Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 2724: Do whatever you want

Chapter 2724 Do Whatever You Want


   "This Xu Gaotian is usually reckless and depraved. You and I have heard about him for a long time. Now that we see him doing evil, is it because of his identity that we can just ignore it?" Zhuoben said righteously.


"well said!"


   Black-faced scholar Han Bochao was the first to shoot the case.


   "I've seen this **** Xu Gaotian displeased a long time ago. Brother Zhuo's remarks are just what I want. What do you think, I will definitely follow Xu Gaotian!"


   Wu Zizhang drank a glass of wine in one sip, "I'm the one too!"


   Yao Yachao's face was hesitant.


   Zhuo Benzheng said very solemnly: "Brother Yao, this is what I did alone. If you don't want to interfere, you can leave, Zhuo will never complain!"


   Yao Yachao sighed and said with a wry smile: "I am not greedy for life or death, but it is unwise to be so impulsive for a woman in the dust, but since Brother Zhuo insists on going it alone, Yao has to give up his life to accompany the gentleman!"


   Hearing this, Zhuo Ben couldn't help laughing.


   "Okay! I, Zhuo, can have three close friends, it's worth it in this life!"


   said, he rushed upstairs without hesitation, and the three of them followed.


   You must know that there are still many pleasure seekers in the lobby on the first floor. When they see this action, these people can't help but look surprised.


  What are they going to do?


   That is the eldest son of the general who is acting!


   Could it be to go to death?


   Some people who are not righteous in their hearts can't help shaking their heads and sighing.


   At the moment, the second floor is a mess, and the floor is full of broken tableware, tables and chairs.


   Some little maids shiveringly hid behind the pillars and did not dare to look up.


   There is only one table in the entire second floor, which is still intact. Xu Gaotian sat there in his spare time, his face full of gloom.


Girl Qie stood in front of him holding a wine glass, resisting the anger in her heart, and whispered: "Young Master Xu, no matter what it is because of this time, now you have broken things and people have broken things. There must be something wrong. It's over, now I drink this glass of wine, and you assume that nothing has happened, how?"


   After that, Miss Qie picked up the glass and drank it.


   But Xu Gaotian was not moved at all, but looked at her coldly.


   She sneered until she had already drunk the wine, "Just as if nothing happened...hehe, what kind of thing do you dare to talk to me in this manner?"


  As soon as he said this, the atmosphere on the second floor instantly became more solemn.


   There was a look of anger in the eyes of the women who went upstairs with Ms. Qi.


  郄 girl was not angry, but smiled: "Yes, I really don't count anything in front of your son, but today this matter should always be over!"


   "Closed? Very good, then I will give you two ways to close it! First, let Xiaoqian go with me just now, I can write off this matter!"


   Upon hearing this, these women were in a commotion, and in the middle of them there was a pretty girl with blood still dripping from her forehead, looking desperate.


   She knew very well that as long as she left with this Xu Gaotian, it would mean that she would never see the sun tomorrow, and she would die terribly.


   Fortunately, the Qi girl denied this proposal without hesitation.


   "This method doesn't work, let's talk about the second one!"


   "Are you really going to wait for the second one before making a decision?" Xu Gaotian said with a smile.


The girl   郄 shook her head decisively, "No need!"


   "Well, then the second way is... You follow me for this Xiaoqian!"


   As soon as he said this, everyone present changed their colors.


   Everyone knows what this means.

   With the reputation of Xu Gaotian that flower demon, almost all the women who fell into his hands could not see the next day's sun, and all of them died in terrible conditions.


   Everyone suffered extremely abnormal and cruel torture before dying.


   This is also the reason why this Xiaoqian was so desperate just now.


   I didn't expect this Xu Gaotian would be so perverted, and even hit the girl Yue.


   There was a commotion in the audience for a while.


   This Xiaoqian opened her mouth, trying to say something, but couldn't even say a word, only tears ran across her cheeks.


   On the contrary, this girl was very calm, took a deep breath and slowly said, "Master Xu, is there no other way?"


   "Look, I just gave you two choices and asked you to make a decision after listening to them all, but you didn't listen, but now you ask me if I have other options..."


  Xu Gaotian’s smile on his face became colder, "Is this a trick on me?"


   In the words, a majestic pressure rose from his body, and the suppressed women all shivered.


  郄Girl's complexion is also pale.


   Even if she was bold and quick-witted, she couldn't help being confused at this moment.


   But at this moment, a voice trembling from tension, but extremely firm, came from behind.


   "Miss Qi, don't promise him!"


   Hearing this, the people present turned their heads one after another, and this girl was shocked all over, and then looked back.


   I saw Zhuo Ben standing pale at the top of the stairs on the second floor, and seeing her look at him, he couldn't help but smile.


   This girl Qi never dreamed that it would be him who appeared on the second floor at this moment. Can not help but froze in place.


   When Xu Gaotian saw a few strange faces, and they seemed to be scholars, he couldn't help but sneer.


   "Who are you again?"


   "The student Zhuo Benzheng who participated in this literary meeting in Ren'an City!"


   "Wu Zizhang!"


   "Han Bochao!"


   "Yao Yachao!"


   The four of them all stepped forward and said.


   And this kind of action is even more brilliant in the eyes of the women present.


  郄Girl even felt that something had exploded deep in her chest, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's nose was sour, almost crying.


  Xu Gaotian almost laughed out loud, "Students of Ren'an City? I forgot to mention, then the city lord of Ren'an seems to owe me a daughter and didn't offer it!"


   "What do you mean by appearing here?"


   Zhuo Ben was looking away from Miss Qi, and then took a deep breath and said, "Master Xu, you are the future young master of Ling'an Domain. Why do you embarrass these weak women?"


   "To embarrass these weak women?" Xu Gaotian's eyes flashed a touch of misery, "Go on!"


   Zhuo Benzheng said, "I waited all because I admired the prestige of my father, so I came all the way to participate in this literary meeting. I hope that Young Master Xu can look at the face of me and let these women make a living!"




   The quiet to the extreme!


   Everyone held their breath and looked at this Xu Gaotian, even this girl's heart couldn't help but shrink into a ball.




   I saw the muscles on Xu Gaotian's face gradually twisted at a strange angle, revealing a terrible grin.


   "For your face... OK, then you kneel down, come over and call me three grandpa, I will let these people go!"


   (end of this chapter)


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