Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2269: Can you do something here?

This can't help making many people look at him with contempt.

After all, hiding behind a woman and stealing this kind of thing, as long as it is a spineless man can't do it.

The Yue Qing painting in the crowd suddenly had an idea, and then sneered, "Sister Qing Huan, I have to say that this man you are looking for is really useless!"

"Doing something but daring to do it or not, hiding behind a woman, what is it not to be useless?"

As soon as these harsh words came out, Yue Qinghuan's heart shook.

Of course she would not think Xue An was afraid.

But now that the outside world makes such comments, what would Xue An think?

After all, this incident was caused by myself in the final analysis!

At this moment, Xue An suddenly chuckled, then said lightly.

"Qing Huan, there is a saying in our hometown called "Small intolerance leads to chaos, do you know what it means?"

Yue Qinghuan let go of his heart, nodded and said, "Of course I know!"

"Yo-yo-yo, I will make excuses. If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan. I think you are obviously afraid!" Yue Qing's painting didn't care about this, and continued to ridicule.

Xue An seemed to have not heard these words, slowly raised his head, and said in a cold tone: "But I think sometimes, if you can't bear it, then you don't need to bear it anymore, what do you think?"

Yue Qinghuan just wanted to talk.

Xue An turned his head and glanced at the second girl who had never expressed any opinions from beginning to end, then slowly stood up and walked forward.


Yue Qinghuan just wanted to stop, but Xue An just said indifferently: "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure!"

In one sentence, Yue Qinghuan swallowed all the words that followed, and let the way go.

When he walked in front of the crowd, Xue An glanced at Mrs. Ewha who was angrily on the other side, and smiled slightly.

"I beat your son, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? I think it will kill you now!"

Mrs. Ewha roared, and the violent power came directly like a tide.

Concubine Ji who can become the Patriarch of the Long Family, Mrs. Ewha also has some means.

What's more, at this moment, he was angry and shot, and it was even more imposing.

But when this power came close to Xue An, it disappeared in smoke.

Then Xue An said calmly: "Can you do something here?"

This sentence is inexplicable.

But at the same time, the second girl sitting behind her lightly said: "This banquet hall has been getting so old, it seems that it should be rebuilt again!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xue An disappeared directly.

Mrs. Ewha suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart, and under the shock, she subconsciously stepped back.

But at this moment, Xue An's figure appeared in front of her, with blazing flames burning in her eyes.

Mrs. Ewha wanted to scream, but it was too late, but when she saw Xue An's palm fell, there were bright fireworks between her palms.


With a muffled sound, Mrs. Ewha, who had just been surviving, was directly shaken out like a kite with a broken line, and at the same time the flame spread in mid-air and turned into a burning man.


The audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that Xue An would make a sudden move, and the move was so simple and neat.

Yue Junze watched this scene dumbfounded, and the slightest dissatisfaction with Xue An before disappeared, and some were just deep admiration.

"Handsome! Really handsome!"

Just as he whispered softly, Mrs. Ewha suddenly roared in midair.

"Ah ah ah ah I am going to kill you!"

Following the voice, a strong wave erupted from her body, directly extinguishing the flame on her body, and then stood in the void.

Looking at her at this time, her whole body is shrouded in a light blue barrier, which is a magic weapon that Long Yushu, the Patriarch of the Long Family, bestows on her.

But despite the magic weapon to protect her body, Mrs. Ewha was also in a panic at this time.

Especially the hair that she is most proud of has turned into a ball of coke because of the flame, and even the top of her head still emits a curl of green smoke.

How could this not make her fall into a state of rampage.

"Die me!"

A light blue light directly blasted towards Xue An, and even the space it passed by was shaken by layers of ripples.

It can be seen that Mrs. Ewha hates her very much at this moment.

But this attack did not even touch Xue An's hair, Xue An disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already come behind Mrs. Ewha, and then blasted out with a punch.


There was another loud noise.

A layer of ripples appeared on the barrier on Mrs. Ewha's body, but she didn't even move. Instead, Xue An was shaken back dozens of steps.

Then Mrs. Ewha smiled grimly, "It's useless, this is a gift from the Patriarch, relying on you as the root..."


She wanted to say that it was impossible for you to break the barrier, but before she finished speaking, a wisp of sword pierced the barrier directly, and it just happened to be inserted into her mouth, violently A stir.

Huh boom boom!

The teeth of Mrs. Ewha's mouth were crushed by sharp sword lights at that time. The blood was dripping. She was shocked and angry, her figure retreated sharply, and finally avoided this almost mortal sword.

Looking at the blue barrier on her body, there was a big round hole in front of her. Although it was closing quickly, it still made Madam Ewha chill all over.

Because she really didn't know what method Xue An used to pierce this unbreakable barrier.

Not only her, but even the second girl's eyes flashed slightly, obviously quite surprised.

At this time, Xue An casually dispersed the sword intent in his hand, and said lightly: "What did you just say?"

The wound in Mrs. Ewha's mouth healed quickly, but even so, the missing teeth did not grow out in a while, so she was a little leaky when she spoke.

"Woshuo is like a backside!"


Madam Ewha suddenly exploded with an extremely bright light on her chest, and then she saw a spear that was like a substance protruding from the light, piercing Xue An with supreme might.

Wherever he passed, there was a faint dragon chant coming from.

"Shaking the Dragon Spear! The famous skill of the Long Family Patriarch!" someone exclaimed. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This is obviously a lore specially sealed by the Long Family Patriarch Long Yushu for Mrs. Ewha, just to use it at a critical moment, once used, it will have the power of his full blow.

And being able to become the Patriarch of the Long Family.......

At least it must be a saint-level cultivation base!

In the face of this strong blow, Xue An could not retreat, and instantly fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

The second girl's eyes moved slightly and she wanted to make a move.

But at this moment, a flame that was so weak that it seemed to be extinguished at any time suddenly appeared in the air and blocked the shot.


Passing the tip of the gun, the flame suddenly flourished, and then it quickly spread upward.

Under the raging flames, everyone present was shocked.

"This flame..."

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