"Hmph, I have never seen the world. Let me tell you the truth. This Shen Gaoge's strength in the Shen family is not the top one. The most powerful second son Shen is still practicing in retreat. If he comes, it is estimated that the whole pharmacist No one in the league is his opponent!"

Speaking of this, Su Fei looked proudly surprised.

"If it weren't for me, would such a character stay at your Lian's house?"

Lian Yu Ting nodded again and again, his face was flattering.

"Yes, yes, all this is due to your face, Su Shao, if I can cling to the big tree of the Shen family, I will have to thank you!"

"Hmph, let alone those useless, I'm almost exhausted along the way, quickly find a place for me to rest!"

"Yes, yes! It's already been prepared for Su Shao, please here!"

Lian Yu Ting nodded and bowed before leading the way, and soon brought Su Fei Jing to a magnificent place.

After seeing the extravagant furnishings and the delicious wine and food on the table, Su Fei nodded in satisfaction.

"Yeah! Well done!"

"Hey, what is this, look at this!"

As he said, Lian Yu Ting clapped his palms mysteriously.

In an instant, there was a sound of footsteps from behind the curtains of the room, and then a team of women came out together.

These women are all dressed in revealing clothes, and all of them have good looks.

"Shao Shao, these are all specially prepared for you, are you still satisfied?" Lian Yuting smiled.

Seeing this scene, Su Fei couldn't help but pleased his eyebrows, and then patted Lian Yuting's shoulder again.

"Good! Good! You really are a wonderful person, you have a heart!"

With that, Su Fei's shocked eyes were almost full of light.

During this period of time, he was really frustrated. First, he went to Luoshengu to eat a closed door, and when he came back, he went to Shen Jiazhuang's grandson. Even on the way, he had to serve Shen Gaoge carefully, for fear of angering this again. A killer.

As a result, this also caused the string in his head to keep taut. Until today, seeing so many beautiful wine lovers, did he find the feeling he had before.

"Shao Shao is polite, then I won't bother you to rest!"

With that said, Lian Yuting walked out with a smile on his face.

The moment the door closed, the smile on Lian Yu Ting's face instantly disappeared without a trace, then he straightened his body and commanded in a cold voice.

"Be optimistic about this place, no matter if there is any noise inside, you are not allowed to enter!"


Then Lian Yu Ting strode away.

He is very busy now, because he has to find the person whom Shen Gaoge said within three hours.

But his heart is fiery.

Because if you can really get along with the Shen family through this incident, it will be a great thing for yourself and even the entire Lianjia.

Speaking of this, we must first briefly introduce the relationship between Lianjia and Su Feijing.

Lian Yuting was surprised by Su Fei who met in a very accidental situation.

When he learned that Su Fei was shocked by the famous Su Family Young Master, his attitude immediately became hot, and he began to greet him deliberately in order to be able to climb the big tree.

After all, even the power of the family is not at the top in this pharmacist alliance, let alone in this huge sky.

So there is an urgent need to reach an object that can be attached to.

Su Fei was surprised to also enjoy Lian Yu Ting's unrestricted flattery, so the two quickly became hot.

Later, Lian Yu Ting often gave Su Fei surprises, so that he would not forget himself after he had a good deed.

But this time it happened that Su Fei and Shen Gaoge were coming to the Pharmacist Alliance, so he sent a message to Lianjia in advance, asking them to receive them well.

Lian Yu Ting couldn't help being ecstatic when he learned that it was a descendant of the Shen family who had a higher status and stronger strength.

This is also the reason why he uttered wild words at the auction before.

At this moment, his heart was full of enthusiasm, and he immediately mobilized the connections and resources of the entire Lianjia family, and began to trace the person Shen Gaoge was looking for.

At the same time, in a hotel in the city, Siming Qi was frowning and looking at the map on the table.

The map shows the detailed architectural distribution of the entire Yangcheng County, and just above the inn where Xue An and others stayed, a circle was redrawn with red pen.

Si Guangzhong didn't dare to say anything, just watching Si Mingqi circling the map in a circle.


Si Mingqi stopped and slammed the table.

"I've decided, I'll do it tonight!"

"Do you want to do it?" Si Guangzhong asked.

"Yeah!" Si Mingqi nodded heavily, and said with cold light: "I have a hunch that tonight will be our last chance. If you miss tonight, you will never want to get that thing! "

Si Guangzhong couldn't help showing a fierce light when he heard this. After all, he was the first to handle the Loujia incident, and now he may not have a chance to get it, so he is naturally full of anger.

"Okay, then do it tonight!"

"But we have to plan in detail before we start, and we can't act rashly, otherwise it's easy to fail!"

"Well, I'll listen to you this time, do whatever you tell me, the only thing I want is the life of that kid and that little bitch!"

Si Guangzhong remembered Xue An's sword revenge and Hulu's brutal and inhuman beating in front of so many people.

In this murderous situation, a careful planning began.

And the beginning of everything must start from the time when the lanterns first appeared.

When night fell, Yangcheng County lit up thousands of lights.

Si Mingqi led the group out of the hotel, and then winked at everyone behind him.

In an instant, this group of people merged into the vast crowd ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and disappeared.

After an hour, they will meet again in front of the hotel where Xue An is staying.

And it is at this time, in that company's home.

Su Fei walked out of the room in shock and contentment, behind him was a **** slaughterhouse.

"Well, the goods you are looking for this time are not bad, but they are too casual, and they are all dead if they are not fun! Next time, remember to find someone who is strong!" Su Fei said calmly.

"Yes! I will pay attention next time." Lian Yu Ting hurriedly lowered his head in response.

Su Fei stretched out in shock, and then shuddered slightly. The blood and stains on his body were all shaken down, and his usual tidiness was restored.

"How is it? Did you find the person you were looking for?"

"Back to Young Master Su, I have found it, and that person lives in an inn in Yangcheng County!"

Speaking of this, Lian Yuting gritted his teeth secretly.

With his connections and relationships, investigating the whereabouts of a person in this city couldn't be easier.

And he also knew at the same time that the person he was looking for was the boy who was with Mo Changhong today.

But he didn't tell Su Fei these things to surprise.

Because in his opinion, what if the people from the Medicinal Food Shop participated in this matter?

Now that the Shen family makes a move, no matter who it is, they have to retire.

At this moment, the ground under his feet trembled suddenly, and then a sword light suddenly arrived like a lonely shadow under the moon.

After showing up, it was Shen Gaoge.

"Are you ready?" he said coldly.

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