Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2527: 12 Yuan Ding Donghuang Tai 1

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Following the voice, the three shadow gods waved their hands, and twelve points of brilliance flew out of their robe sleeves.

As soon as these twelve points of brilliance came out, they immediately scattered, and they were divided among the various parties in Yunxiao City.

Immediately after they returned to their respective positions, their bodies began to swell rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, these brilliance turned into a huge furnace.

There are countless desolate and primitive cloud-patterned spells carved on the top of the cauldron, which makes people feel awed just by looking at them.


Accompanied by a strange buzzing sound, the runes carved on these cauldrons were quickly lit.

Not only that, but also many branches and vines stretched out from these cauldrons, directly inserted into the ground.


When all the twelve cauldrons were connected with the veins of Yunxiao City, the whole Yunxiao City trembles.

Such violent vitality fluctuations naturally shocked all the masters in the city.

Everyone looked at them one after another, and then they all looked horrified.

"Oh my god, it's actually twelve Yuanding tripods. How long has it been since there has been such a high-profile conference of Hundred Schools?" someone exclaimed.

"In the past three thousand years, only the Confucian conference of the Hundred Schools used eight Yuanding tripods, and that was the largest use of Yuanding tripods in the past few thousand years. As for the twelve Yuanding tripods...the last time it appeared There are thousands of years of ancient times!" Someone said solemnly.

The reason why these people are so shocked is entirely because of these Yuan Ding.

Speaking of this, we need to introduce in detail the origin of these 100 conferences.

This Hundred Families Conference originated in ancient times, and was originally a rally similar to a martial arts contest organized by the sect family at that time.

Following the increase in participants, these 100 conferences gradually evolved and eventually became Tianwaitian's most important event.

The results achieved at the Hundred Schools Conference are directly related to the ranking of the sect, and this ranking is not a false name, but is related to the status of the sect.

The status of the sect is closely related to various interests.

This shows the importance of these 100 conferences.

But this also leads to a big problem.

That is, those who can participate in the Hundred Schools Conference are the leaders among the people, the strong ones among the strong ones.

Once these people start their hands with great destructive power, ordinary stars simply can't stand such tossing.

So in order to avoid this situation, Yuanding was made.

There are countless mysterious runes carved on this kind of cauldron. Once they are assembled into a formation, a very stable space can be constructed.

In this way, the worries of many powerful players at the Hundred Schools Conference will be gone.

However, over the past few years, the Hundreds of Congresses generally consisted of six Yuan Dings, and no more than eight at most.

This time, the Yin Yang Family directly used twelve Yuan Dings, which broke the record.

This also just shows that the specifications of this Hundreds Conference will be beyond imagination.

Just as the whole city was shaking, I saw these three shadow gods laughing, and then directly showing their own huge phenomena.

"Welcome you all to come to my Yin and Yang home to participate in this Hundred Families Conference. Now Yuanding has returned to the throne, and it will be officially opened in three days. Lord Donghuang will also come in person to testify for you!"


Donghuang will come too?

The strong men in the city looked at each other, and then there was a silent uproar.

If it is said who is the most mysterious powerhouse in the outer world, it must be the patriarch of the Yin-Yang family, Taiyi.

In fact, strictly speaking, the Patriarch of the Yin-Yang Family should be called Taiyi.

This is because the Eastern Emperor is a hierarchical division, just like Zhongjun and Shadow God, not a person's name.

But whether it was the Yin Yang Family itself, or the entire Tian Wai Tian, ​​everyone had acquiesced to the name Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Because since ancient times, no one has ever reached the height of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

There are even rumors that he has exceeded the category of the general strong, reaching the height of the two supreme immortals who founded Taoism and Confucianism.

Of course, all this is just a rumor, because no one has seen this Eastern Emperor Tai take a shot for so many years, and even his figure is rare.

And it is such a mysterious character who is going to appear in this session of the Hundred Schools Conference. How can this not make everyone surprised and surprised.

The law dissipated, and the three shadow gods had left.

Yunxiao City is quiet.

But just under this quiet surface, there is a raging tide.

Confucian residence.

Yan Jingcheng frowned and paced back and forth in the room. After a long time, Zhang Zhixing finally couldn't help it.

"Big brother, can you stop wandering? It made my head dizzy!"

Yan Jingcheng glared at him angrily, then frowned his eyebrows and said, "Third Junior Brother, have you figured out something?"

Luo Linyuan put down the yarrow in his hand and shook his head helplessly.

Yan Jingcheng sighed, "Actually, I knew that this would be the result. After all, there are too many things involved this time, especially that Donghuang Taiyi's strength is unpredictable, and the secret is hidden. It is far from ordinary means to spy!"

Zhang Zhixing curled his lips, "Big brother, I really don't understand what you are afraid of. Isn't it that Donghuang Taiyi is going to play? As for being so nervous?"

Yan Jingcheng shook his head, "You don't understand. Just after hearing this news, I felt a tremendous pressure. You must know that the Haoran mental method I practice is the most sincere, so I will encounter great danger. I felt it, and the pressure I felt this time was stronger than ever!"

Speaking of this, Yan Jingcheng's expression became extremely solemn.

"So I have a foreboding that there will be huge twists and turns in this Hundred Schools Conference!"

Zhang Zhixing wanted to say what would happen even if there were twists and turns? There are three top powers on his side, plus those Confucian elites, who can be his opponent?

But when he saw Yan Jingcheng's ugly face, he swallowed the rest of the words again.

At this moment, I heard Luo Linyuan suddenly say: "In fact, there is another way to roughly calculate the secret of this time!"

"What way?" Yan Jingcheng asked immediately. UU reading

"Borrow the yin and yang chaotic money of the Zhenshan treasure of the Taoist school!"

"Yin and Yang Chaos Money?"

"Yes, this yin and yang chaotic money is an ancient treasure, and it contains a trace of chaos. Coupled with my Ib Book of Heaven, it should be able to remove the layers of mist and see a hint of heaven!"

The room fell silent.

After a while, I heard Zhang Zhixing say: "I think it's fine. Let's have a very deep festival with that He Zhanlong. Now the Hundred Schools Conference is about to be held, how easy is it to lend their treasure of Zhenshan from him? "

But as soon as his voice fell, Yan Jingcheng said solemnly, "I'm going!"

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