Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2419: I mean like a sword and life is like grass

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"Leave here immediately, and hide as far as possible!" Xue An said in a deep voice.

In fact, there is no need for him to remind, the people present already knew how urgent the situation was, so they immediately began to run frantically outside the planet.

After all, they were lucky to survive the sword just now, but can they have such good luck next?

Until then, many people didn't understand why this Shen Hongyi was called an unfeeling swordsman again.

Because in her eyes, human life is nothing but grass and mustard that can be harvested at any time, which is not worth mentioning.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl hesitated a little, "Xue An, you..."

"Don't worry, I'm sure to beat her, but I can't do anything about you here!"

As he said, Xue An smiled at her, "What? You still don't believe me?"

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl pondered for a moment, and finally nodded, "Okay, then you be careful!"

After speaking, she also got up and left.

Because she saw Xue An's determination in his eyes.

So she understands that at this time, any persuasion is useless, it is better to leave here and let him let go of his hands and feet.

In an instant, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl had already left the people she had brought clean.

And not only them, but the members of the Si family run faster than anyone else.

After all, the Si family also saw the battle that just happened in the sky just now.

The terrifying lethality shown by both sides made many people's hair horrified.

Now that there is a chance to escape, naturally you can run as far as you can.

Si Mingqi is naturally no exception, but he didn't run too far, he just came to a corner in the void outside, then stopped, and looked at the planet solemnly.

There is no other reason, he just wants to know the result of this battle as soon as possible.

Because the result of this battle is directly related to his survival.

You must know that although he is currently the head of the Si family in name, he knows better than anyone what kind of volcano is hidden under his position.

After killing his father and seizing power, Si Yicheng, who was about to support himself, was killed.

Now, in the eyes of the Si family, he has no father and no mother, and exists by all means for the sake of profit.

The reason why no one said anything before was because Xue An and the Nine Heavens Profound Girl were under pressure, and no one dared to doubt it at all.

But now the Shen Hongyi, the Shen Hongyi who has a thousand troops to avoid the red clothes, suddenly arrived and disrupted all the plans.

Simingqi couldn't even imagine what Xue An would end up if he were defeated and died.

So if anyone in the field today cares about Xue An most, it must be him.

At the same time, on this already silent planet, Shen Hongyi looked at Xue An and said lightly: "Are you finished?"

Xue An nodded, "Okay, let's get started!"

Shen Hongyi chuckled, "Seriously, I really can't imagine what you can do to deal with me now. Your realm is obviously extremely high, but your strength is very poor. Like a child with skill but no strength, there is no chance of winning in front of me!"

"Is there any chance of winning? You have to know after you have played it! Don't talk nonsense, let's get out of the sword!" Xue An said softly.

"Okay, then I will let you understand today!"


The sword that grabbed Tianqing came out like a thunder, and hit Xue An with the momentum of Wanjun.

That's right.

It is to abandon all the skills and directly smash it naked.

But it was Xue An who rose to the sky faster than Jianguang, and saw him greet the sword light with his flesh as if he was looking for death.

A look of astonishment flashed in Shen Hongyi's eyes.

But in the next instant, Xue An's body was full of bright brilliance, and then a set of extremely beautiful armor completely encased him.

Then one person shook each other with one sword.

Babble babble.

Although the sword shines like a wash, it failed to damage Xue An a minute, and was completely blocked by this armor.

Shen Hongyi was taken aback when he saw this, and then chuckled lightly.

"Is this your last resort? The power of fake foreign objects is not the duty of Jian Xiu!"

But Xue An turned a deaf ear to these words. After smashing the sword, his figure flashed again, and he rushed straight to Shen Hongyi, launching the first counterattack since the start of the war.

Shen Hongyi didn't panic, and slowly swayed the sky in his hands, and blocked Xue An who appeared beside him for a short period of time.

"Although this armor is very beautiful, I still want to say...too slow!"

When the words fell, Xue An flew out.

And a sword light chased afterwards.

The two fought in one place.

Boom boom boom!

Even standing outside the planet, you can still see the huge burst of brilliance, and it seems that the entire planet is trembling slightly.

Seeing such a violent scene, many people changed slightly.

"It really deserves to be the Shen family's first-class swordsman, who can have such power alone, I think this Mr. Xue is very difficult to be kind!" Someone sighed in a low voice.

The others did not respond, because all their attention was attracted by this extraordinary battle.

As for Siming Qi, he clenched his fists, staring at the two sword lights that crisscross the planet.

There is only one thought in his mind, and that is to look forward to Xue An's victory as soon as possible.

But at this moment, I only heard a loud noise that even the void vibrated, and then I saw the planet trembling violently, a huge vortex appeared in the center, and a tragic explosion had obviously occurred.

"What's the matter?" someone exclaimed.

On the planet, Shen Hongyi looked at the pit that had been smashed out on the ground with an indifferent expression.

"I said, you are still too slow, don't you understand?"

There was no response in the deep pit, as if Xue An, who had just been smashed in, had been swallowed by darkness.

Shen Hongyi raised his eyebrows slightly, just about to speak.

At this moment, a golden light in the pit rose to the sky, rushing towards Shen Hongyi with a terrifying power.

Shen Hongyi slightly avoided the blow on one side, but before she could react, he exploded countless sword lights around her, entangled Qi Tianqing in her hand. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

In the sword light, Xue An, wearing armor, punched again and took Shen Hongyi's face.

Facing the perfect blow at this moment, Shen Hongyi just sneered and flipped his wrist.

The hilt of Lian Tianqing's sword was directly broken, and then Shen Hongyi pulled out a small sword from it, and slashed Xue An straight.


This sword was piercing Xue An’s chest, igniting countless sparks, and then the seemingly unbreakable suit of armor on Xue An’s body burst out after a faint sound like a piece of porcelain. Pattern.

But at this moment, a small red sword appeared behind Shen Hongyi like a ghost, cutting her neck straight.

The speed is like a dream.

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