Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2680: Wheelchair girl holding Gatling

Chapter 2680 the girl in a wheelchair holding Gatling


   On the contrary, Lu You, who was standing not far away, snorted, then the blood exploded on his chest and fell to the ground.


   Let alone Wei Rulan in this scene, even the hands-on "Zhang Tianyou" hadn't expected it.


what happened?


   It was Wei Rulan who was stabbed, so why was it Lu You who was injured?


   But he has been possessed by the Starlink Consciousness, his calculation speed and reaction are almost at the extreme.


   almost at the same time stunned, the other hand also pierced forward.


  Kewei Rulan is not a lamb to be slaughtered. After she escaped by chance at the first blow, she began to retreat sharply, and her backhand was a few shots.


   bang bang bang!


   After several gunshots, the star ring was temporarily forced to retreat.


   At the same time, Wei Rulan rushed to the fallen Lu You, and asked urgently: "How is it?"


   Lu You's face is pale, and the wound on his chest is bleeding out, even so, he still pulls the corner of his mouth to show a smile.


   "I can't die for the time being!"


   "Why are you so stupid, why do you want to be my stand-in?"


   "There is no reason, I just don't want you to be hurt!" Lu You said softly, his face paler, his eyes brighter.


   It turns out that Wei Rulan was not injured in the stabbing just now because Lu You became her stand-in.


   This is a very strange sorcery, which was obtained by Lu You in a very accidental situation.


   Its characteristic is that you can bind the life of a person whose strength is similar to yours as your stand-in through a secret method.


   In this case, once the subject is fatally injured, he will immediately be passed on to the substitute.


   This is virtually equivalent to one more life.


   At that time, Lu You dedicated it to Wei Rulan after he obtained this substitute spell.


   Ke Wei Rulan felt that this technique was too evil and could easily be used by people with bad intentions, so she shelved it and ordered Lu You to use it and spread it out.


   But she never expected that Lu You did not obey her orders. Not only did she use it, but she also turned herself into a substitute.


   At the same time, the star ring also saw the clues, and couldn't help laughing smugly.


   "Interesting, really interesting, a pair of fateful mandarin ducks, Wei Rulan, since you have such a good substitute, then I will let you go!"


   After that, he turned around and left.


   Soon, there was a huge noise on the battlefield outside.


   Ke Wei Rulan didn't pay attention to this at all. She got up from the wheelchair with difficulty, and then fell down beside Lu You.


   At this moment, Lu You was lying on the ground, blood snaking under him, but his eyes were horribly bright.


   But the more so, the more Wei Rulan's heart sinks.


   Because this is obviously not a good phenomenon.


   She struggled to hold Lu You's head in her arms.


"how do you feel?"


   "Soft, very comfortable!" Lu You said with a light smile.


   Wei Rulan was silent for a moment, and finally gave up his plan to throw Lu You out, and then said softly: "In fact, you don't have to be like this!"


   "This is my choice, it has nothing to do with you! And I believe you should be very clear about my feelings for you!"


   This not too long sentence seemed to exhaust all of Lu You's energy. After speaking, he panted quickly, and then began to vomit blood out.


   The sting of the star ring just now is obviously more than a simple physical attack.


   Wei Rulan hugged him tightly, letting the blood stain his clothes red.


   "You are so stupid! Really, so stupid! Of course I know you like me, but I..."


   "I know, you actually don't like me at all, but what does that matter? This is a choice I made myself, and I can't blame anyone else!"

   After saying this, Lu You's horrifying eyes, which were originally bright, began to dim at a speed visible to the naked eye.


   Wei Rulan can clearly feel that his heartbeat is rapidly weakening.


   But she can't do anything, she can only hug him tightly, and then whispered softly, "Is there anything else I want to say?"


   Lu You opened his mouth wide, like a fish going ashore, took a few breaths with great difficulty, and then exhausted his last strength to hold Wei Rulan's hand.


   "Promise me, don't be sad! Because...because this star ring let you go...obviously not at ease, wants you to be sad and regretful because of me!"


   At the end of the talk, Lu You's strength has been exhausted, and he can only stare at Wei Rulan.


   Wei Rulan was stunned for a moment, and finally swept the temples near his ears, and said with a sweet smile: "Well, I promise you, I'm not sad!"




   Hearing these words, Lu You let out a long breath.


   This breath is so long, as if to vomit all the remaining anger in his body.


   Then, his eyes dimmed completely and became muddy.


   Wei Rulan sat on the ground blankly, Lu You in his arms had no vitality.


   The blood stained on his body still carries a trace of warmth.


   Just like this man who still needs to think about himself at the last moment of his life, he wants to give himself the last touch of warmth.


   At this moment, Wei Rulan is indeed not sad, but feels empty in her heart.


   Suddenly, she seemed to be back when she first met Lu You.


   At that time, Lu You had a bloodstained face and bruises all over his body.


   Wei Rulan generally doesn't like to be nosy. Especially at the time, she had just experienced a big change and was upset, so naturally she didn't have the mood to take care of these nostalgia.


   But somehow, Wei Rulan, who was just passing by at the time, managed to rescue Lu You by ghost.


   Thinking about it later, maybe it was because of Lu You's eyes that were still stubborn and unwilling to lower his head even though he was about to die at the time.


   It's just that Wei Rulan didn't think deeply about this at the time, she just regarded it as a very common little thing.


   is like picking up a puppy when you go out to play.


   In this way, Lu You became her first subordinate.


   With the gradual growth of Santis, the identity of Lu You has also been changing. The only thing that has not changed is his feelings for Wei Rulan.


   Actually, Bingxue's smart Wei Rulan had long been aware of this, but she ignored it, let alone responded.


   It’s just never expected that Lu You’s feelings would be so fierce, even at the cost of his own life.


   A line of salty and wet liquid swept across the corner of his mouth.


   Wei Rulan thought that he would never cry again after he was destroyed at home.


   But today, she made an exception.


   Lu You in his arms was rapidly freezing cold, Wei Rulan gently placed him on the ground, then attached him to his ear, and whispered.


   "Thank you for your love for me, next, I will avenge you!"


   After that, Wei Rulan sat back in the wheelchair again, his eyes as solemn as iron.


   She gently pressed a button on the wheelchair.


   A huge box quickly hung from the ceiling. After opening it, there was a special Gatling rifle with an extremely vicious shape inside.


   Wei Rulan stretched out his hand to hold it, and his eyes gradually became crazy.


   She believes that she has nothing to lose, so every bullet she hits is considered to be earned by herself.




   (end of this chapter)


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