It's just six words, but it's so exciting.

Song Yi, who was already in despair, opened his eyes suddenly, and then saw a shocking scene.

Just before this python Jiao, a figure suddenly appeared.

This figure looked slightly thin from behind, especially under the cover of the huge and incomparable figure of this snake water dragon.

But such a figure, at this moment, is like a reef standing in a torrent. Although facing the majestic coercion of this python, his body is not shaken in the slightest.

Not only that, but an inexplicable power faintly rises from him, which makes people afraid to look directly at him.

Who is this person?

Why is there such a powerful force in the body?

What is he doing here?

The shocked Song Yi quickly flashed these thoughts in his mind. Diminish

As for An Qing and Qin Yu, they were even more shocked by this sudden scene.

And this python scorpion was also shocked.

I saw her staring blankly at Xue An standing in front of her, her head full of question marks.

what happened?

Why do I feel so familiar when I see this teenager.

And the name he just called himself.


This name is obviously not yours, but why are you so excited after hearing it?

These questions made Lingzhi first open, and she was puzzled when she had just transformed into a dragon.

At this moment, Xue An stretched out his hand and pointed a finger on the top of the python's head.

In an instant, an unimaginable aura was poured directly into the body of this python flood.


After a burst of skeletal sound, the python Jiao raised her head and let out a dragon groan of extremely pain, and then her huge body began to shrink and change rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, she changed from a python that had just transformed into a dragon into a girl who had not yet grown up, and was no more than fourteen or five years old.

She looked at Xue An with blank eyes, as if she didn't understand what was going on.

Xue An smiled faintly, and then sighed softly: "It seems that there is a certain definite number in the world. Even if the timeline is messed up, it will still be that Xiaosha after transformation!"

After finishing all this, he looked down at the trembling Song Yi and others.

After noticing his gaze, Song Yi trembled all over, and layers of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

He saw everything that happened just now.

The magical scene made him stunned.

I have never heard of anyone who can turn a flood dragon that has just eclipsed into a human being.

Even those peerless experts at Hongyu Villa could not do this easily.

So when he found that Xue An was looking at him, he couldn't help but be afraid and frightened, and then bowed his head deeply, for fear of attracting Xue An's attention again.

But at this moment, I just listened to Xue An lightly saying: "Since meeting is predestined, I will give it back to you!"

As he said, Xue An nodded his hand.

The feng shui big seals that were originally torn apart and scattered everywhere instantly floated, and then quickly gathered together.

Click! Sacrifice like sacrifice like

Accompanied by a burst of dazzling brilliance, this originally completely broken seal of Feng Shui recovered in the blink of an eye.

Not only that, there are also many runes that have never been seen before in Feng Shui Mark, and the momentum is even more powerful.

Xue An waved.

The Feng Shui Great Seal flew back to Song Yi's hands again, and when he felt the heavy texture and the powerful aura inside, Song Yi was stunned.

First of all, he couldn't understand the method used by this white-clothed boy to actually refining the big seal that had shattered on the ground.

Secondly, he didn't understand why this young man wanted to do this. He had never known him before, so why did he help himself in this way?

Just as he was puzzled, he saw Xue An dodge and fell to the front, and then spoke to Qin Yu.

"Is your grandpa sick?"

Qin Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Xue An with a shocked face.

"Don't ask how I knew it, just tell me if it's not."

At the same time, Song Yi winked at Qin Yu quietly, beckoning her not to conceal, she had better tell the truth.

When Qin Yu saw this, he took a deep breath, and then nodded, "Yes, my ancestor is indeed in poor health."

"It's not just that the body is insecure!" Xue An said lightly, "The reason why you are so concerned about this python flood is probably to use the dragon blood on her to treat your grandfather, right?"

At this time Qin Yu already knew that this young man in white was no ordinary person, so he simply no longer concealed it.

"Since you have guessed it all, then I will tell you the truth. My grandfather's situation is indeed very bad now. Even the genius doctor Hua Xingyu is helpless, so he took this dangerous move in desperation, but it looks like this... "

Qin Yu glanced at Xiao Sha who was still standing in a daze, and said with a sad expression: "It is estimated that this trick has also failed."

"That's not necessarily true, at least I can try!" Xue An said.

"Huh?" Qin Yu didn't expect Xue An to say this, and couldn't help looking at him in surprise.

"Aren't you asking for a cure for your grandfather's illness? I can try it for you!"

If you change what others say, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Qin Yu would never believe it, after all, even Hua Xingyu, known as the Xinglin national player, was helpless with his grandfather, so how could other people have a solution.

Only after these words came out of Xue An's mouth, Qin Yu felt a sense of peace inexplicably.

It's as if there is nothing in the world that can be hard to beat him.

So she just pondered for a moment, and then solemnly nodded.

"If this is the case, then there is Mr. Lao Xiao!"

Xue An smiled freely, but did not rush to leave. Instead, he looked at An Qing who was aside, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

He respects An Yan's sister very much.

After all, she was the only one in the entire Anjia who did not oppose her marriage with An Yan.

It's just that in this chaotic timeline, An Yan, like herself, has never appeared at all.

So An Qing in this timeline or the entire Anjia’s fortunes are very different.

For example, although An Qing also joined Hongyu Villa, it was because of her status as the daughter of the Ancestral House. Mi He Mi

But this identity became less noticeable after entering Hongyu Villa, at least for the entire federal government, the current Anjia can only be regarded as a second-rate giant.

And the status is linked to the available spiritual resources, so An Qing's current strength can't be compared with the world without tampering.

This is why An Qing took the risk to hunt Xiaosha.

After all, there are only a few resources. If you don't work hard, you won't be able to catch up with others.

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