"You guys sit down first, I'll go get you the menu now."

"You don't need to look at the menu, just make a spicy tofu, a plate of Maoxuewang and a dried bean curd! By the way, let's have another beef wrapper, one wrapper and two more soups!" Xue Anhan said with a smile.

The fat aunt was completely dumbfounded.

Because these are the specialty dishes that Xue An ordered, especially the beef patties at the end, only the very familiar customers can know.

And this young man in white not only knew, but also accurately said the most affordable method, which was obviously not explained by ordinary word of mouth.

At this moment, Lao Xie also walked out from behind, and asked in a loud voice while walking.

"Who? Are there any guests at this point?"

Then he saw Xue An and his party too, and he couldn't help being startled.

Because he was shirtless at the moment, when he saw such a group of people suddenly appearing in the shop, there was a girl among them, the old face blushed, and he turned and left.

Xue An smiled at him slightly, "Uncle Xie!"


He subconsciously responded, but immediately felt something was wrong.

I don't know this young man at all, but how can he be so familiar and call himself Uncle Xie?

At this time, the fat aunt pushed him a little stupid and walked to the back kitchen.

"Walk around, the customer just ordered the food, so hurry up and cook later."

When he left the front hall, Old Xie asked in a bit of astonishment: "Old lady, do you know these people?"

"How could I know such a character?"

"Then how does he call me Uncle Xie?"

"I don't know, I thought I was looking for you! Don't talk about it, but I ordered a few of your best dishes, let's stir it!"

Soon, there was a rumbling fire in the back kitchen.

But Xue Anke had all heard the conversation between the two of them just now, and the expression on his face couldn't help but feel a little sad.

There was a time when he was a frequent visitor here, and Old Xie and Fat Aunt cared for their desolate self at that time, completely treating themselves as a nephew of the younger generation.

But I didn't expect that at this time, they would be strangers to each other.

Hu Ye naturally noticed Xue An's loss, but he could only sigh inwardly, and then stopped talking.

Soon, all the dishes Xue An ordered were cooked. Minus bxwx.co

When it is served, it can't be said that the color, fragrance, and taste are good, but at least it looks good.

The fat aunt wiped her hands on her apron with some restraint, "There is nothing good in the shop, please take your time, please call me if you have any questions."

He said he was about to quit, but Xue An didn't move his chopsticks, instead turned his head and smiled at the fat aunt.

"Don't leave yet, I have something to ask you."

"Please speak."

"Do the two have a daughter?" Xue An asked bluntly.

The fat aunt was taken aback, obviously not understanding why Xue An asked, but soon she shook her head very disappointed.

"I really want to have a daughter here, but unfortunately, I have never had any children. Now that I am older, I don't want those anymore! What do you ask this for?"

Although it had been predicted, Xue An couldn't help feeling a little sad after hearing that Xie Jingjing in this world had also disappeared, and then waved his hand.

"It's nothing, just think you look like a friend of mine before, so I just asked casually."

The fat aunt didn't doubt that he was there, and turned around and stepped back.

The four of Xue An and his party just stared at the food on the table in a daze.

It was Huye who broke the silence first.

"Okay, okay, don't think about it so much, since they have already made it for us, then don't waste it and eat it!"

Hu Ye moved his chopsticks as he spoke.

Feibai and Si Qingqing glanced at Xue An. Xue An woke up from contemplation, smiled, and then picked up the chopsticks.

"Eat, Uncle Xie's craftsmanship is still good."

Feibai brothers and sisters just put down the chopsticks.

To be honest, in the eyes of the fox night, which is accustomed to eating all kinds of delicacies, these dishes are simply mediocre, with almost no other flavor except the blind salty and spicy flavor.

This is also the most common fault of ordinary chefs.

On the contrary, the brother and sister Feibai and Si Qingqing did not choose, and ate them hungrily.

And just as people at a table were eating with their own minds, the door was suddenly pushed open heavily, and then several young people wearing exaggerated costumes and tattoos walked in.

Immediately behind these young social youths was a guy with sunglasses on his head and a big golden chain hanging from his neck.

These people started arguing as soon as they came in.


"Damn, where did the boss die here?"

Hearing the shouts, Old Xie and Fat Aunt ran out hurriedly. After seeing these young people in society, the expressions on their faces instantly became very ugly.

But soon the fat aunt's face was full of smiles, "A few big brothers are here, sit down quickly, let Xie give you a good meal today!"

"Who the **** is going to eat your food? Didn't you see that our big brothers are here?" These young people said very aggressively.

Only then did the fat aunt see this man who wore sunglasses and pulled him like two to eighty thousand.

"So you are Brother Du! I'm really sorry, I didn't recognize it just now!"

"Yeah!" The man called Brother Du snorted from his nostrils, then took off his sunglasses, took out a piece of paper and wiped it lightly.

"You are the boss here!"


"Very well, now this film is under my control, do you understand my rules?" Du Ge said coldly. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

"What's the rule?"

"It's very simple. You will come up with this number every month from now on. I can assure you that you are safe, otherwise..."

Brother Du stretched out two fingers.

Old Xie frowned, "Two hundred yuan is a bit too much!"

Brother Du sneered, "Two hundred? Are you calling Huazi? Two thousand, don't be too expensive, or I won't let you open this restaurant in minutes."

"Yes, old stuff, dare to joke with our boss, be careful we smashed your shop!" these young people yelled.

Old Xie was furious.

Although he only promised in front of the fat aunt, this does not mean that he is a fearful man.

On the contrary, he is grumpy and just caught fire, not to mention being bullied by these guys at the moment, so he wanted to have an attack.

But at this moment, Xue An suddenly patted his shoulder behind him.

"Uncle Xie, let me go!"

Old Xie was a little dazed to dodge the road, watching the guest in white go straight to the group of Du Ge in puzzlement.

Then I saw him smile slightly.

"Du Fan?"

This brother Du who was wearing sunglasses was taken aback, and then he looked at Xue An with some hesitation. Sacrifice as 9bzw.com Sacrifice as

"you know me?"

"Of course I know, and I'm very familiar!" Xue An said lightly.

Du Fan was even more dazed.

He can be sure that he has never seen this boy, so how does he know himself? Mi He Mi

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