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Xue An flipped his wrist, and an incomplete odd-shaped long sword appeared in his hand. It was the one that Shen Hongyi relied on to become famous.

Seeing this scarred long sword, Jiutian Profound Girl's pupils shrank slightly, "She's dead?"

Xue An shook his head, "No, her guardian sword spirit is so powerful that she saved her sword heart at the last moment!"

Despite this, the heart of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl is still heavy.

Because she couldn't imagine how Xue An defeated Shen Hongyi.

After all, in terms of strength alone, Shen Hongyi is far better than Xue An.

The only thing Xue An can rely on is the realm far beyond the level of strength.

But no matter how high the realm is, it can't be regarded as true strength!

At this moment, Xue An's body suddenly heard a soft sound, and immediately blood penetrated Xue An's front and back.

Zha Wenliang immediately tore off his front clothes, and then saw a shocking scene.

However, there are countless cracks crisscrossing Xue An's body, and these cracks are deep or shallow.

The deep ones are enough to see the viscera, and the shallow ones can also see the white bones.

At this moment, these cracks are dripping with blood.

Cha Wenliang's scalp was a little numb, he wanted to take action to treat Xue An, but found that there was no way to start.

Therefore, Xue An at the moment is like a porcelain that was severely broken and then pieced together, unable to withstand a touch.

Mo Changhong looked stupid too, and couldn't help muttering: "No wonder he let his wife and children escape, it turns out he was hurt so badly!"

But despite this, Xue An still didn't have the slightest pain on his face.

He took a deep breath, and then said to Jiu Tian Xuan Nu: "Please help me open the storage ring and take out the pill!"

At this moment, Xue An has no strength to open the storage ring.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl immediately opened Xue An's storage ring with violence, and took out the pill that she had given him from it.

At this time, Xue An could not even speak, so he could only look at Cha Wenliang with his eyes.

Cha Wen conscientiously understood, immediately opened the bottle cap, took out the pill from the inside and stuffed it into Xue An's mouth.

Because he was afraid that Xue An didn't even have the ability to digest the pill, Cha Wenliang deliberately pulled out the golden needle and punctured Xue An's acupuncture points a few times.

In an instant, the pill entered his abdomen, and Xue An's face showed a flush, and then he slowly fell to the ground.

"Two, please protect me!"

After that, he closed his eyes and entered deep meditation.

In an instant, a little bit of golden light and sword intent wrapped his body in it.

Seeing this, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu and Cha Wenliang, who was on the side, looked at each other and nodded at each other, then Nine Sky Xuan Nu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Er wait for the order, from now on, with this as the center, a radius of 100,000 li will become a forbidden zone, and those who do not enter are killed! Quickly retreat and guard beyond the limit!"

With an order, no matter whether they were surprised or sighed, the men brought by the Nine Heavens Profound Girl bowed their heads together.


Then they withdrew from beyond the boundaries.

Compared with the actions of these subordinates, Si Family's situation at the moment is embarrassing.

Because of them now, even their own family residence has disappeared.

So many people subconsciously turned their attention to Siming Qi.

After all, this Si Mingqi is still the nominal head of the Si family now!

But seeing this Siming Qi look stiffly at Xue An, who has been shrouded in golden light in the distance, his eyelids can't help beating.

He didn't know that things would change like this.

I thought Xue An won, but I didn't expect it would be a tragic victory.

Looking at this injury, it is estimated that even a little later, even his life will not be saved.

But this is the end of the matter, and it's useless to say other things.

So Siming Qi slowly exhaled and waved his hand.

"Let's get out of the boundaries too, let's just watch the changes!"


In the blink of an eye, the territory of one hundred thousand li was completely emptied, leaving only a few people such as Cha Wenliang and Jiu Tian Xuan Nu.

"Master Empress, how long do you think it will take him to leave the customs?" Mo Changhong asked softly.

Cha Wenliang on the side sighed softly, "You should ask him if he can leave the customs!"

Mo Changhong was shocked, "Is it that serious?"

"Yes! In fact, the situation is far worse than what you have seen! I can't imagine how he has survived until now, including Divine Soul, there is no good place in his body anymore!" Cha Wenliang whispered .

Mo Changhong was shocked.

The Nine Heavens Profound Girl whispered: "Anyway, we will be here to wait until... he wakes up!"

At the same moment, in the depths of the distant starry sky, among the planets where the Shen family's headquarters was located, an altar built under the headquarters of the Shen family suddenly began to tremble and bloomed with brilliance.

After a while, a brilliant sword on the altar shattered and turned into a bit of brilliance.

Then these brilliance quickly condensed and turned into a human form.

Shen Hongyi slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing that caught his eye was the unbelievable Shen Gaoge standing under the altar.

At this moment, Shen Gaoge no longer had the pride of soaring to the sky before, but looked pale and looked very weak.

This is also a common problem after the rebirth of the sword soul.

In fact, Shen Hongyi felt the same at this moment, feeling that although his sword heart was still there, his body was empty, with no sword intent to speak of.

"Red...Red, you... why are you also defeated by that person?" Shen Gaoge stammered.

Because he really couldn't believe that in his own eyes, this omnipotent, even the younger sister of Swordsman who was second only to the second son in the younger generation of the family, would actually be defeated by Xue An.

And this is not the same as my own failure. This time my sister came here specifically to avenge herself.

This obviously shows that she is ready for everything.

It was this way that the sword soul that was still beaten was reborn, which of course made Shen Gaoge dumbfounded.

Shen Hongyi's complexion suddenly became extremely gloomy.


After all, she rushed down the altar and walked out.

Shen Gaoge shrank his neck as he was scolded, but didn't dare to refute, so he had to follow his sister in a slanderous manner.

Until he walked out of the altar, he couldn't help asking: "Red, where are you going?"

"See Patriarch!"

"Why do you want to see the Patriarch?"

Shen Hongyi suddenly turned around. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com's eyes burned with raging anger, and said one word at a time: "I want the owner to help me through the period of weakness as soon as possible, restore my strength, and then go to the **** to settle accounts. !"

After that, Shen Hongyi turned and strode away.

"Don't follow me, I don't want to see you now!"

Shen Gaoge stood aggrieved and mumbled softly after a long time.

"Do you blame me if you lose? What's the reason for this?"

As soon as the voice fell, a wisp of sword light pierced and brushed Shen Gaoge's ear.

Then he heard Shen Hongyi's voice coming from afar.

"Let me hear you saying bad things about me again, be careful of your ears!"

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