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Luo Linyuan couldn't help laughing or crying, but he had no choice but to nod his head helplessly.

Zhang Zhixing just smiled, and then turned around to follow the big brother into the Louvre Gate.

But at this moment, the real Confucian bullshit's expression suddenly became very serious.

What Zhang Zhixing was most afraid of was seeing his senior brother scowling, so he immediately closed his mouth and said nothing.

"Dare to ask if the person who came is the Dragon Slasher of the Zhengyi School?" Yan Jingcheng said solemnly.

Everyone followed his gaze one after another, but saw that the void was still there, and there was no trace of anyone.

But the next second, I saw the void suddenly ripples, and then quickly condensed a number of figures.

The leader wore a plain sermon gown, and his beard and beard under his jaw were like snow, and he looked like a fairy-style dao bone.

There was a commotion in the crowd, because many people had already recognized the people.

It is He Tianxuan, the leader of the Taoist School of Zheng today!

But what he knows best is his Taoist name, Immortal Master of Slashing Dragon.

Therefore, he is also called He Zhanlong.

And behind him are the elites of the righteous faction, which can be described as the masters, and the momentum is extraordinary.

After seeing Yan Jingcheng, the Dragon Slayer Immortal Master He Tianxuan smiled slightly.

"Zhuang Zhuang, long time no see, the style is better than before!"

Yan Jingcheng's pupils shrank slightly after seeing He Tianxuan's appearance, but soon returned to normal, and then chuckled.

"It's the same with the immortal master, Dao Fa has diligence again!"

The words of the two of them all meant something, but on the surface they maintained a state of harmony.

"Since we met in front of Luofu Gate, how about going to Yunxiao City together?" He Tianxuan said.

"That's what I mean!" Yan Jingcheng said.

Then the two looked at each other, and each stretched out their hands to lead them forward, "Please!"

With that said, the two walked side by side into the Louvre Gate.

When they left, Zhang Zhixing couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "I obviously want the other party to lose in my heart, but on the surface he has to pretend to be calm and gentle, and to be polite and humbly. It's really hard for both of them. That's great acting!"

"Second brother, what are you talking about?" Luo Linyuan couldn't help asking when he saw Zhang Zhixing's muttering in his mouth.

"Ah! It's nothing, big brother has already gone in, let's go too!"


Under their leadership, the remaining Confucian children kept a proper distance from these Zhengyi scholars, and then walked into the Louvre Gate one after another.

When they left, the crowd onlookers couldn't help but burst into heated discussions.

"It seems that the relationship between Taoism and Confucianism is not very good!" Someone stunned.

"You are wrong. It's not that there is a gap between Taoism and Confucianism, it's simply that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the Confucianist Bailuzhuang and He Zhanlong!" Someone laughed.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"This will involve a secret from that year. Do you know why this He Tianxuan is called the Dragon Slasher Immortal Master?"

"Could it be that he actually slashed a dragon back then?"

"The answer is correct, and it wasn't the ordinary karma dragon that was slashed, but the Eastern Azure Dragon, one of the four ancient beasts!"


Hearing this, many people took a breath.

The status of creatures like dragons in the outer heavens is actually quite embarrassing. Although their bloodlines are very powerful, they are born with extremely strong strength.

But it is precisely because of this strong bloodline that their upper limit has been fixed.

Therefore, in the eyes of the real masters of Tian Waitian, this dragon race is not a powerful race.

Even many of the medicinal materials needed for alchemy come from the dragons themselves, so many bounty hunters specialize in hunting dragons.

However, the Eastern Azure Dragon, one of the four ancient gods, was different from the dragons born from these chemical karma. It itself originated from the chaotic energy of the ancient times, and was a real dragon with extremely powerful strength.

But this He Tianxuan was able to slay the Eastern Azure Dragon, which shows its tyrannical strength.

"But what does it have to do with the hatred between him and this Yan Zhuangzhu?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"The problem is precisely here, because the Eastern Azure Dragon that He Tianxuan killed is the offspring of the patron saint beast of Bailuzhuang!

At this time, the speaker said in a sighing tone: "The most sacred Confucian master traveled around the world, preaching and preaching, and finally established the Bailu Academy under Bailu's kneeling request, which is the unfailing Bailuzhuang. Predecessor!"

"But the outer sky at that time can be described as a wild land, with various powerful gods and demons emerging in an endless stream. Ordinary human races can be said to live in deep waters. Therefore, in order to create a quiet place for teaching the Fa, it is also to give future generations of disciples a blessing!"

"This sacred master has signed an agreement with the Dongqinglong clan guarding the heaven and the outer sky at that time with supreme strength, making them the guardian clan of Bailu Village!"

This person talked eloquently, telling the secrets of the year, and also fascinated many young people present.

"No wonder the owner of Bailuzhuang is hostile to this He Tianxuan. His patron saint beast was killed. This can't be tolerated by anyone. Then how did you solve this later?"

"How to solve it?" The man chuckled lightly.

"At that time, Yan Jingcheng, who had just become the owner of the Bailu Village, came directly to the gate of the Zhengyi school and talked with this He Tianxuan in the grass house for three days. The final result was that He Tianxuan apologized to the Dongqinglong clan on behalf of the Zhengyi school. As for what happened in the Cao Lu at that time, it is unknown!"

After saying these things, there are still some good things that people still want to ask this person for some details.

But the man seemed to be aware of something, his complexion changed slightly, and then he bowed his hand at everyone.

"Sorry, I almost forgot the time when I chatted with you. I still have something important, so I'll retire first!"

Said this person turned around and went to the Luofu Gate.

The rest of the people present looked at each other~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know what happened to this person.

And just as this person turned and left, two figures in the crowd quietly left, and then followed.

After passing through the Louvre Gate, there is a bustling street facing you.

This street is not built on the planet, but directly set up in the void, and is condensed with various talisman seals under the feet, even ordinary people can go smoothly in it.

This is the very famous Tianjie of Yin Yang Family.

There are a variety of shops on this street, and many of them are specialty products from the Yin Yang family, which are not available to the outside world. Therefore, it attracted many sect families who came here to participate in the Hundred Family Conference.

Just the items sold in the past few days have made the Yin Yang family earn a lot of money.

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