Facing this sharp-toothed Xiaosha, Xue An couldn't help but squeeze her nose.

"Unexpectedly, your little head is pretty good. Yes, I told you to come out to let you kill, but not now!"

"When is that?"

"Tomorrow evening, you will have your own business at that time!"

One day's time was fleeting, and when night fell the next day, Xue An once again led the crowd to find Griffin.

When he arrived outside the bar, Xue An couldn't help but smile.

"It's pretty fast!"

In just one day, the wall destroyed by Xue An had been rebuilt.

But after just one finger, the moist wall on this side disappeared again.

Griffin inside stared at all this in amazement, until Xue An appeared in front of him again, he was considered sober again.

"Big... Your lord, you are here!" Griffin smiled forcefully.

Xue An shrugged, "I'm sorry, I'm really not used to walking up from your misty first floor, so I have to do it, you shouldn't mind it!"

"Of course not, but just a wall, how could I mind!" Griffin sneered.

"Very well, it seems that you should have solved the problem." Xue An said lightly as he watched Griffin in an evening gown looking at the whole body.

"Fortunately, after a day of hard work, I finally got the qualification for this charity dinner, but you and your subordinates can only temporarily wronged and pretended to be my subordinates!"

With that, Griffin took out a gorgeous invitation card from his arms and placed it on the table.

Xue An didn't even look at it, but just nodded, "Well, since that's the case, it shouldn't be too late to leave!"

After a while, a brand-new Mercedes-Benz caravan slowly drove out of the courtyard behind the bar, and dashed towards the rich area.

Naturally, Xue An was in the same car with Grisha, and I saw him explain.

"In order to be able to complete the task assigned by the adult, I have hardly been idle this day, looking for someone to trust me. I finally made it through to a big guy, and I got this invitation only after his recommendation."

Xue An smiled, "You are also the boss of the underground world in New York City anyway, do you have to take so much effort for an invitation card?"

"Hey, don't you know, my boss looks at the incomparable scenery on the surface, in fact, in the eyes of those big guys, I look like a dog. When I use it, I'll benefit from it and let me do something ugly. I won’t even look at me when I don’t use it."

Griffin started a grievance, his face was full of grievances, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with his situation.

Xue An turned his head to look at the dilapidated street speeding past the car window, and said calmly: "Don't worry, this situation won't last long!"

Griffin was shocked, and he didn't dare to ask what he wanted to say, and finally closed his mouth in awe.

Soon, the scene outside the car window became more and more prosperous.

When it came to a toll booth, the convoy came to a halt slowly, and then a very well-equipped squad came up to check it carefully.

It is an inspection, but the action is very rough, and even the tires have to be inspected in detail with an instrument.

Griffin had no choice but to endure this, and then looked at Xue An with pleading eyes.

Of course Xue An could see what he meant, so he just smiled faintly, ignoring this group of fierce soldiers.

But at this moment, a noise suddenly came from the car behind him.

"Get off the car right now, I suspect you are a lawbreaker!" a soldier shouted loudly.

Immediately, the surrounding soldiers rushed over and aimed their guns at the car.

The muzzle began to flash a dangerous blue light, apparently charging rapidly.

This sudden scene frightened Griffin, he immediately jumped out of the car and shook his hands and shouted.

"What's the matter? Don't do it yet!"

"Griffin, I suspect you are harbouring criminals!" The captain of the inspection team said with a gloomy expression.

Griffin was startled, and then became fierce. Because he thought he was really showing off.

But at this moment, Xiao Sha stepped off the car nonchalantly, and said indifferently.

"You fart, your people want to touch my old lady when they come up. It's not too much for my old lady to slap him!"

"You..." The captain was speechless, but his heart was even more angry.

He has been stationed here for so long and has never suffered such a big loss.

Naturally, he didn't dare to check the cars of high-ranking officials, but for people like Griffin, he didn't have the slightest scruples.

After all, even if this Griffin is the king of evil, he is just a small role in his eyes.

Obviously, his subordinates also looked at this woman's beauty, so they wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, but they didn't expect this woman to have such a hot temper and directly hit others.

"Captain Garcia, don't be angry. This is a distant niece of mine. I just came here today and don't understand the rules. Look..."

While talking about Griffin, he stuffed an envelope into Garcia's hand.

But Garcia threw the envelope out with a wave of his hand, and said coldly: "Griffin, don't say I don't give you face, it's really that your people don't understand the rules!"

As he said, he pointed to Xiaosha, "Grab this woman and take it back for interrogation."

Decrease bxW x.co汜. A fierce light flashed in Griffin's eyes.

He is not a good-tempered and kind person, he just bowed his knees before just not wanting to cause trouble.

But now this Garcia is so shameless, how could he not be angry in his heart.

Xiao Sha is even more indifferent.

"Okay, anyway, my old lady is just being bored, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will play with you guys!"

Seeing that a big battle was about to start, at this moment, a gorgeous pink convoy slowly drove into the checkpoint.

After seeing the car logo and badge, Garcia, who was just full of anger, trembled, and immediately greeted him respectfully.

"Dear Miss Mandy, you are back!"

As he spoke, as soon as he winked at the people behind him, the barrier at the checkpoint had already risen.

Sacrifice such as 75zhongwen.com sacrifice such as. The convoy came to a halt slowly, and then the window of the car in the center lowered, revealing a standard white face.

Even so, it can still be seen that this is a very beautiful beauty.

Especially those eyes are green like two gems.

"Garcia, what were you talking about just now?"

Garcia trembled, but did not dare to hide it, so he had to tell the story about it.

After listening, the woman glanced at Griffin not far away with curiosity.

"Are you Griffin?"

What a person Griffin is, he has naturally guessed the identity of this woman at this moment, so he stepped forward and bent over to say.

"Yes, it's an honor to meet you, beautiful Miss Mandy."

Mandy smiled slightly, "Do you know me?"

Mi He Mi. "Who wouldn't know the great Leicester family!"

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