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And he also perfectly abides by his duties, working hard and not complaining, and guarding the Mengzhu tribe like a copper wall and an iron wall.

Because of this, he is very respected among the Mengzhu tribe, especially the soldiers under his command, who are even more respected.

So when they saw their beloved soldier standing on the spot with a blue face and looking straight at the distant Mengzhu Nasha who was talking and laughing with Xue An, they couldn't help being filled with righteous indignation.

Almost the entire Mengzhu tribe knew that Mengzhuxiong had always loved Monzhunasha, and these soldiers naturally knew it too.

Because of this, they are so angry.

"It's so exasperating, when the commander heard that the saint was attacked by people from the Ruxiongwu tribe, so that he fled into the mountains without any news, he was almost crazy! Before the patriarch could speak, he took it. We went out and searched, but it turned out to be unsatisfactory. The Lord Saint actually brought back a kid who didn't know where to jump out, and he was so intimate. Isn't this slap our captain in the face in public?" Someone whispered in anger. .

"Who said no? We ran around for several days, and didn't come back until this evening, but the saint lady only said thank you to the soldier commander, but did not express anything other than that, but the kid was dressed up. Wait, this difference is too big!" Someone next to him echoed.

"The key is that the patriarch and the high priest also value this kid very much, saying that he is the benefactor who saved the saint woman, but how do I look at this kid is skinny and tender, not like a master at all, so I think this There must be moisture in it!"

These people say a word to me, what they said is a lively, and the words are all dissatisfaction with the patriarch and the saint.

After all, it seemed to them that they and the captain had worked so hard to find the whereabouts of Mengzhu Nasha, but in the end, they were not valued at all. On the contrary, they were very polite to a foreign kid, which inevitably made them feel resentful.


At this moment, accompanied by Meng Zhuxiong's deep cry, all these soldiers closed their mouths and looked at him in unison.

"The patriarch and the sage lady naturally have their reason to do this, so how can you talk about it?" Meng Zhuxiong said solemnly.

"But Lord Soldier..." There was a soldier behind him who wanted to say something unconvinced.

"No need to say more, I know what you mean, but you are strictly forbidden to mention these words in the future!"

With that said, Meng Zhuxiong looked at the soldiers behind him with majesty.

"Yes!" These people all agreed.

Then Mengzhuxiong took a deep breath, picked up the hip flask on the table next to him, and walked towards Mengzhunasha.

At this moment, Meng Zhu Nasha was blinking Shui Yingying's big eyes, and said with a smile: "Thank you so much just now!"

"no need thank me?"

"I thought you wouldn't drink that glass of wine."

"Why didn't you drink it?"

"Because no one in the world knows that our Jingman clan is best at playing with various gu worms, so almost no one dares to drink our Jingman clan's wine, and what's more, they dare not touch us!"

Xue An smiled slightly, "In that case, are there any Gu worms in the glass of wine I just had?"

Seeing Xue An's smile, Meng Zhu Nasha couldn't help pursing her lips, "Yes, of course! And it's an extremely poisonous infatuation Gu! There is no cure for it."

Xue An laughed, "Well, then I'm really scared!"

Although he was scared, Xue An didn't even blink his eyelids. Instead, he picked up the wine glass on the side and took another sip, then quietly looked at the bonfire rising into the sky.

Mengzhu Nasha suddenly felt a little trance.

Especially when she saw the flames reflected in Xue An's eyes, she was even more fascinated.

This boy always seemed so calm and composed.

As long as he is standing there, there is no such thing as rare in the world.

At least Mengzhu Nasha felt very at ease right now.

If good would it be to stand beside him forever?

As soon as this thought came out, even the Jingman girl who was known for her frankness couldn't help blushing her cheeks.

And just at this moment, Meng Zhuxiong passed through the crowd and came to the front, and then he was shocked by the blush on Meng Zhu Naza's face.

In the past few years, in order to pursue this saint, he tried every means to get close to her.

But no matter what she did, this Mengzhu Nasha kept a distance from herself. Although her words were polite, she always carried a kind of indifference that refused to be thousands of miles away.

Therefore, he had never seen this expression on Mengzhu Nasha's face. Combined with her bright smile just now, Meng Zhuxiong felt a pain in his heart, and even his breathing became rapid. But he still smiled and said, "Nasa!"

After seeing Meng Zhuxiong, the smile on Meng Zhu Naza's face quickly converged, and then turned into a polite smile, nodding in greeting.

"Master Soldier, what's the matter?"

Lord Soldier....

This title really seemed to pierce Meng Zhuxiong's heart with a sharp sword.

He shook his body slightly, and then squeezed out an ugly smile.

"It's nothing, I just think it's great that you can return safely. You don't know how hard I have spent finding you these days. Even I want to find the Ruoxiongwu tribe directly and fight the bastards!"

At the end, Meng Zhuxiong's tone became a little excited, because that was indeed his true thoughts.

At that time, he was worried about Mengzhu Nasha's disappearance, and the whole person fell into a state of madness.

If he can't find it anymore, he is really ready to lead his soldiers to kill the Shiongwu tribe.

But his sincere words didn't move Mengzhu Nasha, only she nodded slightly.

"Thank you, Lord Soldier, Nasha is so grateful!"


Meng Zhuxiong thought bitterly in his heart, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com then turned its gaze to Xue An who was aside.

"This must be the Mr. Xue who saved the Saintess! I am the commander of the Mengzhu tribe, thank you for your help!"

With that, Meng Zhuxiong stepped forward and stretched out his hand towards Xue An.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who squeezed along with Meng Zhuxiong all had their eyes brightened.

"Here is coming, Lord Soldier is going to show off!"

"Who said no, this guy is going to be unlucky!"

Not only them, but also the people around them who were singing and dancing just now became quiet and looked towards the field.

Who doesn't know that Meng Zhuxiong has always been in love with Mengzhu Nasha, and the attitude of Mengzhu Nasha to Xue An just now, even a blind man can see the affection in it.

Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is not unusual for the Jingman woman who has always been known for her daring to love and hate.

In this way, contradictions will naturally intensify.

And looking at it now, this soldier Meng Zhuxiong is obviously a bad one!

People thought to themselves.

Mengzhunasha's expression sank, "Sir, what do you mean?"

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