Griffin only felt his scalp numb, because he didn't know how long he could hide these stories.

Just when he was racking his brains to lead the topic elsewhere.

Just heard a very arrogant voice coming from his side.

"Mandy, long time no see!"

Hearing this voice, Griffin immediately turned his head and looked around, and saw a group of people walking towards here quickly.

The leader is a well-dressed but luxurious man. At first glance, he is drawn by a top master. At the same time, he has a handsome face, but his brows and eyes are full of arrogant colors.

After seeing the man, Mandy frowned slightly.

"Valentine, are you here too?"

"Hehe, of course I want to come, because this charity dinner is hosted by our Carter family!"

That's right!

It was Valentine Carter who had gone to the Drunken Dance Bar to investigate the situation before.

Mandy didn't like the arrogance of this Valentine Carter more and more, but out of good self-cultivation he nodded slightly.

"In that case, please!"

But Valentin didn't leave. Instead, he narrowed his eyes, looked at Mandy with a rather greedy look, and then waved at Griffin who was sitting aside.

"Get out of here!"

Griffin was taken aback, is this talking to me?

Valentin frowned, and then said in a condescending tone again: "Boy, I told you to get out of this position quickly, didn't you hear it?"

This sentence made Griffin really dumbfounded.

He has always treated others this way, and this is the first time anyone dared to talk to himself like this.

But in this gathering of nobles, he could not attack, so he could only look back at this Valentine with cold eyes.

He naturally knows how powerful the Carter family is, and he also knows that since Valentine can appear here, it means that he is a very favored heir of the Carter family.

But no matter how strong the opponent's background is, he can't hold back at this time.

Because the social field is also a hunting ground, as long as you show the slightest bit of vulnerability, it will be like a lion that loses its claws, and it will soon become a weak and deceptive prey in the eyes of many people.

But his silence obviously angered Valentine, and saw his eyebrows gradually rise.

"You should be Griffin, the so-called King of Sin!"

When it comes to the words King of Sin, Valentin's face is full of sarcasm.

Griffin eased down instead, then leaned back on the chair and said calmly: "Yes, it's me!"

"Tsk tusk, you must have spent a lot of effort to show up here, after all, you are not qualified to participate in this dinner at all!"

Speaking of this, Valentine's tone became more domineering.

"Now I give you two choices. The first is to get up and roll aside obediently, so that I can give you a little bit of affection! As for the second..."

Valentin said viciously: "I will let the security guard drag you out, then interrupt your two legs and let you crawl back to your doghouse a little bit!"

A raging flame suddenly rose in Griffin's eyes.

That is the flame of anger.

Although he is very self-aware, he knows that he is a dog in the eyes of these big people.

But even a dog has dignity.

At this moment, this Valentin was so rude, if he really flinched, don't even think of raising his head for the rest of his life.

So he was also fierce and stared at Valentine coldly.

Seeing that a conflict was about to break out, Mandy suddenly stood up and said: "Griffin, I think it's too noisy here, let's go to the side!"

With that, she grabbed Griffin by the sleeve and walked aside.

Griffin was a little startled, but followed Mandy obediently.

Decrease bxwx.C*o汜. In the blink of an eye, Valentine was the only one standing there.

His complexion was uncertain, staring at the direction Mandy and the two were leaving, his teeth creaking.

He never expected that Mandy would do it suddenly.

Isn't this plainly preventing myself from coming to Taiwan?

And she maintains this Griffin so, does it mean that there is really a leg between the two?

This bitch!

It simply humiliated the reputation of the Leicester family.

Valentin became more angry as he thought about it.

But he didn't notice, just as he glared at Mandy and Griffin in the far corner, there were also a few eyes watching him.

"Are you sure?" Hu Ye asked in a low voice.

Xue An nodded, "It shouldn't be wrong. There is a strange aura in this person's bloodline. Even if they are not the real murderers behind the scenes, they must have an inseparable relationship!"

"Then what are you waiting for, just do it!" Hu Yeyue was eager to try.

Sacrifice such as Xue An shook his head, "It's already here, why are you so anxious? Let's watch it first, and I always feel that there is still an important thing to happen."

Only then did Hu Ye forcefully suppress the excitement in her heart, but she also had some doubts.

Is there another important thing to happen?

What else can there be?

At this moment, I saw the lights suddenly dimmed, and then a host quickly walked to the stage, first said some kind words enthusiastically, and then said very solemnly.

"I invite you here this time to promote friendship and to hold a charity auction, and the money will be used to help the poor! Here is a special note. It was the Carter family who initiated it!"

Suddenly, applause broke out, and the lights focused on Valentine. He stood up with restraint and gestured to all parties.

"Don't talk nonsense, the auction will begin soon, and the first collection is a diamond with a full 100 carats!"

With that, an exquisite accessory was pushed onto the stage.

But the rich people present were very calm, because this is no longer the earth before the big change.

After experiencing the aura recovery, those spiritual stones containing the aura of heaven and earth are the most precious and hardest treasures.

As for these diamonds, they have become insignificant vassals.

But it's good to show off wealth.

So soon someone started asking prices one after another, and finally bought the diamond at a good price.

This was a good start, and the atmosphere in the field became hot, so the next few lots were sold in succession.

And when the atmosphere reached a climax, the host said mysteriously.

"Everyone, the following lot is extremely precious and rare, and it is estimated that many people will like it!"

With that said, someone pushed a small cart up, covered with red cloth, and couldn't see the contents at all.

But Xue An suddenly raised his eyes when he saw this lot, and a thick murderous intent appeared on his face.

In the next moment, the red cloth tore off, and then an iron cage was revealed below, and there was a young girl in the cage.

I saw that the girl's arms and legs were in the form of tentacles. When the light hit her, she immediately curled up into a ball in shock.

Mi He Mi. "Little fish!" Xue An popped these two words from between his teeth.

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