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"So you deliberately avoided her?" Xue An said lightly.

Yang Jian nodded.

Xue An sighed softly, "Do you know where I was when I handed her the jade pendant?"


"It's in a temple, and what is enshrined in it are all the Chinese gods who died in battle. Among them, your spiritual position is at the forefront! There is not even the slightest dust on it, and your name has already appeared deep. The deep groove is obviously caused by being touched frequently!"

After listening to Xue An's words, tears loomed in Yang Jian's eyes.

"Really...Is it true?"

"If you don't believe me, you can wait for her to come and ask her in person!"

"I believe it, I believe it! How can I not believe it? I just can't believe that I will be so lucky!"

When talking about this, Yang Jian raised his hand and gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Come on, today you and I are neither drunk nor return!"

"Well, don't get drunk or return!"

For the celestial body of the moon, the Yin-Yang family has an inexplicable worship, which can be seen from their names, such as the middle monarch of Yuehua.

Therefore, almost all the planets of Yin Yang Family will be placed with a moon-like satellite.

The planet where Yunxiao City is located is naturally no exception.

When the huge moon finally sank slowly into the horizon, Yang Jian was already drunk and unconscious.

I saw him lying on the table, whispering something in his mouth, and at the same time the whole body shrank together, which made me feel pity.

Xue An's eyes were very clear, not even a trace of drunkenness.

"With so much on my back, it's not bad to get drunk once in a while, get a good night's sleep!"

After that, Xue An stood up, consciously or unconsciously glanced at a room in the corner, and then it dissipated like water mist.

His body hadn't reached Yunxiao City at this moment, but sent a clone to contact Yang Jian first.

And when he left, in that room, the ghost country girl trembled all over, and then a look of horror appeared in the single eye.

"Can you actually perceive my prying? This person's spirit is so powerful!"

Just now when Xue An and Yang Jian were talking and drinking, they blocked all the information with their spirits.

But this ghost country girl has vaguely noticed something because of her special technique.

But it was not until Xue An left that she was sure that there was indeed one more person in the courtyard.

And it's an existence that he never dared to provoke.

This pressure did not disappear until Xue An left.

After hesitating for a while, the ghost country girl walked out of the room, and then saw Yang Jian who was drunk under the tree.

Seeing him unconscious, the girl of the ghost country hesitated a little, then waved her hand, a black phantom stepped forward and lifted Yang Jian, leading him back into the room.

At the same time, in the city lord's mansion of this Yunxiao City, the monarch of Yuehua was sitting in distress, closing his eyes and meditating.

As the master of this city, when he is meditating, his own divine mind is like the omnipresent moonlight, integrating with the entire city.

In this mysterious realm, he can clearly feel the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of the people living in this city.

He is like a **** who controls everything, overlooking the whole world.

But under this situation, suddenly, a figure that shouldn't have appeared here broke this mysterious realm.

It was like throwing a stone in a pond, and the calm water was instantly broken.

All the mysterious scenes converged in an instant, and the divine consciousness returned to the body of the middle monarch Yuehua, and then he slowly opened his eyes, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Xue An?"

After all, he looked contemplative.

"Interestingly, people rumored that you have preached a saint, I still don't believe it, I didn't expect it to be true!"

"In this way, the battle book that Shen Muyu gave you will also become interesting. It seems that this year's Hundred Schools Conference is really lively and tight!"

The Lord Yuehua sighed softly, and then his figure turned into moonlight and dispersed into the world again.

It turns out that the person who meditates here is actually a clone.

The second day.

Lei Qian hurried to the road, wishing to rush into Yunxiao City to see Yang Jian and ask what happened.

Xue An didn't have any obstacles to this.

Although he had sent a clone to contact Yang Jian in advance last night, he didn't plan to tell this girl Lei the truth now.

After all, this kind of villain still has to be done by Yang Jian himself.

But although he didn't make any statement, this pan Lei Zun caught the opportunity, and he was very courteous to Lei Qian.

"Miss, do you want to rest for a while, and then I will fly you with mana! This way you can also relax!"

"No need!"

"Would you like a sip of tea, then?"

"Not thirsty!"

"Before leaving, my adoptive father gave me some delicacies. Would you like to have a few bites?"

"Not hungry!"


Lei Ling stopped abruptly, and shouted fiercely at the pan Lei Zun: "Can you shut up? You have been buzzing in my ears since you started talking about the capital! It's so annoying, don't you know? know?"

But she still underestimated the thickness of Pan Lei Zun's face, and saw him rub his hands and smile.

"Miss, isn't this what the foster father told me before leaving? I want me to take good care of you!"

"Frying pan, let me say it one last time, I don't need it, please shut up!" Lei Qiang roared.

Pan Lei Zun was a little aggrieved, and whispered: "Okay...Okay! But..."

"But what?" Lei Qiang said angrily.

This always gentle girl who didn't even dare to speak loudly, and was very shy, was like a different person at this moment, with a very grumpy temper.

"Miss, UU reading, I actually have a name, and my foster father and my master personally gave me Lei Ping, so... I don't call Pan Pan!"

Lei Ling was stunned, and then said somewhat unnaturally: "Who cares what your name is, don't bother me anymore!"

Having said that, she rushed in the direction of Yunxiao City.

Pan Lei Zun, oh it should be called Lei Ping now, he stood there a little embarrassed, and then smiled at Xue An.

"Master, the foster father said before leaving that the eldest had a gentle temper, and he asked me to take good care of her and save her being bullied, but why didn't I see her gentleness at all?"

Xue An was a little bit ridiculous, "It may be that she is in a bad mood recently!"

He does not mean that.

Xue An's words caused Lei Ping to fall into a state of contemplation for an instant.

Are you in a bad mood lately?

Could it be... here it is?

This thought made Lei Ping tremble all over, even though he was sure that he had found the cause.

Then he rushed up again excitedly.

But before I waited to say a few words this time, I heard the roar of Lei Qiang from a distance again, and then a thunderbolt fell on Lei Ping's head.

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