Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2555: External disturbance

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"Then what should we do now?" Chen Zuihui asked hurriedly without hesitation.

Hu Ye smiled slightly, then turned to look at the shivering thugs.

"Since he took great pains to control these thugs as clones, it proves that these people still have some uses, so the most important thing is to tame these guys first!"


Chen Zuihui did not understand, but she would understand in the next second.

I saw nine white lights suddenly appeared behind Hu Ye, instantly enveloping the mob.

After seeing the nine furry fox tails, Chen Zuihui's mouth opened slightly, and her expression became a little dull.

"Fox... vixen?"

A few black lines appeared on Fox Ye's triumphant face instantly, "It's Fox Fairy, Fox Fairy doesn't understand it!"

"Isn't that a meaning?" Chen Zuihui looked inexplicable.

Fox night: "..."

Then he sighed: "It's terrible to have no culture, forget it, as a dignified nine-tailed celestial fox, I don't bother to care about a female stream with you!"

With that, Huye removed the nine foxtails, and then looked at the thugs in the field, the fierce color on his face was gone, replaced by infinite meekness and submissiveness.

Hu Ye said indifferently: "Now I am your master, do you understand?"

"Yes! Master!" These thugs bowed one after another and agreed in unison.

Chen Zuihui's eyes were full of shock, but she knew exactly how stubborn these thugs were.

Xue An had previously suppressed these thugs with a clone of the violent Huarong, so that they did not dare to make any mistakes.

But as soon as Xue An disappeared, these thugs began to move around.

But he didn't expect that under the vixen's hands, these thugs were directly transformed without a grunt.

As if feeling Chen Zuihui’s shock, Hu Ye said quite contentedly: “Don’t forget that I’m a nine-tailed celestial fox. Isn’t it easy to deal with these guys? Just throw a illusion and let them change their previous mistakes and re-behave. NS!"

Just as Huye was boasting, the square suddenly began to commotion.

Then I heard the exclamation one after another.

"what is that?"

"God, it's an evil thing! How come these people from the Yin Yang family suddenly become like this?"

Accompanied by these exclamations came blood splashing and the sound of mourning.

Hu Ye suddenly turned his head and looked around.


I saw that the children of the Yin and Yang family, who had been standing around the square to maintain order, suddenly changed their images, directly turning from people into hideous and terrifying evil creatures, and slaying people around them.

For a while, the entire square was in chaos.

Hu Ye's complexion suddenly became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "I think I know why Xue An left a clone on this square. He obviously expected that the children of the Yin and Yang family would show their original form, so he said. I intend to use these thugs to suppress the confrontation!"

Speaking of this, seeing Fox Ye wave his hand, these thugs rushed towards these evil things without hesitation.

Although the strength of these people was not good, under the transformation of Fox Ye, they all became intrepid and fearless of death. Therefore, their arrival immediately stopped the attack of these evil things and won a respite for the rest of the people. .

At the same time, I saw Huye stepping forward and shouting loudly: "Everyone, now that the Yin and Yang family has completely fallen. These evil things are obviously trying to kill them. If you want to survive, the first thing is to unite and not panic. Lost!"

His words gradually calmed down the crowd panicking because of the panic.

Although the people on the square are not qualified to enter the Hundreds of Battlefields, being able to appear here also proves that they are not ordinary people.

Therefore, after calming down, many people immediately saw the situation clearly, and then began to organize manpower to start fighting against evil things.

The evil things that appeared in the square were not too strong, but these thugs were not very strong, and because they didn't care about themselves, it only took a while and almost all the casualties were lost.

By the time the reacting crowd began to resist, the thugs of Gale Wind Village had been wiped out.

And this sacrifice also moved many people.

"It's from Liefengzhai!"

"I really didn't expect these thugs who usually rob homes and houses to be such a man!"

"What mob, they are all heroes!"

These comments reached Hu Ye's ears, which made him feel a little bit emotional.

In fact, he did not understand why Xue An valued this strong wind village so much before. Although these thugs were numerous, but if they were to commit crimes, they would do something serious and it would be over.

Let alone fight against evil things.

Until now, Hu Ye realized that Xue An had planned to let these thugs be chess pieces from the beginning.

After all, what this group of people did is really worth it. Instead of killing them directly, it is better to let them die.

So if things go well at that time, even if Fox Night does not appear, Xue An's clone should forcefully control these thugs to charge into battle.

It's just that things have changed unexpectedly, and even Xue An's clone disappeared. That's why this plan almost went bankrupt.

Thinking of this, Hu Ye couldn't help raising his head to look at the upright statue of Donghuang Taiyi.

At this moment, the sun was setting, and most of Donghuang Taiyi's body was hidden in the brilliant afterglow.

Especially its huge face, because of its overly three-dimensional features, caused its eyes to sink into darkness, like two invisible abysses, which made people feel chills in the heart.

Fox Ye's complexion became more and more solemn, because he could feel that the cold air on this idol was constantly growing.

Faintly, even already dominating this space.

As for the hundred battlefields held in the palm of its hand, at this moment, it is like a candle in the storm, and it may be extinguished at any time.

Fox Ye's heart tightened.

Xue An, don't have anything to do with you!

Because the heavens today are the only one who remembers you.

If you die again, it's all over!

Not only can you not come back, even my sister has to disappear completely.

Just as Huye was thinking about it, UU read www.uukā and listened to someone talking next to him.

"Xiongtai, thank you to your subordinates who gave up their lives just now, and bought precious time for everyone!"

Hu Ye turned his head and looked around, and what he saw was a man with an extremely pale complexion.

When the man saw Fox Night, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and then said in amazement, "Fox tribe?"

Hu Ye frowned slightly, thinking that he felt an aura that made him very uncomfortable from this man, and couldn't help saying after a little thought.

"Confucian disciple?"

Then both of them looked a little embarrassed.

All this is due to an unspeakable past between Confucianism and the fox race.

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