The banquet hall has already been set up, waiting for Xue An and others to take their seats.

As soon as they were seated, all kinds of delicacies and delicacies were served like flowing water.

Xue An smiled at the soldiers.

"You have worked hard in this battle, and today you will no longer have any restrictions. Let's vent as much as you want!"

It was not until he ordered that the soldiers began to eat and drink.

Some people even wandered up after eating.

Xue An didn't stop, because he knew very well that this battle was a severe test for the soldiers, and the huge pressure made them breathless.

Now it's finally over. Naturally, I have to vent it, otherwise it will be more troublesome to accumulate in my heart.

For a while, the banquet hall became extremely lively.

Everyone wanted to find Xue An to toast.

But Xue An went uncharacteristically this time, just moved a few chopsticks to eat, and then quietly got up and said to Yue Qinghuan who was on the side.

"Come with me!"

Yue Qinghuan had also noticed the strangeness at this time, so after hearing Xue An's words, he immediately got up and followed.

The two left the banquet hall and walked directly to the backyard.

Many people in the banquet hall hadn't noticed the two of them leaving. Even if they noticed, only a few people had guessed something vaguely.

As for the others, they were completely immersed in joy and excitement at this moment, drinking as much as they wanted.

After leaving the banquet hall and turning around a few corners, the entrance to the backyard stood in front of him.

When I got here, the surroundings became extremely quiet.

The two worlds are completely different from the noisy banquet hall.

Yue Qinghuan's lips pressed tightly, and there was a faint panic in his eyes, and even his body was trembling slightly when he was walking.

Xue An, who was walking in front, said suddenly: "Don't worry, your brother is fine now!"

After saying this, Xue An paused, and then said softly: "Even if something happens, I will be there!"

Hearing these words, Yue Qinghuan trembled all over, then lowered his head and responded in a low voice.


Xue An strode forward, but he, who had never looked back, certainly would not see the tears in Yue Qinghuan's eyes that could almost melt people.

Crossed the courtyard gate, walked through a section of veranda, and then came to the flower hall.

When they walked into the flower hall, they heard a light laugh from the flower hall.

"I said they will come!"

It was Yue Shifang's voice, but at this time, although he was laughing, there was a clear and discernible weakness in his voice.

Xue An didn't say a word either, but just opened the bead curtain and walked in.

I saw Yue Shifang sitting in the flower hall with his back to the door, while the second girl was standing aside, with no sadness or joy on his face.

But it is this extreme calmness that makes people feel desperate.

Even after Xue An and Yue Qinghuan came in, the two girls didn't say hello, but just stood there like a wooden sculpture of clay.

"Second sister..."

She didn't wake up until Yue Qinghuan called her softly, and then lowered her head.

"I'm going to pour tea!"

After that, he turned and left.

At this moment, Yue Shifang also said suddenly: "Qing Huan, follow along!"

Yue Qinghuan took a deep look at Yue Shifang's back, then nodded, "Okay!"

After the two of them were gone, Xue An was silent for a moment before he said in a deep voice, "Is it too much to hold it?"

"Hehe, it's not that you can't hold it, it's just that the body collapsed earlier than expected because of several hands-on actions!"

As he said, the wheelchair slowly turned, revealing an old face.

If the appearance of Yue Shifang before was like a handsome young man, then he now has become a middle-aged old man.

Wrinkles and gray hair made him look very haggard.

But the most striking thing is his eyes.

I saw the once shining eyes, but now they were shriveled, and even the eye sockets were deeply sunken in, looking very hideous.

"Have vision collapsed?" Xue An asked.

Yue Shifang nodded, "I can't see it at all."

The tone is calm, as if talking about a trivial matter.

Xue An was silent.

Yue Shifang smiled, "I didn't expect the second girl to drink tea. Now I really want to drink your tea!"

Xue An sat directly across from Yue Shifang and began to make tea.

After a while, the fragrance of tea wafted out.

Then Xue An handed it a cup by himself.

Yue Shifang stretched out his hand to take it, and couldn't help but smile after taking a sip.

"Good tea skills, I didn't expect that you not only led the soldiers first-class, even this tea skills are so good!"

Xue An still did not speak.

Yue Shifang sipped slowly, until he drank the tea in the cup, he whispered.

"Congratulations on this victory. To be honest, I really didn't expect you to trigger the martial arts rules, start the advanced martial arts, and win the final victory!"

Xue An raised his eyebrows, "You all know?"

Yue Shifang laughed, "Do you think I'm really blind?"

With his laughter, the dignified atmosphere before was relaxed.

Then Yue Shi reached out his hand, "Let me touch your little sword!"

"Do you even know this?"

"Hehe, I have lived for tens of thousands of years anyhow, so naturally there are some means you can't imagine!"

Xue An took out the small sword and placed it in Yue Shifang's hands.

Although Xiaojian was extremely sharp, but after reaching Yue Shifang's hands, he was very docile, and even when Yue Shifang gently stroked the sword, he did not hurt him at all.

Yue Shifang's complexion gradually became awe-inspiring, UU read and then gently placed the small sword on the table.

"Do you know the origin of this sword?"

"of course!"

"tell me the story!"

Then Xue An recounted the story of Jiansan Shen Suqian.

After hearing that Jian San was dead, the wrinkles on Yue Shifang's face trembled, and then sighed lightly.

"Do you know the origin of this woman?"

Xue An shook his head, "I don't know!"

"It's okay if you don't know, but you must remember that unless you have to do it, you must never show it to the public, otherwise you will suffer a catastrophe! Understand?" Yue Shifang said.

This reminder is exactly the same as what the Yuehua Zhongjun from the Yin Yang family said before.

Xue An couldn't help being silent for a moment, and then asked: "Is her origin... deep?"

"Very deep, and it's as deep as you can't imagine!"

"It's a pity that she died in the heavens where you are, so many things can be matched..." Yue Shifang muttered to himself.

Xue An also fell into contemplation.

The strength of that sword three Shen Suqian is not the best among the heavens, but her origins are even secretive to Yue Shifang. What is going on?

And why don't they want me to show this little sword?

After thinking for a moment, Xue An gave up.

Because there were too few clues to reason at all, Xue An simply stopped thinking about it, but looked at Yue Shifang.

"How long do you have?"

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