An Yan looked strangely at the steaming medicinal table.

How could there be sand in such high-level meals exclusively for practitioners?

"I'm full, you guys eat, I'll go down first!"

With that, Xue An stood up and walked out.

An Yan got up and wanted to follow, Xue An shook his head gently at her.

An Yan understood, and then sat back again.

As for the two little girls and Ao Shu, they were devouring the medicated food on the table at the moment, and they didn't even notice it.

Xue An walked out of the private room, and the shop Xiaoer who was waiting in front of him immediately greeted him.

"Do you have any instructions from the master?"

"Oh it's nothing, I just turn around when I'm full!"

With that, Xue An threw another piece of spirit crystal in his hand.

"I may have to come back later. You are waiting carefully for the people inside. You can eat whatever you want, understand?"

"Yes, yes, I understand, don't worry, I will serve several young ladies!" The shopkeeper nodded and bowed, his face full of joy.

After all, the two spirit crystals that Xue An rewarded him today are worth the usual one month's income.

Xue An nodded, "By the way, if there are people waiting to enter the box..."

The shop Xiaoer immediately said solemnly: "You can put one hundred and twenty hearts on this. Our medicated food workshop is not an ordinary place. No one dares not abide by the rules here!"

Xue An smiled, "That's good!"

With that, he turned and walked downstairs.

At the same time, when he saw his figure reappear in the lobby on the first floor, the men in the corner looked at each other, and all of them were eager to try.

However, the boss gently shook his head, and then pointed his finger at the plaque outside.

Beckon them to be safe and restless.

These few had no choice but to suppress the thoughts in their hearts and prepare to wait for the opportunity.

But they didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

But seeing Xue An walked through the hall on the first floor without anyone else, and walked outside.

Seeing this, these people were overjoyed and immediately followed, but they were stopped at the door.

"Sorry, some of you haven't checked out yet!" a burly shopkeeper smiled.

The boss snorted coldly, raised his hand and threw out a few scattered spirit crystals.

The shop Xiaoer took it in his hand, but there was a sneer on his face, and then turned slightly to his side.

The men rushed out immediately.

But after such a delay, where is the slightest figure of Xue An?

Several people are a little upset.

But at this moment, he saw the scarred man pointing to the ground under his feet.

"Is that that kid?"

Everyone looked away.

Sure enough, a figure in white clothes was walking on the ground in the distance.

Mazi-nan was overjoyed when he saw this, "Good boy, you actually ran to the rally to hang out, you really deserve to be unlucky!"

Everyone immediately landed on the ground.

At this moment, among the distant crowd, Xue An was wandering leisurely.

I saw him look at the stall on the left for a while, and then at the goods on the right, as if he was a leisurely and contented manner.

There are many people here. Although these people are willing to work, they can only endure and follow behind silently.

Soon, Xue An went shopping for most of the street, and it seemed that he wanted to continue shopping.

The scarred man finally couldn't hold back, "Boss, when are we going to follow this kid? If you want me to say, it's better to tie him to a secluded place by hand, and after a few punishments, don't worry about him Don't speak!"

"Yes, looking at this kid's pustule look, it is estimated that we will have to pee after a little fright!" Mazi Nan also said.

But the boss was still a little undecided, although after following this path, he had already determined that this white-clothed boy was indeed the immortal Venerable cultivation base.

But somehow, there is always a lingering haze in his heart.

This gave him a vague premonition.

While he was hesitating to make a decision, he saw Xue An stepping out of the crowd, speeding up and walking forward.

"Quick, keep up, don't let him run away!"

These people immediately followed.

And Xue An seemed to have noticed that someone was tracking behind him, and the speed under his feet was getting faster and faster.

Suddenly, he had left the bustling market and arrived at a remote place.

Seeing this scene, the spirits of the people who followed were refreshed, and they were overjoyed.

Isn't this looking for death?

The boss also relaxed his vigilance, speeding up his pace and rushing forward.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between them and Xue An was much closer.

Then the boss sneered: "Boy, if you still want to survive, I advise you better not to run forward!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Xue An slowed down very obediently, and finally stopped in front of a deserted city wall, and slowly turned around.

"Are you chasing me?"

"Nonsense, who can you chase if you don't chase?" The Scar Man grinned.

"Boy, some of our brothers just came here, and they are all nervous, so I want to borrow some money from you, I don't know if it will work!" Mazi said also.

A look of fear appeared on Xue An's face.

" much do you want to borrow?"

"How much you want to borrow depends on how much you have! Of course, the more the better!"

Seeing Xue An being so "honest", the arrogance of this pockmarked face became more and more arrogant, and even the voice of his words became a little louder.

"I... I don't have much in my hand, but there are... tens of thousands of high-grade spirit crystals!" Xue An said with "trembling". UU reading www.

"How much do you say?" The boss exclaimed.

"It's just tens of thousands..."

The scar man, the pockmarked face, the man with rims, and the so-called boss, the four looked at each other, and they all saw the ecstasy in each other's eyes.

This is a huge wealth!

Even the average small sect cannot have such a large sum of spirit crystals.

This kid is really a fat sheep worthy of the name!

Penalties were not even used, just a little frightened and the fright was all spoken out.

Therefore, the four people immediately stabilized their minds. The boss stepped forward and said with a smirk: "This little brother, since you have tens of thousands of spiritual crystals, why not lend us all of them? Don't worry, when the time comes I will definitely not treat you badly!"

"Is there interest?"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I said, is there interest?" Xue An asked, blinking.

"Yes, there are! Of course there is, you say how much interest you want!" The boss promised repeatedly, but he was sneer in his heart.

What a ghost who doesn't know how to die. At this time, he still thinks about interest!

Xue An also laughed at this time, and then said embarrassedly.

"Actually, my interest rate is not high..."

"Oh, what interest do you want and you can't just say it! So what are the mothers-in-laws doing!" Scarman said impatiently.

Xue An raised his head, still with a shy smile on his face.

"The interest I want is just a few people's heads!"

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