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Even if it is Xu Gaotian who hates Xue An's bones and only wants to kill and then quickly, he can't help but feel lost at this moment, let alone the other people present.

Whether it was a male or female, young or old, almost all stood up and looked at the white-clothed young man in the air.

Tang Zheng on the stage whispered even more shockedly.

"Wen Shengpai actually took the initiative to choose him, how could it be possible, is it possible that his culture has become so strong?"

The little maidservant was so excited, almost jumping for joy.

"Miss, this handsome boy is really amazing."

Yun Lingxuan looked at the figure standing in the air from a distance, and said softly.

"Yeah! It's really amazing!"

The poem that Xue An said just now can be regarded as the best choice in terms of its intentions and words.

But Yun Lingxuan is more concerned about these visions inspired by Xue An.

In particular, the Wensheng tablet that took the initiative to fly over his head made Yun Lingxuan even more moved.

There seemed to be more and more mysteries in this mysterious boy.

At this moment, Shi Chang on the stage suddenly sneered.

"The poem is really good, but you just want to rely on it, you are not quite qualified, let alone I don't think this poem is more brilliant than my son's poetry!"

As a general who has been in charge of the spiritual security realm for many years, he will naturally not be easily disturbed by outside visions.

Hearing his words, Xu Gaotian quickly came to his senses, "Yes! This poem can only be called a good poem, and I am far from winning!"

Faced with the sophistry of the father and son, Xue An sneered slightly.

"Isn't it enough? That's good, then I'll let you lose your heart today!"

Then he stretched out a finger and said lightly: "Listen!"

Xu Gaotian sneered, "Listen well? Can you still make ten or eight poems?"

But as soon as his voice fell, Xue An chanted.

"The osmanthus flowers fall at leisure, and the spring sky is quiet at night. The moon rises to startle the mountains and the birds are screaming in the spring!"

The smile on Xu Gaotian's face froze.

Shi Chang, who had been standing on the stage with the old god, finally changed his face after hearing this poem, and Huo Ran opened his eyes and stared at Xue An.

But this is far from over, Xue An stretched out his second finger.

"Middle-aged is quite good, late in Nanshan.

When Xinglai goes alone, he knows nothing about victory.

Walk to the poor place and sit and watch the clouds rise.

Occasionally, Lin old man, chatting and laughing without repayment. "

Immediately afterwards, Xue An extended a third finger, and read the next poem almost without stopping.

"No one is seen in the empty mountain, but there is noise. Return to the scene and go into the deep forest, and reappear on the moss!"

Then Xue An spoke faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye he read a full ten poems about emptiness, and none of them were the same, all of them were excellent works.

Everyone's mouths gradually opened as he chanted, and in the end they even turned from shock to numbness.


No matter how well-informed people are, they have never seen such a masterful act of writing poems like selling vegetables.

Xue An easily read that piece of fine work like a Chinese cabbage without money. At the same time, it easily shattered the self-esteem of every scholar of scribes present.

Many people trembled their lips and made up their minds secretly.

From now more poems!

There is no other reason, it's really insulting, and I didn't play it like this at all.

I have worked so hard for a lifetime and may not be able to write a masterpiece that can be remembered.

This is not good, and he casually said it is a shocking article, the gap is so desperate.

Even Yun Lingxuan, who had been sitting on the chair, had already stood up and came to the front of the stage without knowing when she looked at the young man in white who screamed Fang Qiu in the air with an innocent temperament.

Wu Zizhang in the corner suddenly sighed.

"I don't know what a real talent is today. Sometimes the gap between people and people is really bigger than that between people and dogs!"

Although these remarks were crude, Han Bochao, Yao Yachao and the others were deeply impressed.

At the same time, after reading ten poems, Xue An clenched his palms into fists, and looked at the dumbfounded Shi Chang and Xu Gaotian father and son indifferently.

"Now, is that enough?"

The whole audience could hear the voices of some people shaking their teeth because they were too excited.

Many students' faces flushed with excitement.

Because they knew that even though they failed to make a name for themselves at this literary meeting, they could be regarded as witnessing history.

This scene will definitely be recorded in the history books, and I can proudly say that I have witnessed this shocking scene with my own eyes.

Looking at Shi Chang and Xu Gaotian, the father and son, their faces were all pale.

No matter how unreasonable they were, when Xue An read ten poems with almost crushing advantages, they all knew clearly.

I lost!

And the loss was a complete failure.

But after a while, Shi Chang took the lead in reacting.

The expression on his face was fluctuating, and finally changed to a smiley expression.

"Hahahaha really is a rare talent, I really didn't expect to be able to witness these stories in my Ling'an City Lord's mansion!"

This sudden change in attitude left many people confused.

Especially this Xu Gaotian, saw him yell impatiently.


Shi Chang gave him a fierce look, and then continued to speak.

"My son, there is no doubt that you won this literary meeting. I was just doing a routine job just now. I hope you won't be offended!"

After all, he bowed his hand to Xue An in a serious manner.

Not to mention anything else, based on the seamless connection and conversion of the former and the latter, it can be seen that this Shi Chang is definitely a man of the deepest in the city. UU reading

But I have to say that his performance successfully deceived many people present.

Everyone sighed secretly, and the expressions on their faces became active.

After all, no one hopes that a good literary meeting will eventually become a battlefield for meeting by force.

Although the general really wanted to support his eldest son at the beginning, this was also human nature.

But now that he can correct his mistakes and correct his attitude in time, it can be regarded as great.

But what everyone did not expect was that Xue An, who stood high in the sky, did not accept his apology at all.

Instead, there was a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

"Routine? Haha, that's a pretty good excuse!"

As soon as this remark came out, Shi Chang's face instantly became gloomy.

Many people are even more inexplicable, and don't know what Xue An is going to do?

Why reject the goodwill of the general?

Although he did a little too much before, but now he has already apologized, but this young man in white still refuses to accept it. This is a bit of a bad idea!

And as long as he accepts the general's apology, his reputation and status are at his fingertips.

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