Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2704: Family affection is just a bargaining chip on the balance of interests

Chapter 2704 family love is just a bargaining chip on the balance of interests


   Ren's different figure is not considered tall, so when Xue An came near, he almost looked up at Xue An.


   The more important thing is that Xue An has an invisible deterrent on him, and it is a bit difficult to breathe differently.


   This kind of coercion is almost comparable to the generals I have seen!


   Ren thought it in secret, but in front of so many people, as the head of the family, he naturally couldn't be too weak, so he sneered slightly.


"Yes, that's what I said, and I still hold this idea to this day! Young people, don't think that if you have a little strength, you can look down upon the crowd. Seventh-rank Wuyilang is a seventh-rank, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to surpass yourself. Grade!"


   Xue An nodded, "Well said, but what do you think of it now?"


   Following the voice, Xue An's eyes narrowed slightly, and a vast expanse of breath suddenly rushed out from the top of his head, shook the heavens, and the wind and clouds that had stirred thousands of miles changed its color.


   "This is..." Someone opened his mouth wide and looked at the scene before him in disbelief


   At the same time, I saw Xue An's body radiantly floating, and quickly condensed introverted, and in a flash, he entered the sixth-rank Xiaoqiang Lieutenant from the seventh-rank Wuyilang realm.


   The boss with everyone's mouth open.


  Especially those who are practicing, they almost stared out.


  As practitioners, they know better than anyone how difficult it is to advance in strength.


   It can be said that every climb up to a small level will consume countless energy, and many people have exhausted their entire life and cannot take a critical step, thus getting stuck in a certain stage.


   Even those strong sects, even the destiny in the inheritance of evil things, if you want to advance to a realm, you need a long preparation, and it can be completed under the blessing of many elders of the division.


   But Xue An’s promotion just now seemed as easy and natural as eating and drinking.


   Who has seen this before.


   "Now?" Xue An asked indifferently.


   I moved my mouth differently, but couldn't even say a word of what I wanted to say.


   Ruo said that before he faced Xue Anshi, who was in the realm of Seven-Rank Wuyi Lang, he still had a bit of clamoring capital.


   After Xue An was promoted to the sixth rank Xiaoxiao Lieutenant, he didn't even have this capital.


  Because no matter where it is, the sixth-rank Xiao Lieutenant is already an existence that cannot be ignored.


   The big Ren family is a master with only a few valet lieutenants.


   Xue An gave a sneer when he saw this, then suddenly turned around and said lightly: "Let's go! Anyway, there is nothing worthy of your nostalgia in this home!"


   After that, Xue An took a step and walked out.


   Ren Ning glanced at Ren Different and others, who had a cloudy complexion, then glanced at Xue An's back, and then quickly followed after gritted her teeth.


   Hearing the footsteps behind him, Xue An smiled and asked without looking back, "Is there a feeling of relief now?"


   Ren Ning thought about it carefully, then nodded seriously, "Well, it feels a bit refreshing anyway!"


   Xue An laughed, "That's right!"


   Amidst the laughter, a gust of wind blew by, engulfing the two of them and flying into the Nine Heavens, where they disappeared.


  The muscles of different faces are trembling, and the eyes are so cold that people can freeze to death.


   The people around were all silent, and they didn't even dare to breathe.


Only Ren Xing, who has always been willful and reckless, stepped forward with righteous indignation and said: "Father, don't be too angry. I have long seen that my sister is not a good person. Don't look at her usual performance. In fact, I have an idea in my heart!"


   Rendi turned his head and glanced at her, "Since you have seen it a long time ago, why didn't you say it before?"

Ren Xing was frightened by the cold expression on his father’s face, and she trembled: "I...I...I just said that. Don’t be angry, father. She ran away. Just treat it as no one."


   "I think there is no such person..." Ren Different sneered.


"Do you know how much effort I put in to get into the relationship with the general? It was hard to tell the marriage, but at this moment, this **** actually ran away. How did you tell me to explain to the general? ?"


   Ren Xing's aggrieved tears flowed in his eyes with a different stern voice.


   "Then...then send someone to chase it now!"


"Of course I want to chase. Does this Ren Ning really think I can get rid of everything if I find a man? She forgot that Ren's blood is flowing on her body, so she can't escape, but even if you chase back, General I can't explain it over there!"


   "After all, it will not take long for this matter to spread. Even if this **** is brought back by then, the son of the general will not be able to kill the willow again, so there is only one way for the current plan."


   Speaking of this, Ren Dong looked at Ren Xing with blood-red eyes.


   Ren Xing's heart clicked, her face turned pale in a moment.


   "Father, I... I'm not an adult yet, you can... you can..."


   "Even if you are not an adult, you can't miss it for a few days, not to mention the son of the general should be better."


   Ren Xing was so scared that her voice changed, "But father, I...I don't want to marry now."




   There was a crisp sound.


   Ren Xing held her red and swollen face and looked at her father in disbelief.


   This is the first time I have been beaten by my father when I grow up.


   At this time, there is no such thing as the usual kindness.


   "Don't want to marry? Do you really think that I support you so that you can enjoy the prosperity and wealth? You are wrong, you are all my bargaining chips, and I will complete your task when I need it!"


   "Because of your stupid sister, I didn't think about you before, but now she is no longer useful, then you have to replace her, understand? My dear daughter?"


  Ren's different faces are distorted by anger and Xing feels that a heart is falling rapidly.


   All the happy memories of the past and the beautiful longing for the future are all shattered at this moment.


   Unlimited regret and jealousy suddenly rose in her heart.


   regretted that she shouldn't be against her sister and took her away, jealous that she had found a man whom she could rely on, and took her out of the sea of ​​suffering.


   At this moment, I saw Ren Different pointing at several women in the distance.


   "Come here, drag this guy down and take care of her strictly. No one is allowed to approach her without my order!"




   These women did not dare to have the slightest objection, and immediately stepped forward and dragged away the devastated Ren Xing.


   let him clap his hands, his eyes were uncertain, and then he whispered again.


   "Send someone to investigate right away and see what the kid is coming from just now!"




   "Also, if there is no background..."


"How about it?"


   "Just leak his whereabouts, and someone will clean him up by then!"




   (End of this chapter)


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