Chapter 2684-Shocking Reversal




   The mechanical warrior who had been standing on the left and right of the star ring to protect it turned around almost at the same time and pointed the muzzle at him.


   Xinghuan’s eyes widened in an instant, “’s impossible! Are you crazy? Am I your master?”


   Xinghuan urged several times to try to regain control of these mechanical warriors, but the results were not helpful.


   At this moment, the nearest mechanical warrior opened his mouth.


   "Huanhuan, don't bother, now that the command of these mechanical warriors has fallen into my hands, it is impossible for them to listen to you anymore!"


  'S voice is hoarse, just like Zhang Tianyou's voice.


  In a short time, Star Ring's complexion in the wheelchair became extremely ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Zhang Tianyou, you are so calculating, and you secretly seized control of the network while I was not paying attention!"


   With the calculation ability of Star Ring, naturally he quickly guessed the ins and outs of the whole thing.


   At that time, Zhang Tianyou took the risk of his consciousness collapse and disintegration of personality and uploaded his consciousness to the Internet, and started a fierce battle with Star Ring.


   Although this battle cannot be seen or touched, it is not less dangerous than the outside world.


   The star ring is pure artificial intelligence, which naturally has a strong control over the network.


   Although Zhang Tianyou lags behind the star ring in terms of calculation ability and logical reasoning, as the creator of the star ring, he is familiar with everything about the star ring.


   With the help of this advantage, he was able to draw a tie with Xinghuan at the beginning.


   But with the passage of time, this advantage is gradually disappearing, especially after the more and more powerful Star Ring became stronger, Zhang Tianyou finally fell into a disadvantage.


   But the star ring that was eager to occupy Zhang Tianyou's body did not notice that Zhang Tianyou was actually getting weaker as he hits.


   This is because he is constantly spreading the clones in the network during the battle.




   After the final blow, Zhang Tianyou was defeated as expected, and then Star Ring could not wait to occupy his body.


   But this is actually in Zhang Tianyou's plan.


   Zhang Tianyou has long understood that it is impossible to defeat Star Ring in the online world by relying on his own strength.


   So he simply used his body as a bait to lure Star Ring out of the Internet.


  Because of being the creator of the star ring, Zhang Tianyou's body is extremely attractive to the star ring, so he doesn't worry about being fooled.


   And as soon as he enters the physical world, the online world will instantly change hands.


   Although it is said that Star Ring has left countless clones in the network, these clones are in a deep sleep state with the existence of subject consciousness.


   For Zhang Tianyou, this is completely undefended.


   As expected.


   Starring was quickly fooled. After the final blow, he thought that Zhang Tianyou had dissipated his consciousness and that he could not die anymore.


   In this situation, he couldn't wait to occupy Zhang Tianyou's body.


   But how did he know that at the same moment in the online world, Zhang Tianyou's split consciousness clone quickly grew, and then began to frantically devour the resources and clone left by the starring.


   In this situation, Zhang Tianyou grew up at an amazing speed, and soon reached the level of the star ring.


   But even so, he couldn't easily gain control of these mechanical warriors.


  Because these mechanical warriors are all built by Star Ring, infinite loyalty to Star Ring is written on the underlying logic of the chip, and they are isolated from the external network.

   So Zhang Tianyou could only watch the war happen, but was helpless.


   But this situation soon changed after Xue An's arrival.


   At that time, after Xue An escaped from the wilderness of time, he found that the entire Santis headquarters was already an empty city, and the battlefield in the distance was full of fighting.


   But Xue An’s spiritual consciousness soon discovered another phenomenon, that is, a brand new consciousness has actually appeared in the Sainttis network.


   After contacting Zhang Tianyou, he discovered that it was Zhang Tianyou. After understanding the ins and outs, Xue An immediately came to the battlefield.


   Not only the mechanical warriors on most of the battlefield were smashed by the sword just now, the majestic sword power also shattered the underlying logic of the remaining mechanical warriors.


   Then Zhang Tianyou took advantage of the emptiness and took control of these soldiers.


   This is the past.


   Although I haven't witnessed the star ring with my own eyes, I can guess a general idea.


  Especially when he tried to connect to the Internet, but found that his consciousness had been isolated from the outside world, his face finally showed panic and fear.


   "It's a deep calculation, it turns out that you uploaded your consciousness to fight with me at the beginning, not to defeat me, but to give me a set!" Xinghuanhan said.


   The mechanical warrior controlled by Zhang Tianyou did not speak, but people seemed to be able to hear his sigh.


   "This is not to set you off, after all, as long as you are not so greedy, no one can pull you out of the online world!"


   "Don't pretend to be compassionate here, now you must have wiped out all my clones!" Xinghuan sneered.




"Haha, it's a sigh that I think I am already the real **** of the Internet, but in the end I was defeated by the conspiracy of your humans. I actually used my body as a bait to imprison me in the cage of the physical world! It's a good calculation! , Really good calculation! But do you think this is over?"


   Xinghuan’s face showed a hysterical look, "I admit that I lost, and I lost badly, but Zhang Tianyou and Xue An, do you think this is over?"


   "This world can no longer go back, and the Snake of Time and Space will eventually come, and you will all be buried for me!"


   "Relax, UU reading, the time and space snake lord in your mouth will not come, because before he comes, I will take the initiative to find him to settle accounts!" Xue An said coldly.


   After that, he glanced at Zhang Tianyou, "Do it!"


   Zhang Tianyou sighed, and then all the mechanical warriors worked together, and countless bullets instantly submerged the star ring on the wheelchair.


   But in the blink of an eye, the star ring was beaten to flesh.


   But this is not over yet, Zhang Tianyou walked closer, knelt down and dug out a chip-like thing from the dead body's head.


   After he put the chip on his arm, everyone felt a slight vibration.


   That was a sign that this artificial intelligence star ring was completely wiped out.


   "Alright! It has been completely wiped out!" Zhang Tianyou said in a depressed mood.


   Xue An glanced at the beaten pulpy corpse, "If you want to restore a human body, I can help you!"


   Zhang Tianyou shook his head, "No need! I am the strongest in this state. Only in this way can I help you!"


   Xue An nodded, did not say anything, just waved.


   "Go back to earth!"


   (end of this chapter)


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