell of it.

Yue Shifang smiled without saying a word, watching quietly.

It was not until after cooking that Xue An handed him a cup personally, and he raised his slender hand to take it.

The teacup is as white as jade, and his hands are a bit more white than the teacup.

Looking at the tea in the tea cup that was almost jasper-colored, Yue Shifang chuckled lightly, "Sure enough, it's so good craftsmanship, I'm already drunk before drinking it!"

As he said, he drank the tea in the cup in one sip.

But maybe because he was drinking in a hurry, he suddenly began to cough violently.

Xue An didn't move, just sat on the opposite side and watched quietly.

It was not until a long time later that Yue Shifang slowly stopped his cough, and then raised his head.

Seeing him at this moment, his pale cheeks were filled with sickly flushes, and the trace of blood slowly leaking from the corners of his mouth was even more shocking.

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is it because you don't want her to see your sickness?"

Yue Shifang nodded, then casually wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and laughed at himself.

"I'm already a useless person in this way, so why bother to worry about her?"

"Then you plan to keep hiding like this?"

"How long can you hide it?"

The flower hall was quiet again, only the curl of water vapor rising from the tea cup proved that time did not stop.

Xue An lowered his eyes, suddenly feeling a little melancholy.

Because he never expected that the existence of the arsenal for himself in the heavens would be such an ailing young man.

Seeing Xue An’s loss, Yue Shifang smiled lightly: “I know you have a lot of questions to ask me, and I will also tell you everything I know, but the premise is that you need to have enough strength. Otherwise, even if I tell you, it will be harmful and useless!"

"What is sufficient strength?" Xue An raised his head, stared at Yue Shifang, and asked slowly.

"At least like me!"

Yue Shifang said lightly, and at the same time raised his eyes slightly, a breath of endless, like a starry sea suddenly emerged from him.


The flowers in the entire flower hall turned into nothingness in an instant, but in the next instant, these flowers were redrawn and shook with the wind.

The whole process is extremely fast, maybe even these flowers don't know that he has died once.

Xue An was horrified but horrified.

Because even though it was only fleeting, the breath still shocked Xue An.

Even in the heavens, Xue An never felt such a strong shock when facing the world-destroying finger that was rooted out of the sky.

This is a breath of countless dimensions more powerful than a saint...

At this moment, Xue An seemed to push a door open in front of him, and the power he once thought became extremely ridiculous.

"Do you feel it? This is called enough strength!" Yue Shifang asked extremely tired.

Although only a slight aura was revealed just now, it still caused great pressure on him.

It even darkened his eyes.

Xue An nodded, his expression becoming solemn, "This is... the realm above the saint?"

Yue Shifang nodded, "You can say the same!"

Xue An took a deep breath and suddenly thought of something. He suppressed the boiling blood in his chest, "Since you are so strong, then who has beaten you so badly?"

"Haha!" Yue Shifang laughed at himself, then gently turned the teacup on the table, "This is actually not a problem you should be concerned about now, because your strength is simply not enough to touch these!"

"But I can only say that this is a lot worse than the real murderers you want to know behind the scenes!"

Xue An was silent.

For the first time, he felt a complete sense of powerlessness.

It was as if an ant was facing a tall opponent as tall as Mount Tai.

Yue Shifang did not urge, but quietly looked at Xue An, who bowed his head and said nothing. His eyes flashed with expectation and sympathy, but he was more relieved.

If... he just gave up like this, it would actually be the most correct choice!

Because only Yue Shifang knew what a dangerous and difficult road this would be if he continued to walk.

But after only half a cup of tea, UU read www.uukanshu.com Xue An raised his head, the previous consternation was wiped out.

It was replaced by an almost ethereal calmness.

"Then what can I know now?"

This time, Yue Shifang was a little surprised.

Because he didn't expect Xue An to make a decision so quickly.

"Have you really thought about it?" he couldn't help asking.

"of course!"

"Haha!" Yue Shifang laughed again, and while laughing, he whispered to himself.

"I'm so stupid! I forgot that you are Chinese."

Then he narrowed his smile and turned to look at the scenery outside the flower hall, "It's been a long time since I left this flower hall. Can you push me out for a stroll?"

Of course Xue An would not refuse. He stood up and walked behind Yue Shifang, pushed up this special wheelchair, and walked out.

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