That's right!

These two sisters are the very famous sisters in Zhongduwei's family.

In the timeline that has not been tampered with, the genius girl Wei Rulan first practiced chess and spiritual thoughts from Xue An, and then worshipped under the sect of Zhuge Zang, the fortune-teller, and achieved an immortal accomplishment.

As for Wei Ruyan, she is also quite good, because she is naturally sensitive to the spirits of flowers, plants and trees, so she also has a considerable reputation.

But in this timeline, the situation of the two sisters is quite miserable.

Because their family has been annihilated in the process of the federal government to unify the world.

Although China occupies an extremely important seat in the federal government, any reunification process is doomed to sacrifice and bloodshed.

Because of differences in ideas and conflicts of interest, the Wei family strongly opposed China's entry into the federal government.

The result was that this family was completely wiped out overnight, and these **** methods also silenced all the wealthy members of the Central Capital Group.

However, under the grief of the rabbit and the fox, many of the rich and powerful people in the capital have secretly called the Wei family's action a martyrdom, and held private memorials.

At that time, An Qing also participated, and because she had a very good relationship with the sisters Wei Ruyan and Wei Rulan, it was still a long time sad.

But I didn't expect that this pair of sisters, who had been regarded as martyrs by everyone, escaped from their lives and created such a big business.

Just as An Qing was frightened and suspicious, Wei Rulan sighed slightly, "Shuangbi in China?"

Then a look of sadness appeared on his face, "It's been a long time since anyone mentioned this name!"

As she said, she looked at Qin Yu and Du Fan and smiled slightly: "I really didn't expect the Qin family's eldest lady to take a strange risk and come to me in person. Old man Qin passed here several times in the past, and I I have seen him once, dare to ask how well the old man is now?"

Qin Yu's face was very ugly.

Although she had never personally contacted this Wei Rulan, Qin Yu had already heard about her deeds.

Knowing that this frail, sickly, poor girl has been extremely intelligent since she was a child, and when she grew up, she took charge of all the affairs inside and outside Wei's home, which was resourceful.

That's why she was called a ghost girl.汜减bX*wX*.C*o汜

This can be seen from the fact that after she escaped from the earth, it took only a few years to create such a large pirate group. Sacrifice as

But the more so, the heavier Qin Yu's mood became.

Because dealing with such a character, no matter who it is, it will be very stressful.

Especially what Qin Yu seeks is a crucial time and space stone!

But she quickly sorted out the thoughts in her heart and took a deep breath and said: "Lao Wei is concerned, my grandpa is in good health!"

Wei Rulan smiled slightly, and then his eyes floated to the solemn Yu Ming.

"It can be so exciting for everyone, even if you invite Yu Jiadi to come here, I guess you are not as simple as coming to see the scenery. Right?"

Everyone was silent.

Then An Qing sighed lightly, "Rulan, since you are in charge of this Santis, then we don't have to go around with you. That's right, we do have another purpose here!"

Wei Rulan said lightly: "Needless to say, I have guessed it, you should be here for this."

With that, Wei Rulan stretched out her hand, and there was a stone as gentle as jade in her palm.

Although this stone is small, it possesses a very strange charm, especially the dense blood lines on it, like an eye, staring at everyone coldly.

Seeing this scene, everyone opened their eyes and held their breath.

No one thought that the stone that everyone has been pursuing, and made the world's powerful people crazy, would actually appear in front of them.

Seeing the shock on everyone’s faces, Wei Rulan whispered softly: “It’s such a thing, but it has caused countless people to go crazy. The original Wei family was slaughtered because of this. I didn’t expect it to be attracted again after so long. Countless coveted eyes."

Hearing this, Wei Ruyan behind her eyes burst into tears.

And everyone is even more shocked.

An Qing spoke first: "Rulan, do you mean that the real reason for the destruction of Wei's family was this stone?"

"Yes!" Wei Rulan whispered, her tone very calm.

"Because this stone was originally from the family of my Wei family, but somehow it was spotted by the federal government, which eventually led to the destruction of everyone in my family."

An Qing then asked: "Then who instigated all this behind the scenes?"

An Qing reacted quickly.

Since someone in the federal government has long coveted this thing, it proves that this person knows the preciousness of the Time and Space Stone, and the possibility of having this thing in his hands will also be extremely great.

As if seeing through An Qing's thoughts, Wei Rulan shook her head and smiled bitterly, "It's useless, after many inquiries later, I finally learned that it was not a person at all who initiated the matter, but the artificial intelligence star ring of the Federal Government!"


The audience fell into silence again.

Especially An Qing and Qin Yu, after looking at each other, both saw the disappointment in each other's eyes. UU reading

Because now that star ring has been wiped out by Xue An, and has since disappeared.

Where can I find this thing?

"I know what you are looking for for this thing. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait a few days with me, because I believe that young man will come soon." Wei Rulan said.

"Aren't you afraid?" An Qing couldn't help asking.

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? Oh, do you mean this young man is amazingly powerful? Then I can tell you now, I am not afraid, on the contrary, I am very interested!"

Speaking of this, Wei Rulan's eyes burned with scorching brilliance, which was eye-catching.

"I really want to know how such an existence appeared, and why there was no clue about him before. Of course, more importantly, I want to know how he eliminated the stellar rings on the earth."

"So if you are not in a hurry, you can wait here!"

In the end, after Qin Yu and others looked at each other, they finally made up their minds.

Although they didn't get the Time Stone this time, it's good to be able to meet, not to mention that they also wanted to know why Xue An was so anxiously looking for the Time Stone.


Everyone left with Du Yi, and someone would arrange their accommodation.

After they left, Wei Ruyan groaned for a long time, and stopped talking several times. Mi He Mi

At this moment, Wei Rulan whispered: "Sister, don't you think I'm doing this a bit risky?"

Wei Ruyan nodded, "Yes, the origin of that young man is unknown, and he doesn't even know whether he is an enemy or a friend. If he approaches rashly like this, I really don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse."

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