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Funiu Mountain.

Zhenwu Taoist Temple.

As one of the important branches of Taoism, although it has gradually declined in recent years, it can still be regarded as the leading sect.


In the main hall of this Taoist temple, the master of Zhenwu Taoist temple, and also the leader of Zhenwu school, Lu Zhongxuan, held three pillars of agarwood in his hand, and inserted it into the incense burner in front of the shrine with all his heart.

The cigarettes swirled around, making the idol above the shrine even more majestic.

After burning the incense, Lu Zhongxuan sat on the worship mat before the shrine and began to do his homework.

This is his habit that can't be beaten every day!

At this time, all the disciples would withdraw from the main hall, leaving only Lu Zhongxuan here.

Today is no exception. The huge palace is empty, and the windows are tightly closed, making it very gloomy because the light from outside cannot come in.

In such an environment, only Lu Zhongxuan's softly whispering and chanting scriptures echoed.


The darkness in the corner of the main hall began to surge, and then a few black lights that were imperceptible to the naked eye projected directly into the idol sitting on the shrine.

Then the idol began to squirm.

That's right!

It's squirming.

As if countless branches and vines grew in the body of this **** in an instant, the dense black lines swayed wantonly without making a sound, and then they approached Lu Zhongxuan on the futon.

Lu Zhongxuan didn't notice anything, and was still reciting the scriptures piously.

But at the moment when these black lines were about to touch Lu Zhongxuan, a ray of golden light flashed from the center of Lu Zhongxuan's eyebrows.

These black lines froze immediately and then vanished.

Lu Zhongxuan was totally ignorant of all this happening outside.

Then everything returned to silence. It was not until after chanting the scriptures for an hour that Lu Zhongxuan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with disappointment.

"Master Zhenwu, did you really abandon us and go? Why don't you respond no matter how devout I pray?"

Whispering softly, Lu Zhongxuan raised his head and looked at the deity whose face was shrouded in darkness on the shrine.

Naturally, the idol would not respond, and stood silently.

Lu Zhongxuan smiled bitterly.

"If it weren't for the breath that you left in the idol is still there, I would really think..."

Lu Zhongxuan swallowed the words that followed again, but the worry on his face had already betrayed him.

After sitting still for a while, Lu Zhongxuan shook his head and sighed, stood up and walked out.

But he didn't know that after he turned around, another strand of thread that almost merged with the darkness emerged and struck his back.

Lu Zhongxuan didn't notice anything, and raised his hand and pushed open the hall door.

At this moment, the sunlight outside the house was just right. When the door of the temple was opened, the sunlight came in directly, just shining on these black silk threads.

The silk thread disintegrated in an instant, and at the same time the sunlight was winding up along the silk thread, the idol trembled, and there seemed to be a faint roar, but immediately everything returned to normal.

Lu Zhongxuan suddenly looked back.

The hall behind him was empty, the idols stood quietly, aloes drenched in smoke, Lu Zhongxuan did not see anything unusual.

But a suspicious color flashed in his eyes.

He clearly heard an unwilling roar just now, why did he disappear suddenly?

Just as he was puzzled, he suddenly saw a tumult outside the gate of the mountain, and then a disciple who reported hurriedly hurried over, shouting in panic.

"Keep the subject, watch the subject, the big thing is not good!"

Lu Zhongxuan was startled, his expression immediately became solemn, "What's the matter?"

"Just now they heard the news of the big sacrifice wine. It's not that Senior Brother He is evil in his body. He is already in a coma, and the elder torture is also injured. Please prepare quickly!"

"What?" Lu Zhongxuan was horrified and shocked.

The news is simply shocking.

All of a sudden, he was a little bit of no master.

Fortunately, after a moment of panic, he finally calmed down, and said in a deep voice, "Immediately summon all the elders in the left-behind view and get ready!"


This disciple took the order and left.

But he hadn't waited for Lu Zhongxuan to make further preparations, but saw more than a dozen Guanghua flying from outside the sky, directly in front of the hall.

The leader was the great sacrifice wine Lu Qixian, and behind him were the people of the Zhenwu Dao sect.

It's just that everyone at this time seemed a little embarrassed.

Because several people were carrying a stretcher, lying on the stretcher was Lu Fei's unconscious.

At the same time, two people stood with Lu Xiuming, who was pale.

"Looking at the Lord!" When Lu Qixian saw Lu Zhongxuan standing in front of the door, he immediately bowed his hands to salute.

Lu Zhongxuan waved his hand and immediately stepped forward to check Lu Fei's situation.

After a while, his complexion became extremely ugly.

"what happened?"

The great sacrifice wine Lu Qixian sighed slightly, and then explained how to perform the task, how Lu Fei was injured by the evil thing that appeared unexpectedly, and so on.

After listening, Lu Zhongxuan's complexion became ashen.

There is no other reason, but Lu Fei is too important.

It can be said that he devoted all his efforts to this descendant, in order to let him shine in the Hundred Schools Conference, in order to invigorate the reputation of martial arts.

But now this unexpected appearance has disrupted the entire plan.

"Then what's going on with him?" Lu Zhongxuan pointed to Lu Xiuming, the elder of the punishment.

Before waiting for the wine to speak, Lu Xiuming said with a strong spirit: "Guardian, all this will blame the female emperor Xuantian of the Medicine Master Alliance, I was injured by her!"

"Oh? Empress Xuantian? What's going on?"

Although Lu Xiuming was seriously injured, his words were not hindered, so he told the story again.

Of course, when he talked about the robbing of the orb, he made an understatement, but focused on the "dominant" of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

Not only that, he also secretly poked at what Lu Zhengqing had said in his words that he tried to make Lu Yangyan escape without regard to the "interests" of Taoism.

After listening, Lu Zhongxuan frowned and his expression became extremely ugly.

He really didn't expect that so many things would happen in just one simple visit to Slash Demon.

The female emperor Xuantian of the Pharmacist Alliance naturally knew that she was a powerful figure that even he dared not easily provoke.

As for Lu Zhengqing's matter, he didn't care too much.

Because he has his own opinions on Lu Zhengqing, he waved his hand.

"Okay, don't go any further, the top priority now is to heal the injuries on Non-Ang's body as soon as possible! As for the rest, I'll talk about it later!"

Lu Xiuming had to shut his mouth and dared not say any more.

"First carry him into the hall!"

Soon, everyone carried Lu Fei'an into the hall.

"Everyone goes out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The evil spirit in him can only be temporarily suppressed by the breath left by Master Zhenwu. I will look for some of the medicinal pills that I left in the past, and it should have some effect!"


Everyone then withdrew from the main hall and closed the door of the hall tightly.

Lu Zhongxuan hurriedly searched for the pill, and everyone did not dare to leave, so they stood in front of the hall and waited.

But they didn't know that at the moment the temple door was closed, the idol on the shrine suddenly trembled, and then countless dark threads protruded from it and poured into Lu Fei's body on the stretcher.

In an instant, Lu Fei's body was shocked, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

A pair of eyes are as black as ink, where there is still the slightest human breath.

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