Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2408: 2Langshen's request

Chapter 2408: Erlang God's Entrustment

"This...this..." The Nine Heavens Profound Girl couldn't believe her eyes, but the familiar aura contained in the Jade Decision was telling her that all of this was true.

"I think you should know who left this to you!" Xue An said lightly, and at the same time passed the Yujue in his hand.

At the moment when she received it in her hand, tears came from the eyes of Jiutian Xuannv, her fingers trembling slightly and stroking the jade decision.

"He... is he okay?"

Xue An sighed, "He is dead!"

Although I knew the result when I saw this jade decision, when Xue An said it personally, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl still couldn't help groaning.


Then there was a whimper like weeping blood.

Xue looked at him quietly, his eyes full of feelings and depression.

This piece of jade was obtained from Erlang Shenyangjian who was trapped by Liheng Tianjun when he was exterminating Lihentian.

At that time, Yang Jian would rather die in order to escape the shackles of Hate Tianjun, but before dying he entrusted Xue An to let him bring this piece of jade to someone.

He didn't say the name of this person clearly, but just told Xue An, as long as he saw this person, he would naturally know.

After that, Xue An almost tossed through the entire heavens, and never met the person Yang Jian said.

Waiting for the arrival to the outside world, Xue An did not forget Yang Jian's dying entrustment.

But Tianwaitian is more than ten times bigger than those heavens. If you keep looking for it like this, I really don't know when it will be the head.

But it never expected that Xue An would meet the Empress Xuantian just at the second stop of the Queen of Heaven.

Although Xue An was still fighting Shen Gaoge at the time, when the Empress Xuantian revealed his aura, Xue An immediately concluded that this was the person Yang Jian entrusted him to find.

Because above that jade decision, there was obviously a very weak aura.

This is the reason why Xue Anhui did not hesitate to come to the medicated restaurant with her.

After crying for a long time, Jiutian Profound Girl gradually stopped her grief, and then raised her head, looking at Xue An with red and swollen eyes.

"He... didn't he say anything?"

Xue An quietly for a moment, and then whispered softly: "He asked me to tell you, he doesn't regret it!"

This sentence seemed like a heavy hammer, causing the Jiu Tian Xuan Girl who had just calmed down a little bit to shake her whole body.

"No regrets...but you don't regret it, what about me? Why do you want to leave me alone in this world? Do you know how lonely I am?"

The more she whispered, the more desperate the look on her face, and soon a strong will of death sprang up in her eyes.

In fact, the reason why this Nine Heavens Profound Girl can live lonely in this outer sky for thousands of years is because the faint hope in her heart supports her.

But now, after hearing the news of Yang Jian's death, even this last glimmer of hope was shattered.

So she also sprouted a will to die.

At this moment, Xue An sighed quietly.

"Why? Just like this, are you ready to give up the godhead and everything that you have so hard to keep?"

"Do you know what Yang Jian did for your survival, and what did everyone give?"

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl Huo Ran raised her eyes and stared at Xue An.

Xue An remained unmoved, and continued to say: "When I found him, he had been imprisoned in a lonely world for thousands of years, and he would suffer cruel punishments every once in a while, even if In this way, he still did not give up, but persevered stubbornly until my arrival!"

"And you, and the missing gods also survived with the help of a miraculous light, so are you really ready to give up like this? If so, then you can die now, just.... "

Xue An's face showed a touch of sarcasm, "Just like you, what right do you have to call yourself a Chinese god?"

These words really seemed like a bolt from a blue sky, pointing straight to the soul of Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

She lowered her head and remained silent for a long time, and when she raised her head again, her eyes had restored the former clarity and she had no desire to die.

"Thank you!"

"Don't thank me, thank him if you want to! He is a true god!"

"Yeah! He is a true god!" Jiu Tian Xuan Nu repeated it, suddenly remembering something, and raised her head and said to Xue An.

"Go to a place with me, I have something for you!"

Mo Changhong stood in the corridor, looking at the closed door, his head was still full of question marks.

It's been a while since the female emperor brought Xue An in, what are they talking about?

Also, why does it seem that the female emperor seems to value this Xue An very much.

Could it be...

Mo Changhong suddenly thought of a possibility, which couldn't help making her tremble all over, even if she looked at the door almost inconceivably.

Is it really possible?

But the age gap between them is so great, and Xue An already has a family...

Just as she was thinking about it, the door of the room suddenly opened.

Then the Nine Heavens Profound Girl stepped out of it, followed by Xue An.

The Empress's eyes were red, as if she had just cried.

At the sight of this scene, Mo Changhong's heart was shocked again, even if Xuan bowed her head deeply, she did not dare to look again.

"You stay here at the medicinal restaurant, and remember to take care of the people in the inn. He and I will leave for a while and will be back in a few days!" Jiu Tian Xuan Nu ordered.

"Yes!" Mo Changhong responded quickly.

"Let's go!" Nine Sky Profound Girl said to Xue An, and then flew to the sky one by one.

Before leaving, Xue An said to Mo Changhong again, "Remember to tell my wife and let her not worry about me!"

After speaking, he followed and left.

Looking at the direction the two are going away, UU reading www. The thoughts in Mo Changhong's heart were tumbling.

Just left?

It seems...what I just thought may really be true!

Leaving aside Mo Changhong, who was ignorant and suspicious, Xue An quickly left the planet with the Nine Heavens Profound Girl and flew into the void.

Even at his speed, trying to keep up with this Nine Heavens Profound Girl is a little bit powerless.

However, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl quickly noticed this, and then slowed down a bit.

"It's weird, your realm in kendo and divine mind is very high, but the actual cultivation base is very poor!"

Xue An smiled, "No way, after all, I have only been here for more than a year in total, so I will come to this Pharmacist Alliance to find a way to improve my strength as soon as possible!"

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl nodded, "Then you come with me, this thing should help you improve your strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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