Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2398: 1 sword lonely than fireworks

That's right!

This sword really seemed to have included the entire world, and it was overwhelmingly powerful.

Xue An looked solemn and raised his sword to greet him at the same time.

If Shen Gaoge's sword seems to destroy the world, then Xue An's sword is like the Great Wall of Sword Qi that stretches for thousands of miles, blocking all the evil spirits.


The two swords collided in a moment.

The space shattered in an instant, and the waves aroused crazily spread far away.

Su Fei, who was standing in the distance, exclaimed in surprise, and immediately dodged away.

Before he left, he hadn't forgotten to pull up Lian Yuting, who was already looking silly.

Even so, they were a little too late, and they were affected by the surplus of sword energy, and they instantly shattered Su Fei's robes.

As for Siming Qi and others on the ground, it was even worse.

Except that Siming Qi was quick to see the opportunity and dodged in a timely manner, which was considered to have saved his life.

The other Si's subordinates hardly even had time to hum, they were directly minced into mashed flesh by the leaked sword energy.

And this is just the beginning.

But seeing the two people in the sky, there are only two sword lights moving in and out, colliding with each other from time to time, stirring up thousands of waves.

Si Mingqi, who was watching this scene, felt cold in his heart, and his whole body who was hiding in the corner was shaking into a ball.

Because he didn't know when the inn that kept shaking would collapse.

In fact, if it hadn't been for the dozens of Yinjue blessings left by Xue An before, the entire inn would have already been shaken by Jianwei.

Even so, the entire inn was still shining brightly, and it was fighting the aftermath of Jianwei.

And it was precisely because of the existence of these seals that everything that happened here was suppressed in this inn, and the outside world was totally unknown.

But at this moment, Shen Gaoge suddenly stood still.

At this moment, he no longer had the calmness he had just started. Although he was still romantic in black, the black band on the back of his head didn't know when it was disconnected.

The black hair was scattered, making him look a little embarrassed.

He panted slightly, staring at Xue An, who also appeared on the opposite side.

Xue An is going to be much better than him. Although he has also gone through a thrilling kendo competition, he is still calm and relaxed, lifting weights lightly, and there is not even a trace of wrinkles on his clothes.

Seeing this scene, Shen Gaoge's complexion couldn't help becoming more solemn.

If the sword at the beginning was because he underestimated the enemy and didn't use all his strength, then he used all his strength in the fight just now.

The result was still nothing, and even he was slightly at a disadvantage.

This is horrible.

Could it be that he is not the opponent of this white-clothed boy?

Do not!

The people of the Shen family, like the sword of the Shen family, never lose!

At this point, Shen Gaoge's eyes couldn't help showing a madness, and then he looked up.

"Such a good night, wouldn't it be a pity if it were to be covered up like this?"

With the voice, but seeing Shen Gaoge step forward, he cut out with a sword.


This sword was slashing on the light curtain that protects the entire inn.

Unlike the previous Yuwei Sweep, this sword directly acted on the light curtain, and it also made the entire light curtain flicker crazily.

At the same time, countless stars fell down from the sky and instilled into the light curtain, trying to repair and fight against Shen Gaoge's sword.

The light curtain built by Xue An actually corresponds to the stars in the sky, and it is precisely because of this that it is so tough, and at the same time makes the entire inn a world of its own, isolated from the outside world.

Shen Gaoge was horrified, he never thought that his sword could not smash this layer of enchantment.

At this time, he also faintly felt the blessing of Xue An from this level of enchantment, and his eyes could not help but show a resolute color.

"Come again!"

As he said, he cut out with a single sword.


This sword accurately slashed at the previous position, and the entire light curtain finally groaned overwhelmedly, and then shattered with a click.

When the light curtain broke, all the information from the outside flooded in like a tide.

The sound of laughter, conversation, and quarrel mixed together, bringing the whole inn back to the world.

But in the next second, these sounds almost disappeared.

Because the crowds on the streets around the inn looked foolishly at the sudden appearance of Xue An and Shen Gaoge in the sky.

In fact, there are not many people in the sky at this moment, but the two of them are the most eye-catching.

Because the boiling sword intent on them seemed to boil the sky, making people afraid to look directly.

"What's the matter? When did these two sword repairers appear?" someone exclaimed.

But the old man who had cleaned up Si Guangzhong before was shocked, and then blurted out: "No, get out quickly, these two people have to fight their swords!"

Before he finished his words, he ran away without hesitation.

Many men followed closely behind him.

And their evacuation also caused a commotion among many people around.

Just at this moment, with the sound of rumbling cannons, fireworks flew into the sky.

The firework show before the fair officially began.

Those brilliant and colorful fireworks dazzled the sky strangely.

Because of the height, these fireworks actually bloom around Xue An and Shen Gaoge's body. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

The bright fireworks covered many things, and at this moment, Shen Gaoge took a deep breath.

This breath seemed to swallow the whole world in his belly.

In a short time, the sky full of stars gathered at the top of Shen Gaoge's head, and instilled frantically.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Gaoge's already tyrannical sword power took a step further, making his eyes full of craziness.

"Hahahaha, you are proud to be able to force me to use this trick! Go to hell!"

Shen Gaoge shouted, and then cut out a sword.

This is a sword more lonely than fireworks.

It seems to be condensed with billions of stars, bright and unparalleled, but indifferent.

This kind of strong contrast caused this sword to shake the whole world.

Above Shen Gaoge's head, a raging sword intent rose to the sky, like a volcanic eruption, lighting up the entire night sky.

"This sword..." Someone lost their senses.

"That boy in white is dead!" Someone sighed lightly.

At this moment, a beam of brilliance happened to pass through the endless void and flew over Yangcheng County. The veiled woman in the brilliance happened to see this scene and couldn't help screaming.

But even she has no time to stop all of this.

Therefore, she could only watch the sword fall helplessly, her eyes full of sadness and intolerance.

But at this moment, in front of this sword light that was even more lonely than fireworks, a red lotus suddenly appeared, and then!

The trembling bloomed.

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