At the same time, in the dragon's house ten million miles away, it was almost a mess.

"Who is it that beat me like this!" a woman screamed hysterically.

The people were silent, and didn't even dare to lift their heads.

Because it was Long Zhan's mother, the concubine Ji in the thirteenth room of the Long Family Patriarch, and Mrs. Ewha.

This woman relies on the love of Long Yushu, the head of the Long Family, who is domineering and domineering, especially if she doesn't take people as a human being, she will be sentenced to death if she is careless.

Therefore, this Mrs. Ewha was also privately called the Living Hades by the servants.

Now her only son has been beaten up and the family spiritual doctor is rescuing it. No one knows the specific situation.

One can imagine how angry this arrogant Mrs. Ewha should be.

Therefore, people stayed away from her as much as possible, for fear of becoming a punching bag again.

Mrs. Ewha was pacing back and forth like an angry lioness, her face becoming more and more gloomy.

Now that the lord of the Long Family, Long Yushu, and many high-level elders are absent, she can be said to be covering the sky with one hand in the family.

Today she was admiring a few looted treasures, but she didn't expect this to happen.

Now her heart is full of tyrannical murderous aura.

at last.

The door was pushed open, and the Long Family's imperial physician walked out in sweat.

Mrs. Ewha immediately stepped forward, "How about Zhan'er?"

The spiritual doctor shook his head.

Mrs. Ewha was dumbfounded.

"Madam, please forgive us for doing our best. Now Long Shao is still in a coma."

Mrs. Ewha trembled all over, and she was about to run away.

The spiritual doctor hurriedly said: "Madam, don't worry, there is still good news!"

Mrs. Ewha's eyes lit up, "Say!"

"Because Long Shao is not infected with the fire poison, so at least his life is worry-free, but..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that we have exhausted various methods to completely remove this fire poison, and this fire poison is extremely overbearing. It not only eroded Long Shao's face, but also injured his soul, so..." The spiritual doctor was quite embarrassed. Said.

"So Zhan'er might never be able to restore his previous appearance, right?" The Ewha lady suddenly calmed down.

The spiritual doctor nodded, "Yes!"

"Okay, I see, you go down first!" Mrs. Ewha said coldly.

The spiritual doctor secretly breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly gave a deep salute, and then fled.

Because no one knows what Mrs. Ewha, who is always known for her brutality and cruelty, will do.

Especially when her only son was seriously injured.

And after the spiritual doctor had left, Mrs. Ewha rushed into the room.

The room was filled with a faint fragrance of elixir, and Long Zhan was lying quietly on the bed with a thick ointment on his face, apparently still in a coma.

Mrs. Ewha stood in front of the bed and watched quietly.

The black elixir was obviously made of extremely rare water-based elixir, and after applying it to Long Zhan's face, it was suffocating with cold air.

But even so, you can still see many red dots flickering below.

That is the remaining fire poison.

Relying on the suppression of the elixir, the fire poison did not continue to penetrate further, and reached a delicate balance.

But will Zhan'er live on this elixir mask from now on?

Also, what kind of spiritual fire is so overbearing in this outer sky?

These questions hovered in Mrs. Ewha's mind, causing her to take a deep breath, and then slowly said, "Zhan'er, don't worry, no matter who is the one who has committed the murderous hand to you, Madam will avenge you for you!"

After that, she turned and walked out of the room, and directly found Liang Dikang and others.

At this time, where did Liang Dikang and others still have the prestige before?

After missing an arm, their strength plummeted, and because of the damage to their souls, they would never want to be diligent in their entire lives.

Such a cruel reality made them dejected and depressed.

It wasn't until Mrs. Ewha came over that they calmed down a bit and bowed to salute.


Mrs. Ewha didn't even look at the injuries of Liang Dikang and others. She just gritted her teeth and said: "What the **** is going on, tell me from the beginning!"


Liang Dikang and others dared not hide it, so they told how Long Zhan approached them to vent their anger, and how they were defeated by Xue An.

After listening, Mrs. Ewha's eyebrows stood up, and she said in an infinitely bitter tone.

"Yue Qinghuan! It turned out to be Zhan'er who was the victim of your little bitch. Today, I must ask you to let the whole Yue family give me an explanation!"

With that, she turned around and left.

Liang Dikang and the others looked at each other, and they all saw the light on each other's faces.

This Mrs. Ewha is a famous guardian.

Long Zhan was seriously injured this time, and she would definitely not let it go.

If you really find the Yue Family to ask for an explanation, that would be great.

Maybe you can even get revenge for your own grudges!

At this point, Liang Dikang and others immediately followed.

And that was when Mrs. Ewha was about to rush to the Yue family aggressively.

Long Chaoming, who was blasted out by the second girl from the Yue family, just arrived.

"Mrs. Thirteen, what are you doing?" Long Chaoming asked strangely.

"It's Chao Ming, you came just right, now follow me to the Yue family!"

"Why are you going to the Yue family?"

Long Chaoming looked inexplicable, didn't he just come out of the Yue family? Why go back again?

"Vengeance!" Mrs. Ewha gritted her teeth.

Long Chaoming didn't understand, so he didn't understand what was going on until Liang Dikang explained it, and then he couldn't help being overjoyed.

This Mrs. Ewha has always been favored. Although her strength is not that great, she has a magic weapon personally bestowed by Patriarch Long Yushu, which can be described as extremely difficult.

Moreover, this time the Long Family is taking care of it. It is going to be a homecoming, and there may be unexpected gains!

With this thought in mind, Long Chaoming immediately said: "This Yue family really deceived people too much, and actually dared to hurt my Long family child, Madam Thirteen, let's go and ask for an explanation!"


This line of people went to the Yue Family to be violent. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

At the same time, in the flower hall of the Yue Family, Xue An finally woke up from consternation, and then lowered his eyes.

"Okay, I get it!"

Yue Shifang smiled, "Actually, you don't have to put so much pressure on yourself. This matter is complicated and far from being able to be solved overnight!"

"Actually I have one more thing I want to ask you!"

"But it's okay to speak!"

"You really lived for ten thousand years?"

Yue Shifang obviously didn't expect that Xue An would ask about this, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then chuckled lightly: "What do you think?"

Xue An shook his head, "I don't think it looks like it! Because your sister Yue Qinghuan is so old, if you really are an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, how can she be so old? Unless she is not a real sister!"

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