Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2719: Genius among geniuses

Chapter 2719 the genius of the geniuses




   Not right, it is a genius among geniuses!


   This is the only thought in Xue An's mind at the moment.


   Even if it is him, he has never heard of anyone who can mobilize and command these heaven and earth auras like an arm.


   In fact, I can think of it after a little thought. If everyone is like this, what are they still doing hard work? Wouldn't it be fragrant to directly mobilize the spirit of heaven and earth to do things for yourself?


   "What's wrong with you husband? I taught it, isn't it right?" An Yan couldn't help asking when Xue An hadn't spoken all the time.


   Xue An smiled bitterly, "Yes, what I taught is quite right, because I thought a little bit too narrowly before, after could my daughter follow the path of ordinary people's cultivation!"


   Speaking of this, Xue An gently patted the missed little head, "Go and play!"


  The two daughters left with a smile.


   Xue An looked at the backs of the two of them, and suddenly a very clear thought came up in his heart, that is, his two daughters may be far more powerful than he thought.


   As early as the days of the heavens, the two little girls showed the two extraordinary talents of speaking easily and investigating falsehood respectively. At that time, Xue An understood that his two daughters were by no means ordinary.


   But at that time, Xue An thought that all of this should be attributed to him. After all, he was also a ruthless person who proved Dao Xianzun in just three thousand years.


   But now, it seems that the talents shown by these two little girls are beyond Xue An's understanding.


   Combining with the terrifying combat power that An Yan had exploded during the previous war, Xue An suddenly had a kind of understanding.


  Daughter... After all, it's with mom.


   "What do you think?" An Yan approached and asked.


   "It's nothing, it just feels like our daughter has grown up a lot!" Xue An sighed.


Hearing this, An Yan couldn't help but sigh, "Yes, the two of them have grown up a lot in the past two years, but they are still different from ordinary children. After all, if measured by ordinary children, they are now adults. NS!"


   Xue An laughed, "How can you and my daughter be ordinary? The more powerful and powerful, the slower the growth of their offspring, which is not surprising."


   "What are you going to do with this girl?" An Yan asked.


   Xue An looked at Ren Ning, who was having fun with Miss Miss in the distance, and said lightly: "Speaking of which, she is actually a hard-working girl. I plan to take her to this literary meeting."




"Yes, I came to this world to find the guy who changed the timeline of the heavens, but this world is obviously divided into two elements, so if you want to find those hidden evil things, the best way is to contact this as soon as possible. The world's high-end combat power, this Ling'an General Mansion is the first stop!" Xue An said lightly.


It’s just that he still had something to say to An Yan. From the square small round mirror of Yun Lingxuan, he clearly felt the awe-inspiring spirit of Chinese Confucianism, coupled with the prosperous style of the world, which made him feel good about the building and the building. Qisi Poetry Club has generated a lot of interest.


   He wanted to know who brought it all into this world.


   An Yan nodded, and then said strangely: "The face scarf on the girl Ren's head seems strange. The two little girls once curiously lifted it up, but still couldn't see her true face."


   "Of course I can't see it, because her face towel is obviously not a vulgar thing, it contains a strong force of rules!"


   "The power of rules?" An Yan shook slightly, "Is it related to evil things?"


   Xue An raised his head and sighed softly: "I'm not sure now, but this girl Ren obviously also has a story, but she doesn't want to mention it!"

   At the same time, in the very center of Ling'an territory, thousands of miles away from Ren'an City, stands a prosperous city.


   When the carriage came to the pass 50 kilometers outside the city, the little maid could not help but whispered.


   "Miss, Ling An City is here!"


   The curtain was lifted gently, and then Yun Lingxuan looked forward.


   This is a majestic city, the wall is tens of feet high, and the whole body is made of basalt. In the hinterland surrounded by the mountains, it really looks like a giant standing on top of the earth.


   "Miss, do you want to inform the people from Ling'an General's Mansion to pick it up?" Tuan'er asked.


   "No need, they are already here!" Yun Lingxuan said softly.


As soon as   's voice fell, I saw a cloud of smoke rising in the distance, and then a squad of cavalry came down like a black line.


Wherever    passed, the caravan people on the official roads rushed to escape.


   Almost in the blink of an eye, this cavalry squad rushed to the front of the carriage.




   The leader lightly brought the rein, the entire cavalry squad ordered the prohibition, and stopped almost instantly.




   brought the violent wind mixed with the smoke and dust blowing across the way, making the beast driver of this carriage horrified, and back again and again.


   Little Maid Tuan'er's complexion was also a little pale. She followed the young lady since she was a child, and everyone she saw was a great scholar in the world, and she had never seen such a majestic scene.


Especially the cavalry squad in front of them is all uniformly wearing black profound armor, and even the smoke cloud beast under the crotch is protected by scale armor, and its face is covered with a black mask. Just standing there, it brings its own soldiers. Evil spirits.


   There is no doubt that this cavalry squad is the elite of the elite.


  Because only those powerful players who have fought countless times on the battlefield can develop such a bad spirit.


   Is this something a little maid can face directly?


   Just as she gaped her mouth and didn't know what to say, she heard a cold snort coming from the carriage.


  As soon as these words came out, a wave of awe-inspiring righteousness burst forth, directly smashing the spreading military might.


  Lead The general was slightly A look of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he reacted very quickly, and then got out of his saddle.


   With his move, the rest of the cavalry also moved.




   With a neat and uniform armor impact, the cavalry squad dismounted, and then knelt on one knee with the general.


   "The first team of the Black Wolf Army is here waiting for Miss Yun on the order of my master!"


   "Who is your master?" Yun Lingxuan said coldly in the carriage.


   "It is the son of my general, Xu Gaotian!"


   "Xu Gaotian? Isn't it General Ling'an?"




   "Tuan'er, let's go back!" Yun Lingxuan ordered.


   "Yes, miss!"


   Tuan'er did not hesitate, and immediately took the reins to drive the horses and wagons, preparing to leave back.


   This action made the general's eyes look angry, and he stood up and stepped forward: "Miss Yun, Xu Gaotian is the eldest son of our general, and his orders are just like the orders of the general!"


"I don't know who is Xu Gaotian, I only know that the person who invited me to attend the literary meeting this time is General Ling'an, and since he doesn't even have the sincerity to send someone to greet me personally, then I don't have to go! ."


   (End of this chapter)


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