Chapter 2682 chaotic time system


   After the completion, Xue An took the small gourd and wandered around the talisman.


   explained something to the little gourd as he walked.


   After another day of preparations, Xue An let the little gourd enter the talisman seal.


   Looking at the little gourd sitting cross-legged in the middle of Fu Zhuan, An Yan was a little baffled.


   "Husband, how are you going to break the shackles here?"


The giant snake man beside    immediately pricked his ears and listened carefully.


   I saw Xue An smile, "Actually, the principle is very simple. Since the time of this piece of heaven and earth is independent of the heavens, the difference in the flow rate of time must be very obvious."


"I took advantage of this. First, I constructed a time structure similar to that of the heavens with Fu Zhuan, and then let the small gourd with its own time system in the body be the opener without being affected by the outside world. In this way, this A piece of heaven and earth is equivalent to having two tributaries of time!"


   "Then the powerful time difference will directly tear all the rules into pieces! How about, do you understand?"


   An Yan opened her eyes wide, her face full of confusion.


   She didn't even understand, or even understood. When Xue An said the second sentence, she was already a little confused.


   What time flow rate, what time space structure, are all words that some women don't understand at all.


   But this does not prevent her from expressing her admiration for Xue An.


   "Wow, husband, you are amazing!"


   Xue An smiled and said nothing.


   Of course he knew that An Yan couldn't understand it.


   In fact, he has tried his best to simplify this. The real principle is much more complicated than this.


   But An Yan didn't understand, but the giant snake man beside him understood.


   He is also a projection of the snake of time and space in low-dimensional space. Although he is not good at it, he has a good understanding of time.


   When he finished listening, his eyes lit up because it was indeed a very good idea.


   But soon, he glanced at Xue An with infinite awe and horror.


   Because he saw something more terrifying than thinking.


   This boy actually created a set of time structure in just a few days, and expressed it in the form of seals.


   What a terrifying creativity is needed to reach this point?


   At least the Giant Snake Man never thought about anyone who could do this.


   His main body, Time Snake, may be able to do it, but it cannot be done in such a short time.


  At this point, the giant snake man finally understands why the snake of time and many adults have worked hard to put Xue An to death.


  Who wouldn't be afraid of such a growing opponent?


   The giant snake man is thinking wildly.


   I saw Xue An smile at him slightly, "Come here!"


   The giant snake man is unknown, so he ran over in a hurry.


   "My lord, do you have any instructions?"


   Xue An smiled more brilliantly, "What do you think of the talisman I drew?"


   The giant snake man immediately stretched out his thumb and said with a flattering face: "Amazing, truly amazing, my lord, you are really pedantic, amazing!"


   "In this case, do you think we have hope to go out?"


   "There is hope, of course there is hope!"


   "Then I ask you to do me a favor now, will you help?"


   "It's okay for the adults to say it, but I can't say anything when I'm small!"


   "Very good!" Xue An smiled like a weasel who had successfully eaten, and suddenly stretched out his hand.

   "What do you think it is?"


   The giant snake man didn't doubt that he had him. He turned his head and looked around, but found that there was nothing. He was puzzled. Then he felt a pain at the center of his eyebrows, and the whole person was divided into two halves from the middle.


   He is a projection, naturally no blood will flow out, and even the two halves of the body did not fall down. Instead, he looked at Xue An blankly, seemingly not understanding why Xue An did this.


   Xue An said lightly: "I borrow half of your body for a use, and I will pay you back later."


   said, a ray of fire flew over, directly refining half of the giant snake man's body.


   Then Xue An clicked his hand and the white air flew into the talisman seal and spread quickly.


   In the blink of an eye, the huge talisman seal glowed with white light.


   When the light passed, the wilderness began to vibrate slightly throughout the time.


   "Start!" Xue An burst out.


   The little gourd sitting in the middle of the Fu seal opened his eyes when he heard the words, and the messy white light instantly condensed and turned into a mighty river of time.


  Of course, this is all formed by relying on the innate time power of the giant snake man, and then through the enlargement of the seal and the special physique of the small gourd, not a real river of time.


   But even if it was an illusion, the moment it appeared, the wilderness shook wildly for the entire time.


   The original time system is like a small river of independent branches, flowing indisputably.


   But when the river of time came out, the previous calm was instantly broken.


   The huge difference formed by the two time systems began to sweep the entire wilderness.


  Imagine that two time systems suddenly appeared in your world. After today is over, the next day is not tomorrow, but a hundred years ago.


   How could this not collapse.


  In an instant, this time wilderness began to disintegrate from the most basic particle form.


   After all, even the particles that make up everything cannot endure such a chaotic time system.


   The firm laws left by the snake in the sky before leaving, burst one by one.


   In the blink of an eye, the space tore and disintegrated, revealing strange holes.


But Xue An was not surprised and rejoiced, and directly brought Yan'er and the small gourd into the sea of ​​knowledge, and at the same time stretched out his hand to hold the giant snake man with only half of his body in his hand, and then he flew directly into these holes. . UU reading


   As soon as he walked away with his front foot, the world on his back foot completely disintegrated and shattered.


   But these have nothing to do with Xue An, so he has appeared in that secret room at this moment.


   The time stone on the futon still exists, but in the next second, it seems to be disturbed by Xue An's gaze. This time stone is directly transformed into nothingness.


   Xue An didn't have time to pay attention to this. After returning to the heavens, he immediately felt that a tragic fight was going on not far away.


   Xue An did not hesitate at all, and came to the battlefield from the secret room.


   Just now, another wave of attacks from these mechanical soldiers came.


   Fox night gritted his teeth and prepared to burn half of his tail again to confront the enemy.


   Now he has only eight foxtails left.


   This makes his distressed face twitch.


   "Damn, is Old Xue dead? Why doesn't he appear until now? Does he want to be the savior at the last moment like before?" Hu Ye scolded.


   But the next second, the words in his mouth swallowed back.


   Because of a sword light overwhelming the sky, it directly smashed all the attacking mechanical soldiers.




   (end of this chapter)


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