Chapter 2605 blood as a sword


   These words are extremely vicious, and coupled with this person's wicked and evil expression, it is like the whispers of a devil, which makes people shudder.


   At the same time, the other people in this special control room also laughed, and some people laughed wantonly while laughing.


   "Fourth old, do you think you can still get you in this turn? Master Purple Scorpion must have been on the spot."


   "Yes, I heard that Master Purple Scorpion loves fresh and tender girls the most. It is estimated that at this time this kid's sister is crying and begging for mercy under Master Purple Scorpion!"


   These insulting and vicious words made Xue An, who was hidden in the void, couldn't help frowning, but he didn't do anything.


   Because just now, he felt an awe-inspiring killing intent.


  Although this killing intent disappeared in a flash, it was very faint, and if you didn't pay attention, you might neglect it.


   But Xue An still keenly sensed that the source of this killing intent was Feibai.


   That's right.


   is the severely wounded Feibai who is fastened to the stake by a chain made of fine gold.


   Xue An's mouth raised slightly, his eyes full of playfulness, and he was ready to take a look at what Feibai planned to do.


   At this moment, Feibai slowly raised his eyes and said the first sentence from the beginning of his torture to the present.


   "What do you...want to know?"


   The voice is dumb and unpleasant, obviously very weak.


   The guard, known as the fourth oldest, smiled with joy, and said with a strange smile: "Finally, are you willing to speak? Of course it's all you know!"


   "Okay, come here, I will tell you now, but only if you can't hurt my sister!"


   "Don't worry, as long as you cooperate obediently, we will treat your sister kindly!"


   said, the fourth oldest happily approached Feibai and listened.


   The whole process was completely defenseless.


   In fact, he doesn't need to be guarded.


   Therefore, Feibai's whole body bones are broken at this moment, the meridians are all damaged, and he is also bound by the fine gold chains. Apart from being able to speak, he is almost indistinguishable from the dead.


   How can such a person be threatened?


   But he never expected that it was his negligence that caused him to pay a heavy price.


   When he just got close to Feibai's ear, his dying Feibai eyes burst, and then he suddenly opened his mouth, and a blood sword pierced out like a horse.


Because the fourth child’s head was so close to Feibai’s mouth, and the incident happened suddenly, the fourth child didn’t even have time to hum, and was pierced directly into one of the temples by the blood sword. middle.




   Accompanied by a muffled noise, this blood sword rushed out from the other end of the head, brought out a dash of brains, and splashed all over the ground.


   This sudden scene made all the guards present stunned.


   But this wasn't over at all, I saw this blood sword hovering in the air, and then slashed away according to the heads of these guards.




   These people let out a miserable howl, trying to escape.


   But how could their speed be comparable to Jianguang, so in just a blink of an eye, they listened to bang bang bang, and after a few muffled noises, all these people's heads exploded, and then the dead bodies fell to the ground.


   After finishing all this, the blood sword suddenly dissipated, turned into a shower of blood, and fell on the ground.


   Looking at Fei Bai again, his face looked like a piece of white paper, and his eyes were extremely dim.


   Xue An, who was hidden in the void, couldn't help sighing secretly after seeing this scene.

   He can naturally see the origin of the sword just now.


   said it was a blood sword, but it was actually just a burst of blood that Feibai bit through his tongue.


   The price of doing this is that Feibai will severely deplete his cultivation base and lifespan, and even cause irreversible damage.


   But Xue An had already expected this result.


   After all, even if he is in jail, even if his body is bruised, but as a sword repairman, how can this Feibai be a sword repairer, how can he tolerate these young people being rampant in front of him?


   What's more, they dare to talk about the extremely dirty threats.


   This is even more unbearable for the pride of being a sword repairer.


   Therefore, Feibai would rather suffer huge damage and use blood as a sword to kill all the people present.


   And Xue An guessed it right.


   Although these people have imposed various cruel punishments on Feibai, Feibai didn't care.


   After all, what he is practicing is the purest way of heart sword.


   As long as a sword heart is not broken, this genre can quickly restore the cultivation base, so Feibai didn't take the skin and flesh wounds on his body at all, and even used it as a means to temper his sword heart.


   But it never occurred to them that these people actually died to threaten Feibai with his sister.


   This touched Fei Bai's inverse scales.


   Although he and Si Qingqing are not close brothers and sisters, the years of getting along with each other have made him regard them as his own sisters.


   So when these people said those sordid words, their fate had quietly come to an end.


   "Pop, papa!"


   There was a burst of applause, and then the wall of the cell was full of waves, and countless gears turned to give way to a passage.


   The applause came from the channel, and it got closer and closer.


   Soon, a graceful figure appeared in the passage and came with money.


   When this person appeared swayingly under the light, she was a charming woman.


   This woman wore a well-tailored cheongsam with extremely bold split ends, setting off the devil's figure more and more proud of the crowd.


   But the most attractive thing is the charming expression of this woman, UU Reading www. Although is just a casual glimpse, there are thousands of styles in it.


   Undoubtedly, this is a rare stunner.


   A woman like this should only appear on a luxurious feast or a glamorous stage.


   Ke Feibai sneered after seeing the woman, "It seems you can't help it at last, the boss of Drunk Dance Bar!"


   That's right!


   This weak woman who looks feminine from any angle and makes people just want to protect is the big boss of this famous drunk dance bar, the head of the backstage.


   And after hearing Feibai's words, the woman laughed first without saying a word. The laughter was charming and beautiful. With the trembling body, it really made people jump out of their eyes.


   Xue An, who was hiding in the void and preparing to show up, suddenly went out in no hurry after seeing this scene.


   Because in his eyes, this woman is far from being a stunner who charms all beings.


   As expected.


   After laughing for a while, the woman gradually reduced her laughter, and then said softly with her chest raised.


   "Fei Bai, I have to say that you are indeed a man, at least I have never seen anyone who can be so hard-hearted after a full day of punishment!"


   (end of this chapter)


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