Chapter 2732


   The quiet in the small courtyard was extremely quiet.

   It wasn't until a moment later that someone whispered in an awe-inspiring tone.

   "Like, it's so alike!"

   There is no other reason, it is that the paintings by Qi Weilan on rice paper are too similar.

   and even reached the point where it was so subtle.

  The girls who were present were very familiar with Wei Lan all day long, but even they couldn't find any faults.

   At this time, Xue An also went to the front of the painting, examined it carefully for a moment, and then looked at Zhuo Benzheng, who was pale as paper, in surprise.

   "Good drawing skills!"

   This is not a false statement, but Xue An did see a little shadow of Tao from this painting.

   This is not surprising. When Xue An was practising in the heavens, he knew that there was a technique for entering the Tao through painting.

   After reaching a high level of cultivation, there is simply unpredictable power.

   Although Zhuo Benzheng's painting skills are still far from reaching that level, he has already seen the prototype.

   What’s more commendable is that Zhuo Benzheng should have figured it out by himself. There is no sculpting at all, which shows how amazing his talent in painting is.

   Zhuo Ben was blushing, and said, "Master Xue, can you see if it can be used?"

   Xue An nodded with a smile, "Of course it can be used, because this picture of yours not only paints the image of this girl, but more powerfully, even the unique temperament of her is also vividly expressed!"

   "That's good, that's good!" Zhuo Benzheng said, and then looked at Xue An with great expectations.

   And it's not just him, the girls present are looking forward to it.

   Xue An smiled, picked up the painting on the table casually, carefully examined it for a moment, and then closed his eyes.

   At the same time, his huge mental power spread like flowing water.

   Although it is said that this is the core of the entire Ling'an domain, there is even more powerful sacred relic suppression such as the Wensheng Tablet at this moment, but this is not difficult for Xue An.

   If we rank Xue An’s ability now, then Divine Mind will definitely rank first, followed by Red Lotus Karma Fire and Swordsmanship.

  Especially after inheriting Xing Tian's hundreds of thousands of years of experience, his spiritual consciousness has reached a level that can be called horror.

   Although his current strength is nothing but Xianzun, that is, the sixth rank Xiaoqiang captain of this world, he is not much better than the fourth rank general in terms of the strength of his spiritual thoughts alone.

   Soon, this huge Ling'an City was covered by Xue An's majestic spirit.

   In his spiritual mind world, he can clearly perceive a vast and majestic existence in the sky like a bright moon.

   That should be the Wensheng tablet.

   In addition, this huge Ling'an City is unsurprisingly possessed large and small restricted areas.

   The largest and most powerful one is naturally the City Lord’s Mansion located in the center of the city.

   Even if he just glanced far away through Divine Mind, Xue An felt burnt.

   In addition to this city lord’s mansion, there are many restricted areas of different sizes.

   And through the breath on this portrait, Xue An did not find the existence of Qie Weilan in Ling'an City.

   He had expected this a long time ago.

   Then don't ask, there are only two possibilities for this Weilan now, one is that he is no longer in this Ling'an City, but this is almost impossible, because she can't escape so fast on her own.

   What's more, through the narratives of these girls, Xue An knew that Qi Weilan was definitely not the kind of person who left everyone behind and fleeed alone. She was most likely to find Xu Gaotian.

  The second possibility also jumped out. Since she was not found in the public areas that could be explored, she could only be in the City Lord's Mansion or those divine mind forbidden areas of different sizes.

   And the most likely one is the City Lord’s Mansion.

   Thinking of this, Xue An sneered slightly.

   The spirit barrier of this city lord’s mansion seems to be majestic and indestructible.

   But his eyes are still full of holes.

   There is no other reason, it is because no matter how powerful the enchantment is, it must be supplemented with aura.

   As it exists like the City Lord's Mansion, it needs more than one spiritual vein to supplement it.

   From the bright side, there is no trace of spiritual veins in this city lord mansion.

   Then it is most likely to come from the spiritual veins underground.

   Thinking of this, Xue An couldn't help but recall what he had encountered in the Yin and Yang home in Tianwaitian.

   Xue An also encountered a similar situation in Yuehua City.

   It's just that Xue An's mind at that time was far less powerful than it is now.

   So he can only enter it by brute force.

   But today is different, now Xue An is already sure to invade the city lord's mansion through the underground spiritual veins.

   And he was just wondering why this little Ling'an Domain had such a complicated situation.

   Especially the father and son Xu Lingan and Xu Gaotian made him have a lot of doubts.

   Thinking of this, Xue An first opened his eyes and looked at everyone.

   "How is it?" Zhuo Ben asked immediately.

   Qianer and the girls present were also full of anxiety.

   Xue An shook his head, "I searched the city, but I didn't find her trace for the time being!"

   Upon hearing this, everyone looked disappointed.

   "But I plan to sneak into the city lord's mansion to take a look, but the process is a bit long, so I need to inform you in advance!"

   Zhuo Ben was startled, "Sneak into the City Lord's Mansion? Is this a bit too dangerous?"

   You need to know that just a Xu Gaotian has already caused them to be overwhelmed.

   There is an old fox Xu Ling'an in the city lord’s mansion!

   Isn't it dangerous to sneak in rashly?

   "Yes, my son, UU reading Although we really want to find Miss Qie, if this makes you take too much risk, wouldn't it hurt you?" Qian'er also said.

   Xue An smiled, "Don't worry, although it is the City Lord's Mansion, I still don't put them in my eyes!"

   While speaking, Xue An picked up the chair next to him and sat in the courtyard like this.

   This time his spiritual mind came to the front of the city lord’s mansion, but he did not approach, but dived underground quietly.

   But just after diving for less than three feet, a dense rune barrier appeared in front of him.

   Xue An had anticipated this early. This Xu Ling'an was not a fool, and he would never sit back and watch such an important life gate.

   These talisman seals that can block the infiltration of divine thoughts are one of them.

   But this doesn't bother Xue An at all.

   I saw his divine thoughts spread out like mist, and then turned into strands of existence that resembled spiritual energy, and then easily passed through this layer of talisman seals.

   The whole process did not cause any reaction from Fu Zhuan.

   I could see that Xu Ling'an should have absolute confidence in his arrangement and strength, and he would have a smooth journey after passing through.

   Soon, Xue An penetrated into the network of underground spiritual veins.

   Then Xue An separated a trace of his own divine consciousness and integrated it into these countless spiritual veins.

   In an instant, a map of the spiritual vein distribution of the entire Ling'an City appeared in Xue An's mind.

   (End of this chapter)

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