Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2275: Pain is as sweet as sugar to sorrow

Yue Shifang worked hard to sort out the thoughts in his heart, and at the same time his head was swiftly moving, trying to find a perfect excuse.

At least you can't let these two girls think that they dare not drink because they are afraid of these two bowls of potion!


It must not be, I just don't want to drink it today!

Yue Shifang kept hypnotizing himself in his heart, cheering up for himself, and then habitually coughing twice.

"Ahem, in fact, I don't have anything, I don't have to drink these at all..."

Although he had plucked up his courage, somehow, under the gaze of the second girl, his voice was getting smaller and smaller, and in the end it had become inaudible.

The second girl frowned her pretty eyebrows, "Nothing?"

"Yeah! It's true that nothing happened, I can even fight ten more Long Family Patriarchs now!" Yue Shifang hurriedly explained.

"Haha! Do you think I would believe these? People in the flower hall, purely divinely confronted with the saint-level Long Family Patriarch in the air, this is an extremely detrimental behavior of the soul, so I think you are fine now, but the soldiers Is the time to reincarnate in advance?" The second girl snorted coldly.

Although Yue Shifang wanted to say that was not the case, he was still silent in the end.

Because what the second girl said is the truth.

At that time, in order to understand the danger that Xue An was facing, and to preserve the last bit of dignity of the Yue family, Yue Shifang disregarded his increasingly serious injuries and made a bold move, finally scaring away Long Yushu.

These things are easy to say, but in fact they cost him a great price. Although no specific estimates have been made, at least the time for him to reincarnate as a soldier is advanced by ten days.

He thought that only he knew all of this, but he didn't expect the careful second girl to have guessed it.

Looking at the silent Yue Shifang, the second girl softly explained.

"This bowl of medicinal soup is a prescription that I found from ancient books long ago. It is made by extracting the essence from hundreds of extremely precious heavenly materials and earth treasures through various exquisite methods, and then boiling them with the water of the spirit spring. Success, the most replenishing soul, if this bowl goes down, you can live at least one more month!"

Yue Shifang didn't believe the words of the second girl at all.

It's not that she doesn't believe that she has found a prescription, but that she can extract the essence of medicinal materials with "exquisite" methods.

After all, that is simply an impossible operation for a severely handicapped and dark food maker.

Therefore, after hearing the words of the second girl, he could only mumble softly: "I suddenly feel that the reincarnation of soldiers is actually not that scary..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Ah, it's nothing, I mean it's really hard for you. It must be very hard to make this bowl of medicinal soup!" Yue Shifang said with a smile on his face, composing himself.

The second girl's cheeks are red, "It's not hard, as long as I can do things for you, I will never feel hard!"

"It's just that I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in my belly today. Wouldn't it be a waste of such precious medicinal soup if I could not digest it properly? So, should I drink it tomorrow?" Yue Shifang said cautiously.

The second girl shook her head firmly, "No, because the drinking time of this medicinal soup is also strictly regulated, you must drink it within three hours after the medicinal soup is formed, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced...!"

Speaking of this, the second girl seemed to suddenly remember something, and suddenly patted her head, "It's broken, I just patronized the boiled sugar water and forgot the time. It should have been more than two hours now, come on! Drink this medicine, otherwise the effect will be compromised!"

With that, the second girl picked up the medicine bowl on the table and rushed to Yue Shifang.

Although Yue Shifang wanted to say something about girls, please respect yourself, Dalang, I still don't want to take medicine, but now he can't help it anymore.

The second girl at this moment is like a tiger going down the mountain, and he is a lamb to be slaughtered and can only be slaughtered.

When he was pinched open by the second girl, and then poured medicinal soup into it, Yue Shifang suddenly had an urge to cry.

Because... it's so **** bitter!

This medicinal soup seemed to have gathered the most bitter taste in the world, first the tip of the tongue was instantly ruptured, and then the entire mouth.

Because of his super strength, Yue Shifang's perception ability is extremely keen.

But at this time, this keen perception has become a greater torture.

Yue Shifang even felt that all his taste cells were tortured alive at this moment.

But this is not over yet. When the medicinal soup ran across my throat and flowed into the esophagus, muscles cramped into a ball wherever it passed, trying to prevent the medicinal soup from falling.

But everything is in vain, this medicinal soup is like a mighty army, cheering and rushing forward.

Finally, the medicinal soup fell into the stomach.

Yue Shifang even felt like he had been bombarded by a bomb in his stomach.

In an instant, the stomach curled up in pain.

But fortunately, all this is finally over.

Yue Shifang thought secretly in his heart.

Even though he had been crying bitterly, but at any rate they all passed.

But at this moment, the voice of the second girl came from her ears.

"Ah, why are you crying? Are you suffering? Come on, drink this bowl of sweet soup!"

The hair on Yue Shifang's whole body was erected instantly, and an ominous premonition made him want to resist.

"The girl can't help...ooh."

But the second girl's hand was so fast, before he could struggle, the bowl of sugar water on the table of UU reading was poured into it.

Contrary to the extreme bitterness just now, it is sweet this time!

And it's the ultimate sweetness!

In an instant, the torture just experienced was repeated again.

When the second girl finally released his hand, Yue Shifang looked at the ceiling of the flower hall with tears on his face, with only one thought in his mind.

who I am?

Where is this?

What just happened?

At this time, the two girls seemed to have noticed Yue Shifang's strangeness.

"What's the matter? Isn't it good to drink?"

With that said, she blushed and stretched out her hand to wipe the corner of Yue Shifang's mouth, then lightly licked her fingers.

A second later, a whimper-like cry erupted in the flower hall.


An hour later, the tortured and feeble Yue Shifang finally recovered.

Then I saw the second girl standing aside, bowing her head apologetically, like a child who had done something wrong and waited for the parents to criticize her.

"I'm sorry, I'm a fool. The medicinal soup and sugar water that are obviously quite good were messed up by me, and I told you to drink them all. I'm sorry!" Seeing Yue Shifang's recovery, the second girl couldn't help crying. Said.

Seeing the consistently strong second girl turned into this appearance, Yue Shifang's heart couldn't help softening, and he said something awkwardly.

"You don't have to be so sad, in fact... it's not so bad to drink!"

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