Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2673: The cause that I planted myself, end it myself

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"So surrender, because you created me, I can spare you not to die!"

Faced with these words, Zhang Tianyou's reaction was very straightforward.

He only did two things.

The first is to directly unplug the main network cable used to communicate with the outside world in the command room.

"It's useless. At this moment, I have spread across the entire Santis headquarters. Even if you physically disconnect from the Internet, it will not have any effect on me."

Xinghuan’s voice came from the computer, but Zhang Tianyou ignored him at all.

He went directly to the supercomputer he used before, opened the lid, and unplugged the communication port connected to the central processing unit.

The communication port was bursting with sparks, and Zhang Tianyou said to Wei Rulan.

"Next you will send someone to closely monitor me. If I have any abnormalities, kill them immediately, and then use missiles to destroy all the electronic equipment here."

Wei Rulan looked terrified, without any hesitation, immediately nodded and said: "Yes!"

Zhang Tianyou took a deep breath, raised his hand, and suddenly inserted the communication port in his hand into the center of his forehead.


Blood spattered, but soon, the wound on the center of his brow healed quickly.

Then Zhang Tianyou's eyes quickly dimmed, turning into an unspeakable appearance.

Seeing this scene, Wei Rulan took a deep breath and ordered in a deep voice.

"Lu You, you immediately assign three people to guard this teacher Zhang, if there is anything unusual about him... just do what he said, kill without mercy!"

"Yes!" Lu You replied solemnly.

At this moment, the same screen appeared on all the screens in the command room.

The mighty code blasted toward the star ring like a dense bullet rain.

And this star ring didn't have the initial calmness, and roared at an extremely fast rate of speech.

"Zhang Tianyou, are you crazy? If you upload your own consciousness to the Internet, aren't you afraid of the collapse of your consciousness?"

There was a moment of silence, then Zhang Tianyou's slightly hoarse voice came from the speaker.

"You are the evil cause I planted, and all affairs are caused by you, so this evil effect will naturally be eliminated by me personally, even if the result is... the collapse of consciousness!"

When the words were over, all the screens in the command room flashed together, and then all the images were erased, leaving only a vast expanse of white.

And just when the earth, Santis, and even the entire universe were in turmoil because of the disordered timeline.

In the secret room of Santis headquarters, Xue An, who should have been sitting here, disappeared.

Only the stone of time and space remained on the empty futon.

Only at this moment, this space-time stone has changed its appearance greatly.

The intricate red stripes above have become more and more obvious, and the flicker frequency has also increased a lot.


As if someone tapped it lightly, this time-space stone suddenly rippled, and then the scene inside appeared.

This secret room has disappeared, replaced by a vast wilderness of its own.

The mountains in this wilderness are ups and downs, but after a closer look at what the mountains are, it is clear that it is a huge and indescribable strange snake.

This strange snake entangled itself, its head alone was the size of a star.

Imagine a scene where a giant snake with a length of millions of kilometers appears in front of you.

Ordinary people may just fall into madness just by looking at it.

Because this giant snake is beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

But at this moment, Xue An stood in front of the giant snake, staring at it coldly.

Although several days have passed since the outside world, for Xue An, he has just stepped into this wilderness not long.

This is because this wilderness is independent of time.

Here, even time itself has lost its meaning.

"Jie Jie Xue An! I have been waiting for you for so long, but you are finally here!"

The giant snake spoke, and the sound shook everywhere.

Just the coercion between these words can kill the strong immortal king in seconds.

But Xue An's complexion remained unchanged, "You are the cause of the chaotic timeline of the heavens?"

"Yes!" The giant snake said proudly, "I was bored, so I swallowed up the timeline of this world!"

As he said, the giant snake spit out a cloud of smoke, and images of Fan Mengxue, Tang Xuan'er and others loomed in it.

Upon seeing them, Xue An's pupils shrank instantly, and his face that hadn't changed since he came in finally changed.

"Where did you trap them?" Xue An shouted coldly.

The giant snake Jiejie smiled strangely, "Didn't you see it with one of my scales before? I trapped them in the gap of time? Do you know why I did this?"

Speaking of this, the giant snake said in a malicious tone: "Speaking of which, I really want to envy you. These women have such strong feelings for you, and they are beyond the control of time, even if I change the timeline. , And they cannot change their feelings for you."

"In this case, they became my biggest obstacle, so I trapped them in the cage built in the gap of time just to wait for your arrival!"

These words of the giant snake were like a heavy hammer, causing Xue An to change slightly.

Although he had faintly guessed before, he still felt an infinite shock after he really said it from the giant snake's mouth of the instigator.

First, I was moved by the feelings of Fan Mengxue, Tang Xuaner and others towards me.

The second is angered by this giant snake's methods.

"What do you want?" Xue An took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and asked in a deep voice.

"Very well, it seems that you are calmer than I expected, and I just like to deal with people like you who are good at controlling their emotions."

The giant snake sucked in the smoke, and the images of Fan Mengxue, Tang Xuan'er and others disappeared.

"Xue An, to be honest, I actually admire you very much. After all, you are the first to reach this height step by step in a mundane body, and the higher creatures who have forced us to bow down and retreat."

Xue An was noncommittal and listened coldly, because he knew that the giant snake must have something to say.

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I saw the clouds and mist on its huge head, and then a figure emerged.

This is a man who describes his looks extremely evil and mad.

He smiled coldly at Xue An, "I want to make a deal with you! As long as you agree, I will immediately release the people in the time cage, and at the same time return to the devoured timeline, so that everything is back on track."

"Oh? What deal?" Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It's very simple. Haven't you been investigating the truth about the Chinese incident back then? From now on, stop it and reach a cooperation with me. You can do what I ask you to do, how?"

Xue An took a deep look at the man on the giant snake and suddenly sneered.

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