Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2285: Build power with blood

Unexpectedly, this Yue Junze actually had an indescribable resilience, and he had survived a few days of training.

Today's 50-lap cross-country running around the entire training ground was beyond everyone's expectations, because Yue Junze not only persevered, but also was faster than some soldiers with less basic foundations.

Because of this, Yue Junze won the respect of everyone.

At this moment, everyone has crossed the finish line and is recovering in breathlessness.

Because this cross-country long-distance race is not so simple, first of all, you must not use any mana cultivation base, and complete it purely on your own physical strength.

The second is that there is a time limit. If one person fails to complete the timeout, everyone will be punished.

This is an extremely inhumane rule, but fortunately everyone completed it within the stipulated time.

But just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Xue An's voice came.

"Lined up!"

With two simple words, the soldiers lying or lying down seemed to be electrocuted, and jumped up directly, and then began to line up at an extremely fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, all the soldiers returned to their positions, looking at Xue An neatly and solemnly.

Yue Qinghuan dragged the exhausted Yue Junze to the periphery of the team and watched this scene in amazement.

Who would have thought that such a banned team would still be in a mess a few days ago?

Only then did Yue Qinghuan fully understand why Xue An kept letting these soldiers practice running.

His purpose is not to exercise physical fitness, but to kill the arrogance in their hearts and let them produce a sense of obedience from the bottom of their hearts.

Only in this way can they finish it almost subconsciously after hearing Xue An's order.

Did he figure out this training technique himself?

Yue Qinghuan thought silently in his heart.

Seeing this scene, Yue Junze looked at Xue An's back with almost admiring eyes, then lowered his voice and said.

"Three sisters, the third sister-in-law is so amazing!"

"Bah, how many times have I told you, he is not your third brother-in-law, don't scream!" Yue Qinghuan took a sip, but his face was already red.

Yue Junze smiled, but in his heart he thought that the appearance of the third sister's refusal was really cute!

It can be seen that she definitely has this meaning in her heart.

Otherwise, if she were to be replaced by someone else, she would have gone violently long ago!

Xue An certainly didn't know what Yue Qinghuan and Yue Junze were talking about, and he didn't care about it either.

At this moment, he looked at these soldiers with a sinking face, and wherever his eyes passed, the hearts of these soldiers trembled.

There is no other reason, it is because of the devil training these days, Xue An has left too deep a shadow in their hearts.

Someone even secretly called him King Xue Yan.

Xue An did not pursue this, because he knew very well that he had too little time now. If he wanted to make this team reborn, he could only use iron and blood.

As for the title of King Xue Yan..., Xue An is actually used to it.

When Xue An scanned the entire team, he couldn't help nodding secretly in his heart.

Although the time is short, because the quality of these pawns is extremely high, coupled with the cruel training that is almost hell, so at this moment this team has a faint courage.

Especially after these people stood in line, the violent evil spirit that filled up was even more moving.

From these perspectives, this team can barely be called an elite division.

But if you want to get good results in the martial arts show, or even win the championship, this is far from enough!

Therefore Xue An said coldly: "Do you think you can be called elite now?"

As soon as this statement came out, these soldiers were a little surprised.


Isn't that enough?

You must know that the reason why they are so convinced of Xue An is that they can clearly feel their progress.

Hearing what Xue An means now, it seems to be much worse!

At this moment, Xue An said solemnly: "I know, many of you must be thinking at this time, is this not enough? Then I will tell you now, not enough! And it's still far, far away!"

"Yes! You are indeed banned, and there are a few shadows of elite soldiers, but this is only on paper, because the real elite soldiers must have seen blood!"

There was a low uproar in the audience.

Many soldiers showed dissatisfaction on their faces.

Xue An didn't say a word either, just watched quietly.

It wasn't until the sound of the riots gradually calmed down that he said coldly, "Do you think what I said was wrong? After all, almost all of you were once strong, with the blood of countless enemies in your hands?"

"But that's just your personal bravery. If you want to build an invincible teacher, your personal bravery is not enough. You must use your blood to condense your momentum and hone your unity, so that you can truly mature!"

With that, Xue An turned to look at Yue Qinghuan who was aside.

"I remember you told me before that there is a group of interstellar pirates hidden in a star field that is only three days away from here?"

Yue Qinghuan was taken aback, then nodded, "Yes, but..."

Yue Qinghuan suddenly understood something. Just about to speak, Xue An waved her hand, motioned her not to say anything, and then looked at the soldiers again.

"Have you heard that, just three days away from your Yue family, there are interstellar pirates who dare to run rampant. What does this mean?"

"This shows that your Yue family's power is gradually dissipating, otherwise they will not dare to entrench your eyelids with the courage of these interstellar pirates!"

The audience was silent.

Someone tried to refute, but was silent in the end.

Because what Xue An said is the truth.

But the three-day journey is like the doorway of home to the vast star field.

And this interstellar pirate dared to occupy the door of the house grandiosely. Does this mean that the Yue family should not be taken seriously?

"So next I only have one order, which is to use your hands to tear up this pirate, so that they understand that the majesty of the Yue family cannot be challenged, and this battle will also be your first step to prove yourself!"

"Because only you as a whole have passed the test of blood and fire before you have truly entered the threshold of elite soldiers, so..."

"Do you have confidence?"

"Yes!" The audience moved sensationally.

"I can not hear!"


The sound even shook the ground under his feet. UU reading

Xue An nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, then set out now and use the enemy's blood to stain the road under your feet red!"

With an order, it was as if the beast cage had been opened, all of these soldiers, with red eyes, rose into the sky like bloodthirsty beasts, and flew towards the distant void.

Yue Qinghuan stared at this scene blankly, shaking uncontrollably.

Yue Junze on the side was already crying with excitement, and suddenly shouted: "San brother-in-law, let me go too, I've seen those brave pirates not pleasing to my eyes, I will kill them personally!"

Xue An also liked this Yue Junze, but it was really a headache for him to call him.

For example, just after this sound, Xue An felt a pain in his eyebrows, and a sorrowful consciousness made his whole body stand up.

He couldn't help saying silently: "Yan'er, don't make trouble!"

Then he coughed slightly, "No screaming in the future, let's go!"

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