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Everything that happened suddenly made the thugs who were present dumbfounded.

It wasn't until Tong Chengjin had fallen to the ground and died that the mobs close by did not wake up like a dream, and then roared towards the assassin.

I don’t know who yelled in the chaos, "Protect the main village owner!"

The remaining thugs immediately surrounded Xue An Tuan Tuan.

Seeing this scene, the assassin who had originally intended to fight again and slashed Xue An under the sword knew that it was impossible to succeed in the assassination today, so he grunted.

"To spare you not to die today!"

After that, she turned around and rushed out of the restaurant, and disappeared into the sky.

The chaos in the restaurant is still there, and the subordinates who originally followed Tong Chengjin, the master of the second village, simply can't accept this fact.

Therefore, some people cry bitterly, while others have a blank face.

Xue An was amused when he saw it, and he didn't have the slightest psychological pressure on Tong Chengjin.

Because this guy did a lot of evil, he didn't know how many wronged people he had, and he deserved it when he died at the hands of the corpse girl this time.

That's right.

Xue An saw the origin of the assassin at a glance.

Although he had never met the corpse-driving girl, Xue An still felt the aura fluctuations she left behind in the teahouse.

So as soon as he left the house today, he noticed that someone was stalking him secretly, and after a little investigation with his spiritual mind, he found that the stalker was the descendant of the ghost country.

After thinking about it for a while, Xue An understood the purpose of her stalking, and couldn't help but sigh in secret.

Speaking of which, this corpse-driving girl can be regarded as carrying a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, and it is understandable to make such an action.

But Xue Anke didn't want to really fight with this corpse-driving girl. If the avatar that he finally disguised himself was destroyed by his comrades in the same trench, wouldn't it be laughable?

But Xue An couldn't really keep his head out, so under an inspiration, Xue An thought of the idea of ​​borrowing a knife to kill someone.

Now it seems that this method is obviously very successful, at least the second village master who is enough to secretly threaten his status is dead.

And everyone on the scene saw that he died in the hands of the assassin, and he didn't do anything the whole time, so that the followers of Tong Chengjin had nothing to say.

And this is exactly what Xue An wanted.

He certainly doesn't care about the opinions of a group of ants, but now his identity is the master of the strong wind village, and this identity may be useful in the next Hundred Families Conference.

For this reason, Xue An also needs to manage this identity well.

So he can't kill all these people directly. That way, it's easy to arouse suspicion by other people, and may even reveal his whereabouts.

And once the evil thing knows that the puppet under its control has actually been replaced by someone, it will be completely abandoned.

Therefore, Xue An gave a light cough, and then stepped forward, pretending to be sad.

"Okay, don't cry everyone. Who would have thought that these assassins would be so cunning, they would sneak into the restaurant to assassinate them. Speaking of which, the second village master also died for me. I must find the assassin and avenge him! "

In the end, Xue An's face was full of determination, and this powerful aura also infected the fans of these two village masters.

They looked at each other and finally fell to their knees.

"Master of Dazhai!"

Although the following words are not finished, the meaning is already obvious.

Everyone knows that once the Lord of the Second Village dies, no one in the entire Liefeng Village can fight Xue An's prestige.

These people were attached to Tong Chengjin before and can ignore Xue An, but now that Tong Chengjin dies, he naturally has to consider his future fate.

And Xue An's last sentence must find revenge for the second village master at this moment, obviously showing them an attitude of soliciting.

These people weren't fools either. Naturally, they realized this, so they went down to the donkey and showed their allegiance to Xue An.

Xue An smiled slightly, "They are all my own brothers, why are you guys, get up!"

With his personal support, these people just stood up.

Xue An said a few more words of relief, making all these people flattered and nodding frequently.

Then Xue An just turned around and smiled: "Little Er!"

"In the!"

Xiao Er, who was hiding behind the counter, stood up tremblingly, his face pale as white paper.

The assassination just now caused chaos in the entire restaurant, and almost all the guests on the first floor ran away.

This shop Xiaoer felt desperate and knew that he was over.

Although this incident did not arise from me, but after interrogating it, I knew that it was the uncles I was entertaining, so I had to be implicated.

When the time comes, it's good to roll out the bedding, and you have to make yourself pay a heavy price.

So at this moment, he was remorseful and hated, but he didn't dare to attack, so he could only stand in the distance and tremble.

Xue An laughed and threw a few spirit crystals over.

"This matter started because of us, these few spirit crystals are even compensation for you!"

The shop's little Er was stunned.

He never dreamed that this gang of wicked uncles would actually compensate himself.

In the midst of stunned effort, Xue An led the people out of the restaurant and walked away.

Xiao Er leaned down and picked up the spirit crystal on the ground. When it was confirmed that it was true, his eyes could not help but gradually heat up.

Although the gang of thugs in Liefengzhai didn't understand why the owner of Dazhai had to compensate a shopkeeper, no one dared to express any objection to his approach after today's incident.

After all, these people are not all fools. The assassination just now revealed a lot of strangeness. There are smart people who have guessed something, but dare not show it at all, just secretly suspicious.

How did the always reckless and rude Dazhai master suddenly become so insidious?

Could it be...he had been pretending before?

This idea makes many people feel chills.

After all, if this were true, it would be terrible.

Xue An naturally felt the awe from these thugs and couldn't help but smile, knowing that his goal had been achieved.

After returning to the small courtyard where they lived, the subordinates went back to their houses, and they all became much quieter.

Xue An also came to the second floor residence. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The woman graciously served Xue An with hot tea, and then respectfully stood aside and waited.

After half a cup of tea, Xue An didn't even lift his head, but said indifferently: "Okay, go down and rest too!"

A word made the woman's face pale.

"Old... sir, the maidservant is not going anywhere, the maidservant still has to wait for you to sleep!"

Xue An shook his head, "No, didn't you always have nightmares before? It can be seen that you are under a lot of pressure, so let's go and rest first!"

The woman plopped and knelt down, stammering: "Master, I...I'm fine now, please don't let me go!"

He said, squatting his head.

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