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This can be seen from his haggard expression.

However, although Ao Shu was funny in his heart, the expression on his face was very serious.

"Brother Xue's situation is steadily improving, but when will I wake up..."

"How is it?" Si Mingqi looked at Ao Shu hopefully.

Ao Shu shook his head, "To be honest, I don't know! Because even my master said that Brother Xue's current situation is extremely special, and it seems that he has entered a certain mysterious realm, which also caused no one to predict that he would wake up. time!"

After hearing this, Siming Qi showed disappointment on his face.

The main thing for him here was to find out when Xue An woke up, so that he could use this incident to suppress the subordinates who were more dissatisfied with him.

Now I didn't ask anything.

"What? Are you looking forward to Brother Xue's wake up?"

"Of course!" Simingqi nodded immediately, and then said with respect: "Mr. Xue did not shrink from a powerful enemy, even defeated him. This kind of spirit is really admirable, and this is no exception, so naturally Also to Mr. Xue..."

Ao Shu waved his hand and interrupted the words behind Siming Qi.

"Okay, don't talk about these vain things in front of me. I know what you think. Didn't you just want Brother Xue to stand for you? It's not difficult. When you go back, tell your people, Although Brother Xue hasn't woken up yet, you are still his subordinates. If anyone else dares to violate the yin and the yang..."

A fierce color flashed in Ao Shu's eyes, "Naturally someone will clean them up!"

This sentence made Siming Qi shocked all over, and immediately nodded repeatedly in overjoyed manner.

"Yes, yes, I can rest assured that you have these words from Master Ao Shu, and I hope you can also say a few words for me in front of the Lady Empress. If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first!"

Siming Qi was very good at observing her words and expressions, and when she saw Ao Shu's state, she knew that she didn't like her own nonsense, so he bowed and obediently retired.

Seeing his leaving back, Ao Shu curled his lips, then strode across the defensive front and walked towards the center.


In this central area, An Yan was guarding Xue An's retreat with red eyes.

This is the fifteenth day of her stay here.

Fifteen days ago, An Yan finally broke through the Fu Bao Xiaolou forcibly, wanting to see what happened to Xue An.

As a result, I saw this scene.

She didn't know how many times she cried.

To be honest, she thought she could control it.

But when she really walked out of the Fubao Xiaolou and saw Xue An who was enveloped by layers of brilliance, and felt the extremely weak aura of him, she couldn't stop her tears.

In fact, when she entered the Fubao Xiaolou, she had vaguely sensed that Xue An must have been injured.

Otherwise, he wouldn't let himself take his two daughters to avoid it.

But I never expected that the injury would be so serious.

But when he was in the most painful time, he was not by his side. Every time he read this, An Yan felt like a knife.

Fortunately, Xue An's breath seems to be steadily increasing in the past ten days.

This shows that the injury on his body has begun to recover.

This gave An Yan a little comfort.

At this moment, Ao Shu arrived.

She could tell at a glance that An Yan had just cried, but she was very smart and didn't talk about this topic, but smiled and spoke with An Yan.

"Sister Yan, how do I feel that the aura on Brother Xue's body today is stronger than yesterday!"

"Oh? Really?" An Yan shouted in surprise.

For her now, the most pleasant surprise was to hear the good news about Xue An.

"Of course, can I lie to you! At this speed, it is estimated that Brother Xue will really wake up in a few days!" Ao Shu said with a smile.

"I hope!" An Yan looked softly at the uncertain brilliance in the distance.

"No matter when he wakes up, I will always be here with him!"

Seeing the resolute color on An Yan's face, Ao Shu, who had wanted to say something, was slightly shocked, and then he couldn't help but say nothing.

A long time ago, Ao Shu once thought that An Yan was just getting acquainted with Xue An earlier, so Brother Xue would like her so much.

And my love for Brother Xue is definitely more than An Yan!

Of course, this thought has long since disappeared along with her acquaintance with An Yan.

But today when Ao Shu saw the determination on An Yan's face and felt her courage, he couldn't help but shake it.

Because she suddenly understood that compared with An Yan's love for Brother Xue, her previous feelings were simply naive and laughable.

This can't help making Ao Shu feel a little confused.

And at the same moment, in the depths of the distant starry sky, in the Shen family headquarters.

The atmosphere is different again.

Everyone's face was full of joy, and many people gathered together in small groups, whispering something.

Seeing this scene, Shen Hongyi couldn't help but curl his lips secretly.

Isn't it that the second son is about to leave the customs!

Are you all so excited?

However, there was a trace of self-sufficiency in this sour mood.

You must know that in the past, she has always been called the first person in the younger generation of the Shen family.

The root cause is that no one regards the second son as a younger generation anymore.

His achievements are far beyond his age, and even the elders of the Shen family regard him as the existence of the same class.

Shen Hongyi is naturally aware of all this.

It's just that the second son has been in retreat before, and everyone's performance is not obvious.

Until this time, she had just returned from a big defeat outside, and her heart was already depressed.

It coincided that the second son left the customs, and the whole family was inspired by it.

All this made Shen Hongyi see the desperate gap between himself and the second son.

At this moment, a sword intent flew up suddenly, and the great treasurer's divine thought came from above.

The second son is about to leave, you immediately go to Chengjian Mountain to greet him!

Shen Hongyi trembled all over after receiving the instruction, but her fate was inevitable. She took a deep breath, raised her hand to throw the sword intent back, and then flew up and hurried towards Chengjian Mountain.

For Chengjian Mountain, both large and small sword repairmen of the Shen family are familiar with it.

Because everyone has to enter the Chengjian Mountain when performing the crown ceremonies, and then choose the sword that will accompany them for the rest of their lives. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The second son was practicing in retreat in the grass cottage on the top of Chengjian Mountain.

That is also the holy place where the most talented talent in the history of the Shen family is qualified to enter.

Even Shen Hongyi is not qualified to take the half step.

But today is an exception.

Because today, the second son is going out!

And it has been four thousand years since the last time Shen Jiajianxiu retreats from the Cao Lu in Chengjian Mountain!

Shen Hongyi had just flew into the boundary of Chengjian Mountain, and then he saw a sword intent rising into the sky on the main peak far away.

Surprised, just like a dragon!

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