Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2391: Successfully photographed

A housekeeper standing behind the young man led the way.

The young man's anger remained unresolved, and he looked at the metal component outside the glass window that had already been hammered down, without saying a word.

A beautiful woman next to her gave a chuckle when she saw it, and then stretched out a pair of delicate hands to refill the young man with a glass of wine.

"Why is Shao Lian so angry? Come on, calm down with a glass of wine!"

The young man turned his head and glanced at the woman, then suddenly wrapped her in his arms, and smashed his hands severely.

After her hair was scattered and panting, the young man released her hand and leaned against the chair with a gloomy expression.

The woman leaned on his shoulder lazily, and said in a coquettish tone: "Lian Shao, what's the matter with you? Why are you so concerned about that piece of broken copper?"

"What do you know? Although others don't know that thing, I can see that it is clearly a component of a certain armor suit, and how precious an alchemy armor suit is, presumably I don't need to say more! "

The woman's eyes flowed, and she nodded her head seemingly, "It turns out that it is, the people in the box opposite obviously also know this? No wonder they would **** that thing from Lian Shao you!"

The young man sneered, "What if I know? On this planet, I don't even get what Yu Ting wants!"

While talking, the housekeeper who had gone out before returned.

"How? Did you find out who it was?" Lian Yuting asked in a deep voice.

"Hui Lian Shao, I just asked, and found that after the auction had started, a total of two groups of people entered the venue, one of which was from the Si family, but I found that they were sitting in the hall. As for the other wave..."

"Who is the other wave?"

"One of the other people in the group is Mo Changhong, the shopkeeper of the medicinal food workshop here!"

"Mo Changhong?" Hearing this name, Lian Yu Ting suddenly sat up, his face turned very ugly.

"Are you sure?"

"It's already confirmed, it's her!"

"If it were her, this would be a bit difficult!" Lian Yu Ting stood up, walking around with a gloomy expression.

According to his assumption, he originally intended to intercept and **** on the way home after finding out who the other party was.

But if the other party is Mo Changhong, then you can't do this.

Lian Yu Ting still has this self-knowledge.

Even if Lianjia had a great influence on this planet, it was still far worse than the backstage of the Medicinal Food Workshop.

But if he just let it go, he felt a little unwilling.

While he was hesitant, suddenly, another housekeeper hurriedly walked into the box.

"Lian Shao, a letter from the Patriarch!"

"Huh? Why did I write a letter just after I came out?" Lian Yu Ting was a little confused.

The housekeeper stepped forward and murmured something in Lian Yuting's ear.

After Lian Yu Ting finished listening, the anger on his face instantly dissipated, replaced by excitement and joy.

"This is real?"

"The Patriarch personally ordered it down, how could it be fake!"

"This is great. When these distinguished guests arrive, I see who dares to be rampant, as for what Mo Changhong...not to mention!"

Lian Yu Ting happily happily, suddenly thought of something, "When will the distinguished guest arrive?"

"They had already left when they received the news, and they should arrive soon!"

"Okay! It's too late, let's go back and prepare!"

With that said, Lian Yu Ting turned around and left, without the slightest nostalgia.

As for the other subordinates, they left behind.

The woman stood up in a daze, and after hesitating for a moment, she followed.

The people from Lian's family just left.

In the second box of Dizi, Mo Changhong looked at Xue An in amazement.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me with such a look?" Xue An said lightly.

Mo Changhong took a deep breath, "It's nothing, I just want to see what a local tyrant who can take out more than 10,000 spiritual crystals at random looks like!"

Xue An smiled faintly, "Do you see it clearly now?"

"Well, see clearly!" Mo Changhong nodded.

"Then go!"

Xue An got up and went directly to the backstage of the auction house through the VIP passage in the box.


Including this auctioneer, many people from Tianhe Auction House are eagerly waiting here for Xue An's arrival.

When Mo Changhong and his party walked into the backstage, the auctioneer immediately greeted him and said with a smile on his face: "Mo shopkeeper, I didn't expect you to be so interested in this alchemy artifact. I just installed everything. , Do you want to take it now?"

Mo Changhong coughed slightly, and then pointed to Xue An on the side, "I think you must have made a mistake. It is not me who photographed this thing, but him!"

The auctioneer was stunned.

He had received news before that the person who said that it was the second box of Dizi was Mo Changhong, the shopkeeper of the medicinal restaurant here.

This naturally made him mistakenly believe that Mo Changhong bought this item.

Unexpectedly, the buyer was someone else.

But who is this boy in white?

I haven't seen it before!

The auctioneer thought about it, but the smile on his face grew brighter.

"It turns out that this young man bought it. This is really..."

Before he could finish his polite remarks, Xue An threw a storage ring directly.

"Okay, let's hand over!"

The auctioneer immediately closed his mouth obediently.

It can be seen that the young man in white obviously dislikes his politeness.

Therefore, he simply finished the handover of the relevant affairs. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Then handed the box containing the components to Xue An with both hands.

After Xue An got the box, he turned around and left without stopping for a moment.

This also made me want to talk a few more words, even if it is to leave a contact information, so that the person in charge of the auction will be a little confused in the future.

He has never seen such a cold guest.

In fact, he also misunderstood Xue An.

The reason why Xue An was in such a hurry was actually because he felt the danger around him.

Even though Lian Yu Ting's eye-catching eyes were blocked by the box formation, he still felt it.

Although the feeling of being spied on disappeared again, Xue An decided to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

It’s not afraid, it’s just that I don’t want to get involved in these things too much.

Soon, Xue An walked out of the Tianhe auction house with Xiao Hulu and two daughters.

"Where are you going now? Should you go back to me first?" Mo Changhong asked.

Xue An shook his head, "No, Cha Wenliang has already returned to the hotel to wait for us, so let's leave!"

"Well then, if you have anything, you can come to the medicated restaurant to find me at any time!"

Mo Changhong reluctantly said goodbye to Xiao Hulu and missed him, and then left.

But Xue An led the crowd back to the hotel. As soon as he entered the room, Xue An set up layers of arrays to isolate the surroundings.

Then he took out the lot and handed it to the little gourd who was already eager to try it.

"This is the thing you want! Open it and have a look!"

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