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Yang Qin is gone.

This descendant of the Yang-Zhu School came in a hurry, and went very simply and neatly.

Almost after Xue An said that it would never be possible to cooperate, Yang Qun stood up and left without hesitation.

Seeing the gorgeous car wheel disappearing at the end of the long street, Xue An couldn't help but smile: "Although it's a bit crazy, it's also a wonderful person."

Then he turned to look at Yang Jian, "Do you know him?"

Yang Jian's complexion was a bit unpleasant, "When I didn't find my memory back then, I traveled in the outer sky for a while, and then I met him by chance!"

"Speaking of him, he also helped me a little favor, but I repayed a few times later, and paid off all the favors he had originally, but he did not expect that he would actually come here, and wanted to overturn the whole thing in a whimsical way. Baijia, you are really crazy!"

Xue An laughed, "Anyway, at least having this idea is enough to prove that he, the descendant of the Yang Zhu school, is well deserved!"

Yang Jian shook his head, not wanting to talk about this Yang Qin anymore, and then said with a serious face: "Did you see the formation just now?"

Xue An said lightly: "Of course I saw it!"

"Any thoughts?"

"Hehe, the Shen family is obviously cultivating momentum, and they are demonstrating to me, but unfortunately they have miscalculated!"

Xue An's ontological consciousness just now was on the body of the master of the strong wind village, Bao Huarong.

With the approach of the Hundred Schools Conference, he has been directing these thugs to make various preparations these days.

Yang Jian originally wanted to say something, but looking at Xue An's confident look, he finally swallowed it back.

"Where is the girl Yue who has been following you?" Yang Jian asked.

"Oh, her brother is coming soon, she is going to meet him!"

"Her brother? You mean Yue Shifang, the master of the military family?"


"Such an important person arrives, but you don't even connect?" Yang Jian was puzzled.

Xue An smiled slightly, "Don't worry, my relationship with her brother doesn't have to care about this for a long time, and there is another important reason why I stay here!"

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"One thing about you!" Xue An smiled mysteriously.

An hour later, Yang Jian stood outside the gate of Yunxiao City with a frightened face, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Xue An, she... is she really coming soon?"

Xue An chuckled, "Of course, can I still joke about this kind of thing?"

Yang Jian was silent.

After another quarter of an hour, he whispered: "Or I'd better avoid it, what if she doesn't want to see me after she arrives?"

"You said it's too late, she's already here!"


Along with the voice, a group of people appeared in the distance and rushed to the front of Yunxiao City at an extremely fast speed.

"Brother Ang!" It was Ao Shu who rushed to the front.

I saw that she ran up to Xue An with joy on her face, pulling the corner of Xue An's clothes into a anger.

"Brother Ang, do you know how much I missed you when I left me behind?"

Xue An smiled, then reached out and rubbed Ao Shu's little head.

"Okay, I know it all!"

Ao Shu wanted to say something, but Xue An stopped him with a silent gesture, and then moved a little to the side.

Ao Shuxin understood, and immediately closed his mouth.

At the same time, I saw that Cha Wenliang and the three gluttonous gluttons had also arrived one after another.

Xue An had already understood everything that happened on the road through Ao Shu's Divine Reading Biography, so there was not much surprise, and he smiled and nodded at the gluttonous couple.

The gluttonous couple were flattered, but they did not speak.

Because they know that something more important is about to happen.

That's right.

After everyone had landed, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl had just arrived late and arrived in front of the city gate.

When she stopped, the Yang Jian standing in front of the city gate was struck by lightning and couldn't help whispering softly: "Xuan'er!"

With this sound, Xuan'er easily broke the disguise of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, only to see tears in her eyes.


Having said that, he rushed to the front, plunged directly into Yang Jian's embrace, and burst into tears.

When she cried, even Xiaotian and Cha Wenliang had red eyes and sighed.

As for Ao Shu, she was already crying like a tearful person at this moment.

"Ouuuu, it's really touched that lovers finally get married! Brother Ang, do you feel touched?"


Xue An nodded calmly, and then waved.

Everyone felt that a flower in front of them had moved directly from outside the city gate to the teahouse.

It's just that Yang Jian and Jiu Tian Xuan Nu did not appear with everyone, but were arranged in other rooms by Xue An intimately.

This understatement of the transformation was so brilliant in Ao Shu's eyes.

"Wow, Brother Xue, you seem to be amazing again!"

Even Cha Wenliang glanced at Xue An in surprise, "You can switch at will in this Yunxiao City?"

Xue An smiled, "It's impossible under normal circumstances, but I got something some time ago, which is considered to have found the back door of Yunxiao City's veins, so I can only have a limited conversion space!"

The portrait of Shen Jingshu obtained from the hand of Yuehua Zhongjun can be regarded as a back door to the program, allowing Xue An to use the power of Yunxiao City to a limited extent.

Originally, Moon Huazhong gave this portrait to Xue An only to help him find suspicious persons.

But how can Xue An let go of such a powerful method.

After several researches, he finally mastered a limited application method.

This also allows him to feel like a fish in this Yunxiao City, and can even control the overall situation behind the scenes.

Yang Qin came to the teahouse to look for his own affairs before, and he also learned through this method.

Cha Wenliang nodded suddenly, "That's why, no wonder!"

But he didn't ask what the backdoor was, because he knew it was a big deal, and it was not a good thing to ask too much.

Next, the group of people talked about their own passing in the teahouse, and it took a full hour before they saw Yang Jian and Jiu Tian Xuan Nu walking out of the room hand in hand.

There were still tears on their faces, but their hands were tightly held together.

Seeing this scene, UU reading www.uukansshu.com Ao Shu couldn't help being the first to start booing.

"Sister Xuannv, congratulations on finally finding Brother Erlang!"

The Jiutian Profound Girl blushed, lowered her head and whispered, "Thank you!"

At this moment, she was shy and timid, where there was still the slightest majesty of the empress.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Although Yang Jian was a little embarrassed, he was a man after all. In addition to having found his love in his heart, he couldn't help laughing.

"Don't tell me, anyway, I was also the first to come to Yunxiao City. I will prepare a few glasses of booze tonight. One is to do the friendship of the landlord, and the other is to celebrate the long-distance reunion between me and Xuan'er. What do you think?"

"Okay!" Xiao Hulu responded first when he heard something to eat.

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