Chapter 2693 The Bone Saint


   Xue An entered the realm of comprehension at the age of 22. After three thousand years, he finally became the Immortal Venerable Immortal.


   This achievement is not unremarkable!


   It can even be said that Xue An’s talent and cultivation speed are the first people in the realm of heavenly cultivation since ancient times.


   But Xue An’s path of cultivation has not always been smooth sailing.


  Because at the beginning of the practice, there was no communication and no background, so Xue An could only pick up **** exercises that others disdain to practice to build the foundation.


   Although in the later stage, Xue An covered this defect with his outstanding talent.


   But the initial foundation has not been well laid out. The impact has always been there, but the performance is not so obvious.


   With the growth of Xue An's strength behind, the cultivation techniques and resources he can access have also increased.


   But this brings about a very serious problem, that is, Xue An does not have a clear line of practice.


   Unlike those disciples trained by teachers, Xue An's practice system is very complicated.


  Maybe Xue An will practice spiritual thoughts if he obtains a spiritual practice today, and Xue An will switch to physical training tomorrow.


   Although he was able to practice everything well with the blessing of his talent, this way of practice still planted a huge disaster for his future growth.


   This is also a major cause of his failure to attack the Saint Realm with Xianzun cultivation.


   Although Xue An is reborn and returned, this drawback still exists.


   Because all of his exercises do not have a unified line, he can only improve on his own talent and intellect, and practice while groping.


   It is conceivable that in this case, the true essence spiritual power in Xue An's body is actually not pure enough.


   This is also the reason why Yue Shifang and other experts said that Xue An's strength is actually not worthy of his state of mind.


   It is because of the exercises that dragged Xue An's hind legs.


   But now, when the spiritual power contained in Xue An's body of divine consciousness is operating in accordance with the practice of Xing Tian Zhan Jue.


   The originally slightly mixed spiritual power was shocked, and then quickly decomposed and dissipated, and was digested and absorbed by Xing Tian Zhan Jue.


   In the blink of an eye, the spiritual power in Xue An's body disappeared like a deflated leather ball.


   In the empty meridians, only a strand of Xing Tian Zhen power, as thin as a hair, is running.


   Xue An’s strength even fell from the saint back to the immortal emperor in an instant, and from the immortal emperor to the immortal emperor. In the end, he was able to stay in the realm of the immortal emperor's early stage, and fell into the realm of the immortal king.


   But in the face of this kind of high-level diving-like strength drop, Xue An didn't have the slightest panic. Instead, he smiled indifferently, and then waved.


   The giant snake man who was thrown into a ball by him before reappeared in front of him.


   "My lord, the matter can be resolved...Huh, my lord, what's the matter with your strength?" The giant snake man keenly noticed the sharp drop in Xue An's strength, and asked strangely.


   "It's nothing, it's just an occasional adventure!" Xue An said lightly.


   And just as he was speaking, the non-stop Xing Tian Zhen power increased slightly.




   Xue An's momentum was lifted, and then he entered the middle stage from the early days of Emperor Xiandi.


   This kind of speed of promotion like a housekeeper is simply unheard of. If it spreads out, it will definitely cause huge waves.


   But at this time, Xue An looked indifferent, without the slightest surprise or shock, as if all this had been in his expectation.


   "Let's go!"


   After that, Xue An strode towards the depths of the void.


   The giant snake man stood there, until Xue An was already far away, he trembled all over, and then hurriedly followed.

   To be honest, just a moment ago, when he noticed that Xue An's strength had fallen drastically, an evil thought flashed in his heart for a moment.


   Very quickly, this evil thought was shocked by Xue An's promotion like breathing easily.


  Especially, he also discovered that although Xue An's strength at this moment is only in the realm of the immortal emperor, the power exuded by his gestures is much more terrifying than before.


   Therefore, he was extremely wise to suppress the evil thoughts in his heart and chose to follow.


   Xue An is still naked at this time, and every step he takes has a unique rhythm.


   As he strode, his muscles were shaking like running water, and even the tattoo on his back seemed to come alive.


   The giant snake man just glanced at this tattoo and was so horrified that he lowered his head and dared not say anything.


   The countless battle souls of Mimi Zaza were dizzy when anyone looked at it. More importantly, the giant dancing and waging above the crowd made the giant snake man feel as if his body had collapsed just by looking at it.


   This made him swallow secretly.


   What are these things?


   And what is the strength of Master Xue?


   Could these fighters be defeated by Xue An and then forcibly sealed?


   Just as the giant snake man was thinking about it, Xue An, who strode in front of him, exploded once again.




   This time, Xue An has stepped into the realm of the latter stage from the middle stage of the emperor.


   I guess no one will believe it when I say this promotion speed.


   The giant snake man was also shocked. More importantly, he discovered that when Xue An was promoted, the tattoo on his back seemed to have changed.


   The images of these soldiers at the bottom became more vivid, and some people's eyes were lit up, as if they could come alive in the next instant.


   The giant snake man just glanced at it, then lowered his head in infinite awe, not daring to think of offense anymore.


   At this moment, with the lighting of the tattoo behind Xue An, a ray of Qi suddenly appeared out of thin air and merged into Xue An's body.


   Xue An was taken aback for a moment, and then a strange color appeared on his face.


   Because the Qi machine just now is a ray of aspiration. UU Reading


   After melting into the body, Xue An heard a murmur of prayer.


   "Blessed by the great sage of the bones, may my father change his mind and not marry me to the hakama of the general's family, and hope I can find the best man..."


   Then the female voice talked about many trivial things.


   Xue An was so ridiculous.


   Because through the female voice's narration, Xue An knew that the father of this unknown girl should have offended a wealthy family because of something, and he wanted to marry her to a powerful son in desperation.


   And this powerful son is a hakama who is like a fake, with a bad reputation, so this girl was very unhappy in her heart, but she didn't dare to disobey her father's order, so she had to come to the temple to worship and make a wish.


   just who is the great sage she calls it?


   Could it be... is this Xing Tian?


   Xue An's heart just moved.


   heard this female voice say again: "Caidie, put up the sacrifice I prepared!"


   "Yes, miss!"


   offerings? What sacrifice?


   Just as Xue An was puzzled, an extremely bright aura suddenly appeared in front of him.


   (End of this chapter)


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