

   While speaking, he used the commanding instrument in his hand to direct the alien beast pulling the cart to turn around, and then rushed towards Ren Xing's carriage again.


   Ren Xing finally reacted this time, and then screamed: "Ren Ning, are you crazy?"


   said, she slapped the front cockpit frantically, trying to make the groom turn.


   may be too late.




   There was another loud noise. This time Ren Xing's carriage was knocked out of a big hole.


   Ren Xing, who has always been arrogant, was also dumbfounded at this time, and her friends even hissed and screamed.


   But this is not over yet, Xue Anke will not save her face, so the carriage pulled back again, and then hit it hard.




   With a loud noise, the carriage of Ren Xing's carriage was finally overwhelmed and completely shattered.


   Ren Xing and her friends are exposed in the sky.


   And at this time, the instigator Xue An had already left Shi Shiran in the carriage.


   Ren Xing stood pale in the sky, and it was not until a long time later that she pointed at the back of the far away carriage.


   "Ren...Ren Ning, you wait for me! I'm never finished with you!"


   It's a pity that these shouts of her quickly dissipated in the wind, and Ren Ning didn't hear it at all.


   At this moment, she is looking at Xue An in a daze.


   Xue An frowned, "What do you always see me doing?"


   "Ah...ah, nothing!"


   said, Ren Ning looked away in a panic, but the corners of her mouth that could not be restrained raised still betrayed her true thoughts.




   is so cool!


   Ren Ning never thought that one day she could resist her sister's oppression.


   In the past, facing her sister's provocations, she always chose to give in and endure.


   If it doesn't work, she tries to avoid her sister as much as possible.


   And because her eloquent sister is very pleasing to her father, she dare not even file a complaint with her parents.


   After all, she has always been a nearly transparent existence in the eyes of her parents.


   Until today, she suddenly realized that she could resist this way!


   Suddenly, she felt that the white-clothed boy on the opposite side was not that **** anymore.


   Except for his strength, this guy is pretty good in every aspect! Ren Ning thought silently in her heart.


   After this episode, Ren Ning's team returned to the Ren family territory smoothly.


   It wasn't until then that Xue An discovered that this planet was so huge that it even exceeded the understanding of the heavens.


   If it is in the system of the heavens, such a planet is absolutely impossible to exist.


   But in this high-dimensional world, it seems to be not uncommon.


   At least Xue An looked up and saw that there were many fist-like stars in the dark night sky.


   Such a world... it is really interesting! Xue An raised the corners of his mouth, showing a slight smile.


   With a smile like this, Ren Ning's heartbeat was a little red.


   Soon, the convoy landed on the ground.


   This Ren Family Manor occupies a vast area, even like a city.


   There was Zhuang Ding guarding the gate, and when he saw Ren Ning's motorcade, someone greeted him immediately.


   But there are also many eyes prying in secret.


   After all, the entire Ren family now knows that this eldest lady, who has always had a low sense of existence, is about to marry the son of the general.


   But thinking of the terrible reputation of the son of the general, many people secretly shook their heads, full of sympathy for Ren Ning.


  Of course, some of them are full of gloat.


   In short, under the gaze of countless lights, the little maid Caidie stepped forward and opened the curtain.


   Then a white figure slowly walked down from it.

   A young man dressed in white, clear and handsome, like a pine and cypress, appeared in front of everyone.


  In a flash!


   Whether it's secretly paying attention to, or these people in front of the door, they are all trapped in petrification.


   Because no one thought that a man would walk down from the carriage of the eldest lady.


who is he?


What is the relationship between    and Missy?


   These question marks appeared in everyone's mind.


   At the same time, Xue An looked around the audience, and then said lightly: "Come out!"


   Ren Ning stepped out of the carriage tremblingly, she didn't even dare to lift her eyelids during the whole process.


  Because she knows how many eyes are staring at herself at this moment.


   This made her nervously trembling, who was always low-key.


   At this moment, a figure appeared in front of her, blocking the curious eyes.


   "Is this your home?" Xue An said lightly.




"Pretty big!"




   "Let's go, go back to you first!"




   After a brief conversation, Xue An walked in, and Ren Ning followed suit step by step, just like a little maid.


   Wherever he went, these Zhuang Ding all gave way with a face of error.


   Xue Anru entered the land of no one, and walked into the manor with his head swaggered.


   When his figure had disappeared in the corridor behind the door, a tumult broke out in the audience.


   "Gosh, I'm not mistaken, did the always honest and gentle eldest lady brought back a man after going out?" Someone looked incredible.


   "The key lies in this juncture, I really don't know what the general's mansion will think after this news is out!" Someone sighed.


   "This boy looks pretty good, but his strength is too poor. He is a mere 7-rank Wu Yilang. Such ability is average for our Ren family, let alone the general mansion!" Someone sneered.


   For a time, opinions were divergent.


   When it was lively, a tattered carriage stumbled to the front, and then fell heavily on the ground.


   Without waiting for someone to greet him, this Ren Xing had already jumped to the ground, and then asked with a sullen face.


   "Where is Ren Ning! Has she come back?"


   "Enjoy the second lady, the eldest has just returned! You.... UU reading www.uukanshu.com"


   Hearing the word "come back", Ren Xing had already rushed into the door, leaving a bunch of people waiting to stand in place, staring at them.


   "What's going on today? Why are the eldest and the second miss weird?"


   "Stop talking about that, why do I look at this carriage as if it was hit by someone!"


   "Yes, yes, the eldest lady's carriage just now also showed signs of impact!"


   "Could it be that the two sisters started their hands?"


   "How is it possible, you don't know how the eldest lady has a bun-like temper, how can you do such a radical thing!"


   "But the key is that there is an extra man in this today!"


   "I think it will be even more lively when the master comes back!"


   When they heard the word ``Master, everyone's complexion changed drastically.


   At the same time, before Ren Xingye came to the residence of her sister Ren Ning aggressively, she just wanted to inquire about her crimes, when she heard a bang from inside, and then a figure broke through the door and flew out.


   With a plop, the figure just fell on Ren Xing's feet.


   Ren Xing looked down and found that this figure was actually an old mother in her sister's room, but at this moment, she was covered with blood, and she had fainted.


   (end of this chapter)


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