Du Fan was silent.

Qin Yu was not in a hurry, just waiting quietly on the side.

After a long time, Du Fan sighed, "Well, I promise!"

Qin Yu smiled, "You made a very wise choice."

Du Fan didn't have a lot of happy expressions. Instead, he said with a stern face: "I have to make one point first. Our cooperation belongs to cooperation, but this should not cause any harm to my cousin, otherwise I can stop at any time."

Qin Yu nodded, "Don't worry, I won't interfere with anything between you and your cousin. You can communicate in a single line, as long as you can provide us with the exact coordinates of Santis."

With that, she stretched out her hand to Du Fan again, "Thank you for your trust. From now on, we will be people on the same boat."

Du Fan hesitated a little, but in the end he reached out and shook Qin Yu, and then asked with some hesitation.

"Even if I can provide the exact location of Santis, how do you plan to destroy the other party? After all, it has been a pirate group that has been in the Milky Way for many years, and even the federal government has been helpless against it!"

Qin Yu smiled slightly, "You don't need to worry about this. Since I said that, it proves that I must be absolutely sure."

On the way back, Qin Yu sat in the back of the car and buried her whole person in the wide seat.

Seeing her tired face, the Black King repeatedly hesitated to speak, and finally couldn't help but sigh.

"Miss, you have worked so hard to plan for such a long time, just for a stone, is it really worth it?"

Qin Yu chuckled, "You don't understand, that is not just a stone, but also the hope of the entire Qin family's rejuvenation."

Speaking of this, Qin Yu's eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and the roasted Black King couldn't help but look sideways.

"Since my grandfather became seriously ill, countless people thought that the Qin family was over. Those who usually greeted me with smiles changed their faces and wanted to wait to see my jokes. At that time, I thought, I must be strong."

"It's so strong that no one dares to despise me, but it's easy to say, but how difficult it is to do it. If it weren't for Mr. Xue's rescue, maybe now Grandpa is dead, and Qin Tianye is already in power."

"So I must seize this opportunity, even if this road is difficult to walk, I have to go down, because I am fed up with the feeling of man-made swords and fish-meat."

After listening to Qin Yu's words, the Black King was deeply shocked.

He really didn't expect that this eldest lady, who looked weak and weak, was so firm in her heart.

For a moment, he couldn't help but respect him.

"I understand the eldest lady. After I go back, I will immediately finish the work at hand, and then I am ready to go!"

Decrease BxWx. Unexpectedly, Qin Yu shook his head, "No, you don't need to go this time!"

The Black King was taken aback, "But if I don't go, how can I deal with the Santis pirates?"

The Black King is the powerhouse with the highest cultivation level in the Qin Group, so he has this question.

"Don't worry, someone will take care of this! On the contrary, it is you!"

"Miss, please give orders."

"During the time I left, the safety of the Qin Group has been given to you, especially the old man. You must protect him!"

The black king's complexion gradually became solemn, and he solemnly said, "Don't worry, Miss, I will definitely live up to your request, and I will protect the old man every step of the way."

At this moment, a phone ring rang.

After Qin Yu connected, he first responded in a low voice, and then said softly: "We have already negotiated, you can leave at any time!"

After a while, Qin Yu sat up straight, his eyes brightened, "Well, in that case, I will prepare immediately and leave tomorrow!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yu was silent for a moment, and then said to the Black King: "Turn around, I want to go home first!"


At the same time, on the other end of the phone, An Qing put down the phone and smiled at the opposite brother and sister.

"Well, now things have been arranged, we can leave tomorrow!"

The man nodded, "If that's the case, then there is Lao An girl."

"Mr. Yu is too polite. With you, Lingnan's No. 1 Sword, we have the chance to win. A little hard work is worth nothing."

The man smiled, "You can't say the same thing. That Santis is a pirate gang that has been famous for many years. There are many powerful exiles among them. Even I don't dare to win easily."

"Mr. Yu is too polite. Who didn’t know that the Yu family suppressed Lingnan’s gas transport for 300 years with a sword in his hand, and now it has become the holy land of sword repair in the first district. As the first person in the younger generation of the Yu family, you really don’t have to Too humble."

The man still wanted to say something, but the woman laughed, "Yes, brother, I think Miss Ann is right. Sometimes the excessive modesty is a kind of pride!"

The man shook his head and chuckled.

An Qing got up, "Since the negotiation has been finalized, then I will leave first, and I will meet again tomorrow!"

After that, An Qing turned and left.

The woman looked at her distant back and couldn't help but say: "I can't see that this Anjia daughter is so easy to talk. Isn't there always rumors that this Anjia has always been extremely arrogant and domineering?"

The man said indifferently: "Rumours are never completely believed."

"Then do you say that we will succeed in searching for the Time Stone this time?"

"I don't know. Before reaching the last step, no one knows what the matter will be. But since An Qing dared to contact us, it proves that she must have some certainty. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Brother, to be honest, I still can't understand until now, why do we have to look for this time and space stone?" The woman said with a pouting mouth.

The man was startled slightly, and then sighed lightly: "You don't understand, this time and space stone is a rare opportunity for us!"

"Because of that boy in white?"

The man nodded, "Yes!"

"But I didn't think he was so powerful. Although the sword slashed the Ten Thousand Ghosts, I think you should be able to do it if you make a move!" The woman was still a little unconvinced.

The man didn't excuse him, just a look of contemplation in his eyes.

Sacrifice such as 75zhongwen.com sacrifice such as. Even though some time has passed, he still couldn't help his heart tremble every time he thought of the scenes of that day.

What a powerful sword intent is that!

It was like a huge torch, burning in the endless night sky.

Even Lingnan, which is far apart, can feel the aftermath of this sword intent for the first time.

He was even more shocked.

Because as a descendant of the Yu family who has been immersed in kendo since childhood and is praised as a genius by the world, he can understand the grandeur and majesty of this sword intent more deeply than anyone.

Mi He Mi. This also made him deeply in awe.

What kind of existence can cut out such a shocking sword?

I like Invincible, starting from Dad of Xianzun, please collect it: () Invincible, starting from Dad of Xianzun, the update speed is the fastest.

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