Chapter 2734 the secret

   Next, through the narration of the old man, Xue An finally understood the outline of the matter.

   It turns out that this old man is indeed the original Ling'an domain domain master Xu Ling'an, but now the one in the city lord's mansion is his apprentice, named Shi Chang.

   This Xu Ling'an entered this Ling'an domain after successfully being promoted to the general.

   The Ling'an Realm at that time was even more desolate than it is now, and the Dao veins are withered, and the style of writing is clumsy, which can be described as a barren land.

   After Xu Ling'an became the master, he reinvigorated the Dao veins and reorganized his writing style, and soon the Ling'an domain was prosperous.

   Not only that, Xu Ling'an also selected many talented and qualified children from the folks to train, and finally selected several talented young people as disciples.

   Shi Chang is one of them, and he is also the one with the best talent.

  Xu Ling'an also cared for him. With careful training, this Shi Chang's cultivation can be described as a blast.

  If it develops along this track, it will be a beautiful story of master and apprentice governing a region of land together.

   What made Xu Ling safe and never expected was that this good apprentice he had carefully cultivated would actually give himself a fatal blow behind his back.

   That was when Shi Chang had just proclaimed the fifth-rank captain, Xu Ling'an held a grand celebration ceremony for his disciple, and explained in the ceremony that he would hand this Lingan domain to Shi Chang in the future.

   No one thought that on the night after this feast, Shi Chang sneaked into the room of Xu Ling'an, who was already drunk, and directly attacked him.

Hearing this, Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly, "No, since he was only just proving the fifth rank captain at that time, and you are a magnificent general of the fourth rank, even if he made a surprise attack, he couldn't get it anymore. You!"

   The old man smiled wryly when he heard the words, "You have said a lot, but this wolfish ambition guy doesn't know where to get a third-rank general seal, and directly suppressed my cultivation base!"

   Xue An's eyes flickered slightly, "Then what then?"

   "Then I woke up, and when I found out where I was, I couldn't help but yell at Shi Chang, but at that time Shi Chang just listened with a smile, and he sneered until I got tired of yelling."

   "Master, it is too late to say anything else. This world is a world of winners and losers. I am very grateful to you for training me, but your mind can no longer keep up with this world!"

   "Is this what he said?" Xue An asked with a frown.

   "It's his original words!"

   "Go on!"

   "Later, I questioned him heartbrokenly. I was ready to hand over this Ling An Realm to him. Why is he so anxious? He was silent for a while before speaking slowly, I also couldn't help myself!"

   "I can't help it!" Xue An muttered softly.

   And the old man's emotions became more and more agitated, "At the time I was so angry that I thought it was his excuse. I asked him at the time, what if you kill me?"

   "The Ling'an domain was created by me. I died suddenly, and it would definitely cause vibrations in all directions. At that time, he was only a fifth-rank captain and he absolutely couldn't suppress it!"

   "Unexpectedly, this Shi Chang sneered and said to me, it would not bother me to bother, since I did this, then I must have this certainty! Talking..."

   The old man paused, and there was a glimmer of fear in his eyes.

   "His face and body shape changed rapidly, and eventually he became the same as me, even his verbal temperament imitated vividly!"

   "Then he asked me triumphantly, do you think you can hide from the sky?"

   Speaking of this, the old man's words and expressions are full of sadness.

   "So you were locked in here by him?" Xue An asked.

   The old man nodded, "Yes!"

   Xue An frowned and walked a few steps in the darkness.

The old man watched quietly, and finally couldn't help asking: "What's the situation outside now, how did that evil obstacle deal with the latter? You know, besides him, I have also taught many apprentices. What about those people? ?"

   Xue An stopped and sighed lightly, "Actually, you should have thought of it. Since he did this, do you think your apprentices or those who knew these things can still live?"

   The old man was silent.

   As Xue An said, he is actually like Ming Spiegel in his heart, knowing that those people will never be spared, but he still has a glimmer of hope, but now... the hope is shattered.

   At the same time, Xue An looked at the old man very seriously.

   "Through your narrative, I found that there are three very critical questions!"

   "Which three questions?"

   "First, this Shi Chang is a disciple you cultivated since childhood. What was his temperament in the beginning?"

   "It can be called loyal and honest!"

"Then why did his temperament change drastically later, and he suddenly killed his master to seize power? Because you also said that at that time you publicly announced that you would hand over the Ling'an Realm to him, so he could obviously get the right to hold his hand, so why was he so anxious? To seize it through such despicable means?"

   The old man was also lost in confusion. "Yeah! This is exactly what I have been unable to figure out all these years!"

   "The second question is how he obtained the third-rank general seal that he suppressed you, and later he changed to look like you. Who taught him this secret technique?"

   The confusion on the face of the old man is more intense.

   "The third question is also the most critical question, since he has done so..."

   Xue An took a deep look at him, "Why didn't he kill you, but instead put you in an underground cage?"

   The old man shook his head and smiled bitterly.

   "Young man, you really have a keen mind. I have been thinking about these issues for years, but you can sum it up after listening to them. To be honest, I don't know why he did this!"

   "Maybe only he can know the real answer!"

   After that, the old man looked at Xue An again.

"Young man, you came to find that girl. It happened to be fate to meet me, but I still want to warn you, don't underestimate Shi Chang, this person can become a general in a short time. It is enough to prove his horror!"

   "So you should not do this plan of trying to sneak into the city lord's mansion!"

   Xue An smiled, "Sorry, you said it was late!"

   Just when this avatar of Xue An was talking to the old man, Xue An from the outside world was not idle either.

   He finally found a few spiritual veins leading to the enchantment of the city lord’s mansion from the mess of spiritual veins, and then once again separated his spiritual thoughts and sneaked into it.

   The whole process went very smoothly, without disturbing anyone, and finally successfully arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

  At this moment, in the banquet hall of the city lord's mansion, a scene of singing and dancing is rising.

   (End of this chapter)

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