Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2660: Take control of the overall situation

Should we take a step back for now?

Xue An shook his head, and then said in a cold tone.

"I also give you a choice now to retreat immediately within 30 seconds, otherwise I will also give you a lesson that will be unforgettable for your life!"

Lu You on the communicator's face sank after hearing this.

Then there was a loud noise.

You must know that there are many leaders of Santis who came out with him.

These people are furious.

"What a big tone! Dare to say such a big thing when you die!"

"That's right, dare to threaten us in the opposite direction at this time, it's really a horrible thing in the world."

"What are you still hesitating about, just bombard him!"

In the roar, some people wanted to bomb Xue An with their hands.

But at this moment, thirty seconds has come, and a sword beam illuminates the entire universe.

Decrease bX*WX*.co 汜. "Fuck, what's that?"

Someone exclaimed and wanted to avoid it.

But it was too late, I saw this sword light smashing down the fleet with the momentum of slashing the sky and the Jedi.

Wherever he went, the space burst into an overwhelming sound.

Lu You's pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle tip, and those big and small bosses were even more panicked and desperate.

Someone was struggling to death, turned the muzzle frantically at the last moment, pressed the launch button, and tried to block the sword.

But the huge energy that can blast all the stars across the planet is as weak as a candle in the wind when facing this sword.

Seeing that this fleet was about to be annihilated, at this moment, a shout spread throughout the battlefield.

"Keep people under the sword!"

The voice was cold, slightly anxious.

Xue An seemed to have expected this shout, and smiled coldly, and the sword light was cut down.


There was a loud noise first, followed by successive explosions.

The fleet that was still aggressive just now became a sea of ​​flames.

At the same time, the caller also rushed to the front.

I saw a small private ship flying to the front, sitting on it were the sisters Wei Rulan and Wei Ruyan.

It's just that at this moment, the Wei Rulan, who has always been holding Zhizhu, was extremely pale, especially when he saw the soaring sea of ​​fire, his whole body trembled slightly.

"Mr. Xue, although my men offended you first, but you killed them all directly, it would be too unsympathetic!" Wei Rulan took a deep breath and said calmly.

Facing her questioning, Xue An walked out of the ship like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard. After arriving in the void, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Miss Wei?"

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "You actually know me?" Wei Rulan was surprised.

"This is not surprising, after all, you were quite famous in China before!" Xue An said lightly, and then cast his eyes on the blazing fire.

"As for the sentence you just questioned me... aren't you just trying to see how strong my methods are? Are you satisfied now?"

Wei Rulan understood in an instant, "So you knew it a long time ago!"

Xue An nodded, "Since you created this Santis, the actions of this arbitrarily act are believed to be under your control, but you have been indulging in it. There should be only one purpose!"

"Am I right?"

Wei Rulan's complexion became extremely ugly.

"Yes, I admit that I really want to see your strength through them, but your sword is too much..."

Wei Rulan suddenly didn't know how to describe it.

Originally things shouldn't be like this, but as a result, the white-clothed boy seemed to know him very well, and directly overturned all his plans.

Wei Rulan felt regretful when he thought of his many elite subordinates being buried in the flames with Lu You.

What I regret is that I shouldn't be smart and test Xue An.

I hate that I shot too late and missed the opportunity.

But for Xue An, she couldn't even give birth to a trace of hatred.

Because all of this is bluntly at my own fault.

Wei Ruyan, who was standing behind her sister, was also uncomfortable.

She actually had reservations about this decision of her sister.

Because she always feels that this newly born boy is definitely not an ordinary person, and she should not be tempted.

It's just that Wei Rulan has always been arbitrary, and because of her intelligence and caution, she has never made mistakes.

So she didn't say anything.

But I didn't expect that just a difference in thought would lead to such evil results.

At this moment, I saw Xue An with a smile, "What happened to my sword? I just taught them a lesson. Is this wrong?"

Fox night on the ship behind shrugged, and then looked at Zhang Tianyou.

He still couldn't speak at this moment, but the meaning on his face couldn't be more clear.

Have you seen it? I said earlier that he was the most murderous one, and now that everyone is dead, he said it was just a lesson.

Is this a lesson?

This is clearly fatal!

Zhang Tianyou didn't say a word, but looked at the sea of ​​flames very playfully.

Wei Rulan also had the same doubts as Fox Ye, and said with a wry smile: "What lessons do people talk about when they are dead?"

Xue An chuckled, "Who said that people are dead?"

"Huh?" Wei Rulan was surprised. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Fox Ye was even more emotional, and gestured with his arms and legs. That meant that you killed you and now you don't admit it. Is this shameless?

"Be quiet, Xue An didn't lie!" Zhang Tianyou said suddenly.


Seeing Xue An raised his hand and pointed, the blazing sea of ​​fire quickly condensed into a fire dragon, rushing towards Xue An's hand.

In the blink of an eye, the flames dissipated, and after looking at the scene, except for the countless ship ruins, everyone including Lu You stood unharmed in the void, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Wei Rulan's eyes widened.

Xue An clapped his hands gently, the fire light was hidden in his palm, and then said lightly: "I just taught them a little lesson, so I controlled the fire just now and didn't hurt them."

Wei Rulan's eyes finally showed deep awe.

She had never heard of such methods.

But the facts were in front of her, and she couldn't help but believe it.

Then Xue An looked at Lu You, "Do you still want to give me any choice?"

Lu You woke up from the shock, then took a deep look at Xue An, and finally lowered his head.

He knew he was defeated.

And the defeat was so miserable, it can even be said that the losing streak is not enough.

Mi He Mi. Because the other party didn't take his group seriously from beginning to end.

It's ridiculous that I thought about sharing the worries for the master.

Just when he was extremely ashamed, Wei Rulan quickly adjusted his mentality and smiled.

"Mr. Xue's cultivation base is really shocking, and the little girl admires it, and I know the purpose of your coming here. Please go inside and say everything. After all, you still have some friends waiting for you inside!"

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