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As soon as his voice fell, these slender figures had already rushed out of the darkness and appeared in front of everyone.

What kind of scene is this.

I saw countless slender creatures swimming in the void, swarming like a school of deep-sea fish.

After getting closer, people discovered that these slender creatures really looked like hairtails, with their eyes growing on both sides of the body, looking very funny.

"What is this? I think our diet is too monotonous, so is it a special meal?" someone joked.

Everyone roared with laughter.

Only Shen Muyu's expression is very serious.

Because he felt a very strange breath from these creatures.

These creatures are obviously very weak, and it seems that a single sword can kill most of them, but strangely, Shen Muyu found that his sword's heart was trembling faintly, just like encountering an existence that it can do nothing.

This feeling makes Shen Muyu feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, the uncontrollable Jian Xiu brazenly used his sword, trying to destroy these weird creatures with a single sword.

The sword light was dazzling, and the faces of many Shen Jiajianxiu were also full of lightness, thinking that this one would be enough to completely wipe it out.

But at this moment, after this sword light came into contact with a "hairtail"-like creature headed by it, it disappeared without even making a sound.

That's right!

It just disappeared completely, and the whole process was absorbed by this "hairtail" without even the slightest ripples aroused.

These schools of fish-like weird creatures continue to move forward.

But at this time, Shen Jia Jianxiu couldn't laugh anymore.

Many people's eyelids jumped wildly.

At the same time someone exclaimed: "Look at the monster just now!"

Everyone turned their eyes and looked, and saw that the hairtail that had just absorbed the sword intent suddenly swelled a lot. At the same time, there was a faint flickering sword light in the slender body, as if...a scabbard containing a sword inside. .

"Damn, I still don't believe in evil!" Another yelled, raising his hand and cutting out a sword.

The sword intent this time was obviously much stronger than the previous one, but the final result was still the same.

After touching a "hairtail", it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, just like water marks in the sun.

Then the size of this hairtail also swelled up, becoming a sword-sheath-like existence.

At this point, all Shen Jiajianxiu's complexion changed.

If it is said that when facing those fat evil creatures, the rules of reversing all damage caused everyone a headache.

Now these evil things like hairtails made everyone feel a touch of despair.

Because this feeling is like all your efforts can't stir up even the slightest waves, and are directly absorbed by them.

"Home... Patriarch, what kind of monsters are these, why are they so weird?" Someone asked with a trembling voice.

Except for the words that made everyone ready for battle when they first saw these evil things, Du Jingsheng in the back had been standing still on the spot, without speaking at all.

It wasn't until someone asked that he narrowed his sharp gaze, and said quietly, "These monsters should be specially developed by evil things to deal with our Shen family. They are shaped like scabbards and have similar functions as scabbards, just to hide them. Our sword intent!"

"After all... no matter how sharp a sword is, it will lose its edge and lose its lethality after returning the sheath!"

Du Jingsheng's words made everyone's expressions change drastically.

"Then... what should I do?"

"What do you think should be done now?" Du Jingsheng turned his head to look at Shen Muyu, and asked softly.

Shen Muyu's face sank like water, and only after a long silence did he say in a cold voice: "For the current plan, only kill!"

"No matter what is on the other side, even if they are scabbards specially developed to deal with us, they must kill them without hesitation!"

"After all, even if it is a scabbard, it is impossible to hide a peerless sword!"

Hearing this, Du Jingsheng finally showed a touch of appreciation on his face, and then nodded.

"Very well, this is the courage I should have from the Shen family! Now listen to my orders, everyone, condense sword intent!"

With an order, a bright sword light suddenly appeared above all the sword repairs' heads, and then rose into the air to converge into a sea of ​​sword light.



The sword light was like a torrent, rushing forward mightily.

The two collided in mid-air, and then the brilliance was annihilated, and the sea of ​​sword light that had been shocking to the sky was quickly swallowed by this evil like a school of fish.

The whole process was silent.

But in the blink of an eye, all the sword light disappeared without a trace.

Looking at these schools of fish again, you can see that their various sizes have expanded, apparently having absorbed a lot of sword intent, and then rushed to the Shen Family Star Territory again.

"Condensation again!"

There was another soft drink.

In an instant, a sea of ​​sword light condensed on the heads of the Shen family again.



Like last time, the two slammed together again.

But this time it was not as silent as last time, at least the many evil hairtails that were the first to bear the brunt were directly exploded by the violent sword intent.

Immediately afterwards, their explosion caused a chain reaction, just listening to the bursts of sound in the void.

But in the blink of an eye, these hairtail evil creatures were killed and wounded.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the Shen family that had been hanging were finally let go.

Although there were some twists and turns, fortunately, these "scabbards" were not as powerful as imagined, and they were wiped out after a few encounters.

But unlike everyone's rejoicing, Shen Muyu's complexion became more and more difficult to look.

Because he faintly felt that since the other party could specially develop evil objects against the Shen family, he obviously wouldn't give up so easily.

There will definitely be more powerful players in the future. UU reading


As everyone in the Shen family was celebrating, they were hiding in the distant void with a dark sneer.

"Fen Hong, is this your so-called gift to the Shen family?"

Fen Hong chuckled, "Don't worry, this is just a plate of appetizers before the formal dinner, don't believe me."

Diablo looked towards the void in the distance.


In the place where the evil hairtail had just disappeared, a little bit of black light began to emerge, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into strips of slender "hairtail" again.

It's just that the hairtail this time is different from before.

The first is that the body is more slender, and the scales on his body are also denser. The most important thing is that the two eyes on the left and the right are glowing red.

As soon as these evil hairtails appeared, everyone in the Shen family who had just been rejoicing was astonished.

"What's the matter? Why are these evil things resurrected again?" Someone exclaimed.

"What if they are resurrected, I don't believe them, they really can't be killed!"

This time I didn't use Du Jingsheng's instructions anymore, and soon everyone gathered their sword intent and slashed toward the evil creature with fish.

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