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But after condensing Huayue, Zhongjun Yuehua placed it in the sky above Yunxiao City and did not carry it with him.

Part of the reason was that his own strength was too strong, and no one would dare to provoke Huayue's ultimate ultimate move.

But the more important reason is that he wants to use this to make his own Huayue to absorb the worship of the people, so as to form another incarnation of himself.

But today, the Lord Yuehua directly took off the moon and dealt with this evil thing.

It can also be seen how threatening this rule blade is to him.

Huayue hovered above Yuehua Zhongjun's head, and layers of extremely tough Huaguang completely shrouded it, and it contained powerful rules.

This time, the speed of this long sword's falling more slowly.

Not only that, but also sparked countless sparks in the process of falling, as if it was rubbing with something hard.

In the blink of an eye, this long sword was wiped out.

And this evil thing finally realized that the situation was not good, and threw down the long sword in his hand and turned and wanted to run.

But how could the middle-ranking Yuehua Zhongjun, who was burning with anger, let it go, he only pointed a little.


Countless brilliance exploded from this evil creature's body.

This time it will never be resurrected again, because this explosion was so violent that it directly exploded it into the most basic particles.

But this is not the end, the middle-ranking Yuehua rubbed his hands, and the long sword was directly crushed into powder by the force of the rules, and it was turned into nothing.

After all this was done, the gentleman Yuehua just breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his head and looked out the window.

"Don't show up yet?"

Following the voice, I heard a chuckle from the void, "Picking the moon with one hand, it turns out that this is your ultimate form!"

"Stop talking nonsense, and show up quickly. After hiding for so long, you shouldn't just come to compliment me!"

While speaking, the Moon Hua Zhongjun raised his hands to make a seal, and the light ball that was originally suspended above his head disappeared in an instant.

Then the Huayue above the sky reappeared, illuminating the world.

Yunxiao City, which had been a little disturbed by Huayue's sudden disappearance, gradually calmed down.

At the same time, there was a ripple in the void above the small building of the City Lord's Mansion, and then a figure appeared.

White clothes are like snow, and his people are like jade.

It is Xue An.

In this regard, Yuehua Zhongjun seemed to have expected it, and said lightly: "To be honest, I really didn't expect you to help me."

Xue An smiled, "I didn't expect it, because I had other plans here."

Jun Yuehua took a deep look at Xue An, and then said solemnly, "Thank you!"

Xue An waved his hand, "No thanks, after all, compared to the grievances between you and me, evil things are more important."

As he himself said, Xue An, who had just been in a latent state, didn't want to do anything, but after seeing the maid actually use the power of the rules, he changed his mind.

Because as he has dealt with evil things a lot, he naturally knows the power of this rule.

But everyone who possesses the power of this rule, without exception, is a higher being among evil things.

And Yuehua Zhongjun was actually dealt with by these evil things with the force of rules, which indirectly explained his importance.

Therefore, Xue An immediately changed his mind and offered to help.

After all, if it is because of a bit of grievances that a strong man is infested by evil things, Xue An can't do that kind of thing.

What a character Yuehua Zhongjun naturally understood this truth, so his eyes moved slightly, and then he nodded.

"In that case, please sit down and tell!"

"it is good!"

Xue An was also not welcome, and fell directly into the room.

At this moment, this small building has been damaged by the war, and the floor is even more pitted.

But at this moment, the Lord Yuehua raised his hand with a wave, and countless Yuehua instantly attached to this small building.

Then everything recovered quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the roof that had disappeared before resurfaced, and the floor was restored to its smoothness.

Xue An was unmoved by this scene, just smiled faintly, and then sat down.

Moon Hua Zhongjun was also a saint-level existence anyway, if he didn't even have this strength, it would be unreasonable.

Monarch Yue Huazhong also sat opposite Xue An, and the two sat opposite each other, before Monarch Yue Huazhong spoke.

"Your growth rate is really amazing. How long has passed since I saw you last time, and in the end you have become a saint!"

Xue An smiled, "You are not bad too, your strength has improved a lot."

Moon Huazhong shook his head, "That won't help at all, because with my talent, this realm is already at the limit, but you are different. With your speed of advancement, this is far from the end."

Xue An was noncommittal, "Why do these evil things come to deal with you?"

Moon Huazhong smiled bitterly, "Since the news that the Hundred Schools Conference is about to be held here, I, the city lord, has become a target of public criticism. Not only is it evil, but almost all parties are eyeing my position."

As he said, the gentleman of Yuehua said with a solemn expression, "Xue An, why are you here late at night?"

"Very simple, I want to use it!"

As he said, Xue An pointed his finger to his feet.

Yuehua Zhongjun immediately shook his head, "Sure enough, you also came for this big formation, but I'm sorry, I can't lend it to you!"

"Oh? Why?" Xue An raised his eyebrows.

"Because this large formation was built by Lord Si Zhen Ying Shen of the Yin Yang family, it can be said that everything in it is closely related to him, except for the people of the Yin Yang family, no one else can use it at all."

Xue An looked at Yuehua Zhongjun.

Moon Huazhong looked calm.

It was not until a long time later that Xue An nodded his head, UU reading "If this is the case, then I will not be too difficult."

With that, he turned his head to look at the plan, and then he couldn't help but shake his whole body.

Because just above the case table, a piece of rice paper was placed, and there was a portrait of a woman on the rice paper.

Although I haven't finished the painting yet, I already have the shape and spirit.

The most important thing is that Xue An discovered that the woman on this rice paper is so similar to Jian San Chen Suqian.

Noting the color of astonishment on Xue An's face, Yuehua Zhongjun raised his hand and picked up the piece of rice paper on the table, and sighed lightly.

"The picture above is an old friend of mine, and I am very close to you, so I will give it to you this time!"

Having said that, Yuehua Zhongjun handed over the rice paper.

Xue An took it in his hand and looked carefully for a moment, and found that although this woman was similar to Jiansan in many ways, she was definitely not her.

Because there are subtle differences in many places, especially those eyes.

It can be seen that the Lord Yuehua used a lot of effort in painting this portrait, and he embellished the woman's eyes very energetic.

But there was a faint sorrow in these eyes, something that Jian San had never seen before.

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