"Invincible, start with Dad Xianzun (!

At this time, Yue Hechang was actually prepared for the worst, so he asked his son Yue Junze to quickly transfer the young people in the family.

After all, that was the fire of the Yue family.

As long as they are alive, the Yue Family can survive.

Unexpectedly, when Yue Hechang and many in-laws' elders were ready to die.

The fleets of the Long Family and the Sima Family did not change, but continued to patrol slowly in the distance.

"What do you mean? Are these two families not planning to do something?" an elder asked in a whisper.

Yue Hechang's face sank like water, "Is it because they are so invigorating and moving the crowd to show off in front of us?"

"Then why don't they do it?"

Yue Hechang took a deep breath, "It is estimated that we want to use this method to exhaust our spirit, let us mess up ourselves!"

Speaking of this, a touch of mockery appeared on Yue Hechang's face.

"Unfortunately, their wishful thinking was wrong. As descendants of the Yue family, we would rather die than succumb!"

This sentence also made the expressions of many old parents-in-laws startled, and the boiling aura before condensed.

But this kind of condensation does not mean low momentum.

On the contrary, everyone's eyes became very determined.

And this scene was naturally seen by Long Yushu and Sima Chongchao among the two flagships.

Sima Chongchao said impatiently: "I really don't understand, what we have to wait for, just based on our current strength compared with the Yue family, it is undoubtedly a win if we directly rush over, why wait here?"

Long Yushu chuckled, "You don't understand, this Yue family has obviously felt the pressure from us now. Under this circumstance, they will surely form an iron plate inside. At this time, although the offense can also be victorious, it also means A great price will be paid!"

"And if we wait here for a period of time, and wait until the spirit of these people is exhausted, the fear of death will naturally make some timid lives uneasy. When we do it again, we will naturally get twice the result with half the effort!"

Sima Chongchao curled his lips when he heard the words.

In fact, he understands all these principles, but because of the hatred of the broken palm, he now hates the people of the Yue family.

Especially now, the main headquarters of the Yue family is right in front of him, and he really wished to rush into it now, and capture all the women who had hurt himself and the second girl into his hands, so that he would be ravaged, so as to eliminate the hatred in his chest.

But since Long Yushu had said so, he had no choice but to restrain himself and waited quietly.

At the same moment, there was another person who had the same mood as Sima Chongchao, and that was Xi Menhao hiding in front of Yue Shifang's grave.

Seeing Xue An, who was drinking tea with Yuzai, Ximenhao couldn't help contacting Pan Ruomei with his spiritual thoughts.

"When the **** have to wait until? How about doing it now!"

Pan Ruomei looked at Xue An in the distance with obsession.

To be honest, as an adult's subordinate, she has also seen countless young talents, but no one has the vigor of the white-clothed boy in front of him.

Especially when he was sitting in Naan and tasting tea, the kind of elegance and handsomeness that leaked from the bones made her heart-stuck.

Even she didn't want to do anything anymore, she just wanted to watch this picture quietly forever.

Therefore, when Ximenhao's urging sounded from her sea of ​​knowledge, she couldn't help frowning.

"What's the hurry? It's not time to do it yet!"

Ximenhao had seen Pan Ruomei's strangeness a long time ago, so he couldn't help but said, "Looking at what this guy looks like now, I don't know when he will wait? If someone urges you, how can you explain me?"

"Ximenhao, you don't use the name of an adult to press me down, I have my own measure of this matter, you don't have to talk too much!" Pan Ruomei responded coldly.

Ximenhao was almost furious.

But helpless, in terms of strength, he was really inferior to Pan Ruomei, so he had to reluctantly suppress the anger in his heart and stared coldly at Xue An in the distance.

In his opinion, this was originally a very simple task, as long as he found a way to open the tomb and take away Yue Shifang's body.

Unexpectedly, Pan Ruomei seemed to have fallen into a demon and refused to say anything.

While his heart was burning, Xue An, who seemed to be drinking tea leisurely, had already quietly infiltrated the tomb with his spiritual consciousness, and was connected to the entire planet's circle.

So Xi Menhao and Pan Ruomei, who thought they were hiding in secret, were actually seen through by Xue An a long time ago.

It's just that he didn't say a word.

"Gluttonous, waiting here disguised as me!" Xue An ordered.

The ancient gluttonous beast that had been conquered by Xue An in Linglong City immediately appeared, and then disguised as Xue An's appearance.

Not only looks, but even temperament is perfectly imitated.

And the whole process is seamless, and no one can detect it at all.

And just after the gluttonous food appeared and took his place, Xue An had dived into the ground and came under the tomb.


Xue An smashed the heavy planks of the coffin with a fist, and then Yue Shifang appeared inside.

At this time, Yue Shifang was wearing mourning clothes and looked terrifying in this deep cave.

But Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids, and dragged him out of the coffin that was buried upright by pulling on his foot.

At this time, Yue Shifang was as thin as a skeleton, without any vitality.

Even Xue An had to sigh at this moment that Yue Shifang's pretending to be dead was really flawless.

Xue An took Yue Shifang and sneaked down the deep tunnel.

Wherever they passed, the seals on the four walls of the cave were lit up in turn, and layered on Xue An and Yue Shifang's body.

If there are outsiders who are exploring the outside world at this moment, they will be surprised to find that Xue An's breath is gradually disappearing.

As for Yue Shifang, it was as if it had never existed.

Soon, Xue An brought Yue Shifang to the bottom of the passage.

This is the core of this planet, but it has been hollowed out by Xue An, forming a huge square.

There is a huge furnace in the middle of the square, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Cha Wenliang is busy with something by the furnace.

When Xue An arrived here with Yue Shifang, Cha Wenliang wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It just happened, the liquid medicine in the pill furnace has been boiled, so quickly wake him up and put it in!"

Xue An nodded, and then put Yue Shifang on the ground.

At this time, Ao Shu stepped forward, looked at Yue Shifang, who was as thin as a skeleton, and couldn't help asking: "Brother An, can he really wake up like this?"

Xue An smiled, "It should be possible!"

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