"Oh? Since you are not refining the pill to bring the dead back to life, what are you refining?" Xue An asked with a smile.

Cha Wenliang raised his head proudly, "I am conducting an extremely great research. If it succeeds, it can subvert the entire universe!"

"Can I see it? I also want to know what kind of research is enough to subvert the entire universe!" Xue Ankan talked.

Ao Shu behind him squeezed a cold sweat for him.

Because she knew her master's temper too well, she might get angry if she said something wrong to him.

Unexpectedly, in the face of Xue An’s questioning, Cha Wenliang did not get angry, but said with interest: "You really want to know?"

"of course!"

"Well, come with me!" Xiru kanzagyi.cc Xiru

Cha Wenliang happily stepped off the platform and walked back.

Ao Shu was a little stupid.

Xue An smiled at her, "Let's go! Let's take a look at your teacher's great research."

With that, Xue An took a step and followed.

Ao Shu looked at Xue An's back suspiciously.

She didn't understand why the always grotesque and moody Master suddenly became so talkative when facing Xue An.

Only Xue An knew why.

In fact, although Cha Wenliang had a weird temper, he was a very simple person.

As long as you understand his temper and follow his meaning, it is easy to get along with him.

of course.

The premise of all this is that you can understand him and understand his mind.

It happened that Xue An was able to do this, so he managed to scratch Cha Wenliang's itch in a few sentences.

A group of people followed Cha Wenliang to a corner of the backyard. There was a house standing there, and it looked nothing strange from the outside.

Cha Wenliang walked to the door triumphantly, "Today I will let you see what is truly great research."

With that said, he stretched out his hand and opened the door.

The whole process did not show any brilliance. It can be seen that this door is an ordinary wooden door, and even the simplest defensive runes have not been blessed.

Including Ao Shu, everyone's eyes instantly turned to the room behind the door.

Unexpectedly, the room was empty, and there was nothing strange.

This is the so-called great research that Zha Wenliang is proud of?

Just as everyone was puzzled, suddenly, they saw a curl of green smoke floating in the room.

These green smoke quickly condensed and turned into a fat monster in the blink of an eye.

"Wow, so cute!" Ao Shu couldn't help saying.

Because this monster is huge, but a head occupies 90% of the body, and on the head are slightly funny facial features, which makes it look very cute.

But after seeing this monster, Zha Wenliang's eyes were full of pride, "Come here!"

Hearing his order, the monster wafted up to Cha Wenliang and said two words vaguely.


Cha Wenliang nodded contentedly, then turned to look at Xue An.

"Can you see any clues?"

Xue An frowned slightly, stared at the monster for a moment, suddenly raised his head, and said in a deep cold tone: "Are you making a soul?"

As soon as this statement came out, Yue Qinghuan was also very displeased.

Cha Wenliang laughed, "Good eyesight, that's right! I'm really making a soul, and it is my most successful experiment so far!"

"How? Is this the greatest study?" Cha Wen Liangzhi said triumphantly.

But this time, the only response to him was silence.

Because Xue An also fell into a deep shock.

You must know that the soul is the most mysterious and mysterious place, although there are many things that can sprout spiritual wisdom as long as they grow old, such as the ginseng doll Aqi I met when I entered the valley before.

But this kind of naturally sprouted intelligence is completely incomparable with the human soul.

This has also led to an increase in the difficulty of their cultivation hundreds or thousands of times, while the human race proudly declares that they are the longest of all souls.

From ancient times to the present, it is not that there have been people with amazing talents trying to unlock the secrets of the soul, but without exception, they have all failed.

And they all suffered extremely violent backlash, and the end was very miserable.

So that all the doctrines that involve the soul have become an absolute taboo, and no one dares to get involved.

Unexpectedly, this Cha Wenliang would be so courageous, not only to study souls, but even boldly trying to make souls, but also successfully made a test product.

This will definitely cause an uproar if it goes out.

Seeing everyone's reaction, especially Xue An's silence, Cha Wenliang sneered. Minus bxwx.CO 汜

"Why? Scared? What you said just now made me think you should not be a vulgar person, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

As he said, he turned around disappointed and said coldly: "Get out! You are no longer welcome here!"

It took only a few seconds from the initial excitement to the face change, which is evident from this Cha's gentle mood.

But Xue An did not leave, not only did not leave, but also walked a few steps forward, and came to the test object.

"Why don't you leave, UU reading www.uukānshu.com has to let me order to evict guests?" Cha Wenliang shouted coldly.

Xue An laughed, "You seem to be only the size of a three-year-old child!"

"So what? At least it was made by me a little bit. Having a sense of wisdom has proved that I chose the right direction, but I still lack skills!" Cha Wenliang said coldly.

"Then how long have you been stuck here?" Xue An asked again.

This time Cha Wenliang's complexion became a little awkward, "Well... it's been ten years!"

But later he explained without giving up, "But I have made a big breakthrough recently, and it is estimated that I will succeed soon!"

"Breakthrough? Are you talking about the pill furnace that just exploded?" Xue An said with a faint smile.

As soon as this remark came out, Ao Shu felt a little in his heart.


With the master's temper, how could it be possible to stand Xue An's tone.


Seeing that Cha Wenliang's complexion changed wildly, a murderous intent rose in his eyes.

"Are you taunting me?"

Xue An was not moved at all, as if the power that was coming over his face was just a breeze, and said lightly: "Of course not, I'm just telling a fact!"

"The surname is Xue, before I change my mind, get out quickly, otherwise I will let you survive and die!" Cha Wenliang said gloomily.

Xue An laughed, and suddenly said, "Don't be so anxious to rush me away. I will leave naturally after I have asked a few questions. First of all..."

Xue An's eyes are full of glory, "What is the meaning of your soul making?" Mi He Mi

"Why should I answer you?" Cha Wenliang sneered.

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